whlfch arc provid1ec with. lowers * by the Clhicago Plant, Flo-wer and Fruit guild. The tour xvas made on Wednesday afternoop, institutions visited wvere Chase p House, St. Juliana nursery, and theý XýVomen.'s' and Children's ,hospital. Everywhere in. these institutiois. Were to be found flowers delivere.d, earlier, i the day by the. Flo,%ver guild.m'otor trucks. Among those wvho 'made the tour were Mrs. Frank C. Nason, president of the..Kenilworth Homne and Gardeni club, 'Mrs. Si. L. Miller of Wilmette, division chairman of the guild for this .territory,' and Mrs. J., H. Glass of Wilmette. Flower guild day for. Wilmette is Tuesday o.f each wveek, and contribu-* tions may be. left at the depot of the Chicago and North'*Western railroad before 9. o'clock in the mnorning; Flowers will als be colleçted frim donors, li they phione Mrs. Miller on Mondav and niake the necessary ar- rangements. Vassar Club Sponsors Brazeton Lectures The -North Shore Vassar sponsoring as its chief pro. the early autuxnn a series of~ Club ;, t I A. G. Ackermarin, Jr.. Photo, Wallace Mitchell, presidcnt of Theta Upsilo;t Rho, ptirchascs the. first ticket to the animal benefi t dance of thse organiation, front Miss Mlildred Frmer, ticket chair- inan, 'as Miss Alice Prichard, Icft, and Miss Elsie Jane Edge, right, look on. The dance, a summner for- mal, will be held at the Kenilzcorth. v.ay bc obtaincd f ront »nbers or, at the door thaï vuig Sweaters and shirts.. and lots of thern! And our newfal cfllection shows them perfectly matched in new autumn colors: Winter Rose, Glengarry Green, Sand- ringham nB lue., Red Currant, Cinnamon Bark., Nicotine Brown' Na'y and'.Black. The s wea ters,, of. fine- genuine Super- Cu na in the sof test -quality, are. Wash.- able and twill not shrink , stretch, sag or. wrinkle.Szs 2to0-40. Boatnek, round neck or club collar. Skirts,:inflan nel or shetlanjd, are pleated, gored or buttoned down the:,front. The pleated and gored have zipper.-cosns- 1 vANSTN ILIaI wwan, is a prvific writer liaving many- magazine articles, fiction, and verse, to her credit as wellf as several. books. Among the latter are an early novel, two poetic studies, "How to Read Poetry," and "How to Write Poetry," and a journalistic work. "Wriingand Editing for Womien." Mrs. Brazelton bas also lectured widely. She bas appeared frequently in Chicago and vicinity, and has been much in demand in California, New secretary of the Woman's,,Club of Wilmette, her appointment made by' the board of directors to fili the office to which Mrs. William H. Hayt was elected this spring. Mrs. Hiayt is moving froni Wilmette to Cincinnati. Fmme Uflfl uAàLIflv CRANE CO., 1224 Emsosn St., Lveue" .mI FOR YOUR SI-A OISPLAT BOOM PILLU WIT PLUMBIN# AND HUATRE* SUOORSTI@NS. <OMSINM Ia 0OU S. MkidblmeAV184chaUOs ~Ep