Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Aug 1937, p. 32

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Seets for Students Mrs. Mary Hoover Ellis of Chicago, well kniown i n music circles in the citv, entertained ýSixtv%,-sî i o lier -friends. at a, luncheon and mi'icale in. the East lounge of the Edgewater ,Beach i hotel Monday of tbis, mweek for the benefit of munsic ,Asa. resuit, Mrs. Ellis made it possib.le Lor her sorority, Mu Phi Epsilou, honorary.mu sic sorority hiav- ing a chapter at the American Con-. serva tory Music, to give ýfiftY-six opera s;eat s to that con servatory. To the presideitJ. R. Hattstad. the presentation was made by Mrs. James G. Shaknian of Wilmfette. The seats will be given to worthy music stu- denits at Mr, Hattstad's discretin. *Arthur Becker, dean of the De Paul niversitN, school of music âlso ,%as presented with fiftv-six seats for students in his school, the presenta- tioni ý*lso leing made by Mrs. Shak- man,. president of the Opera Lunch- eoni club 'under whose auspices these ,.eekly luincheons are giveni. .Noiiday's musicale was given by two Chicago City Opera company sîngers. Williami Ross, tenor. and, Club for 1937-38 Louis S. Anderson of E-,vans-: ý-ton was electedý president of ShaN-wnee Country club' at the recent a nn ualI meeting. and Robert DeeJohn G. Wý,itt- b.old, and Frank Marshall'. ail of Witnnetka, were made vice- presidents. Fred J. -Pioger ýOf- *E,%anston ivas made secret'arv, antidCanîile H. Jongleux1 of Ev- anston, treasurer. _ Directors elected to serve -for a terni ýof three years, begininiii lI AuguIst, are:: Frederick E.. Bechstein of E.vanston. Robert 'A.. Seidel of Glencoe, John G. Wilson of \Vjil- mette, an -d Harold E.. Johnson of Ev- an ston. 1At, th.e Iast meeting of the boa ' d of governors, a vote of thanks -,as ex- tended to Dr. C. G. Shearon of. Wil- mnette, president, and his officers and directors for the comme ndable %vork done by theni during the past year. North shore' residents recentlv takeni into membership at Shawnce are: John B. Dunbar,. Mi ss Barbara Louise Rainser, of Winnetka: Charles E. Driver, Donald Royce, Albert R. Fleischmann, GeorgeS. Milnor.'anid iEdith Miason spoke Monday, urging that *al Chicago- and the north shore give support to the Chicago City Opera company if opera in the citl is desired. Jason Whitney, preýsident of the Opera associatÎtin, delivered an ad- Town Flous4e Studios Natchez, Miss., is to be thec home of a Glencoe bride, the former Dorothy -McDermid, wvhosc inarriage to I., Con rad Heggblom took place Saturday af ternoon, July 17, in the homne of her parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McDermnid, 419 Greenleaf avenue. 0f French lace in ssmall flowver pattern; Mer simple wed- ding gowt u as ni-ade, lace of thie sante kind forming the cor~onet to zWhiich her threc tiercd tulle veil was attached. Mr. an~d Mrs. Hegyloi are to go to P. Kessler, Karl G. Kempf, Martin1 B. Sand, Albert J. Graf, John William-i Dienhart, Jr., Nelson C. Works, anid Thomias H. Henkle, of Wilmette. Charles R.-D'Olive of Glencoe. Bertrarn A,.,Weber ofý Highland. Park., Paul Reimuùller of Northbrook,. and Stephien Love, Norman Harper. \Vil- liani D. Reagan, Gustav F. Lýanigleck., Prof. Garrett H. Leverton., Wiîithrop -,\. Stone, Melvin W. .Bishop, -Mark of Rcsewood avenue,. Winnetka, . an- nounce the birth of a daughter on Tuuâday morning at the' Evanston hospital. The baby, who bas not beelnnmed, has a sister Janet. rucnicEdwin Comfort, son of Mr. and anek of Wi-.MIrs. jo.seph Comfort, 812 Prairie. Smembers of avenue, came home *for his vacation i club aàt ber two weeks ago. Mr. Comfort taught. i Lakes, Wis., at the summer, schooi session of iAugust.' Mrs. Tulane university and will teach, at of the club. Arkansas university this, lu. is the living.

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