Weddinhg Sept. il1 Mliss joan Bersbacl is to be hier sister's maid of honor N%,hen Helen Bersbach. becomes. the bride-' of, Robert Hall M.%1cCor- inick IIi edding ceremony at the Winnetka Congregational church early in thefaiTe wedding date bas been set for Saturday, September: 11. .The ceremony will take -place at 4:-30 o'clock in. the. afternoon and will l)e followed by, a "receptionl at the home of the bride's mnother,, M\,rs. Frank John Bersbach of 30 Indian 1HilI road. Mrs. WVilliam B.-M. -Hutch.inson, the former Barbara Bersbach,, who was married just -a year ago ini Sep- tember,. will also be in the wedding party' and is coming fromn her home in New York City to attend her sis- ter as matron of honor. The bridesmaids will be Miss Ethel' Husband of Chicago îvho formerly lived in Winnetka, Miss Elise Clow of Lake Forest, and four Shipley school classmates of the bride-Mis s Mary, Alice Bacon of Chicago, Miss Anne Bryant of Wheaton, Miss Elea,- n or Philler of Philadelphia, and Miss Phoebe D avis of, New York. Ata luncheon giveti Saturday, Aug- ust .7, Mr. and Mrs,. Sherman B. Orwig of 921 Greenwood avenue, Wil- mette, announced the engagement of their' daugbter Jun e, to James R. Lyon,. son, of Mr. and , M rs. Hugh Lvon of East Rochester, N. Y. SMiss Or wig attended'Knox ýcollege and gr-aduated from Lawrence college., She is a membe r o f Pi IBeta. Phi. Mr. Lyoný was graduated from Syracuse university, where he became a me m- ber of Alpha. Chi Sigma, honiorary fraternity. The wedding wll ë lc i h early fa.1ae lc i.h Engoged Tj. D. Toloff Photo In thçe crly flu Miss lune Orwig of W,1iliette zcill becorné the bride of James R. Lyon, son of Mr. and MIrs. Hugh Lyon of East Rochester, N. Y., her parents, AIr. and M1rs. .Shermzan B. Orwîcig, announce. for September 28 *St. Francis Xavier 'churchi in Wiliiette xviii be the scene of the wedding of Miss Grace, Mari-1 on Ludwig, daughter of Mrs. George Luidxig of Chicago, for- meriy of Evanston, and MT 'iiliai McGivern, sonl of,,Mrs. I3arthOl- oc mew T. McGivern of 865 Fin1e street, 'Wiýnnetka, early in the. fali. 'The wedding xviii take place, Saturday moring,. Septeniber The-Rv Jam'e s Lau'er, of St. Beade'sschool, a Cousin of the bridé, is to perform the ýccrcmnony at Il o'cloék,,anid iinniediatell follow-ýiig a reception Will'be held and a weddiig brýeakfast served at the Georgian hotel in Evanston.« The bride Will h1ave two attendant>, hier sister, Mfiss Clara Frances Liid- wig, who is to be the niaid. of lhonor. and Miss Catherine MGvenoi Winnet ka, sister of the bridegroon. the bridesmaid., Paul Phillips of W'intctka is tô serve Nir. McGivern as best man, awd, the ushers îvill be Chiarles Pfinigsteln of Evanston, formcirlv of \Vjintka. James Whitaker of Wý'iiiietka. an.d George Browning of Wilinettu. George Ludwig is to,give his sistur McCormick, and three of, the ushers ivili be relatives of the bridegroom. They are his brotbiers-ii-law, Sargent Collier of Boston and Warren Buck- ler, Jr., of Baltîiore, and his cousin-, Robert Ayer of New York. The seven remaining ushers, Gor- don Palmer of Chicago. Howard Gil- lette, Jr., Chauncey Hutchins, Michael Cudahy. John Jordan cif Erie. Pa., Peter Smith of New York, and Car- roll Cavenaugh of Norwalk, Conn., Carlos Photo Miss -Mary Alice Leslie of! Wiin- iietka,. daughter of Mrs. Eugene Hamilton Leslie, zvill be niarried this autuomn ta C. H-arold Hurtt, Jr., son of. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hurtt of Wiliimctte. Sets Wedding Doy 01 liollor dat acock-tail parts- anca .shoiver to be giveti Mis Lorrainle Lanier of Chicago.* Several weeks ago Mrs. Mtio Thomi of Chicago' was hostess ýat , a dinner party and linen showerý for Miss Ludwig., Other par ties w'ere given for, ber earlier in the sumnier. M r. McGivern and %bis. vife. cxp)çct to miake .their home in Evanston. rs. W, W. Kerr and Mrs. Cordon ýon were the assistant hostesses. very pleasant afternoon closed a ingering social hour. man of ill -usher.. to the moon.' inake. ti ti AA"- -il, ut nis JiICI s e and bridegroonM will go h woods on their honey- when they return wilI home in Chicago. ' . . 1