$10 . . , ~15 Paul $tone-Raymor, Ltd. .fiss-Janet Gregory returned Fridav of last zveek fromn a zeeek's zacationi litt iltIlIrouî.Voit.I ain club, Iv coin pîte - Ians for the tea lier parents ,Ipa bt( !fie 1fplier sept ember.12. ini fhe gardens of their home on. Voltz road. lifer ioVer rs.. Stepheit S. Gregory, Jr.,lia's renmailied atfthe club witli Iu'r voiiiuqier daliters, A'iin and Dorothy, May,,and wvill plot heuulomie unflSepiembcr 3 or 4. MIr. Gregory rn«y 1joi ilt hein for a 7ceeek at flie end o)f this& »ioh. His elt dtgh 'tr Ù411 return to Brv, Mawr a fürtniht or su afer lier debut. Miss Gregory is amo .xg the groiip of Win:necf a debit- tailtes expected to. be one of the tuodels at the aniiual fall fash ion show gîqiv'li uîder auspices of the Winnetka board for the be,îefit of Nlortlîu'stcrîî Uni- versity setfflenien t Saturda-v, Septenîber 25, ini flhe Sko hie Schovol aiudl*i o riuî Clencoe Reception, wvedding of Miss Jane Gilles- pie anid Spencer D. Smith oi Lake Forest wili.be ie.ld in Glen- coe. at the home of Mrs. Frank S. Wa1ker, 031 Forest, avenue. Dr. J. U. F. P)avies of. Waukegan, vho is to spend the month of August at Egg Harbor, will corne down. to, read the wedding service for Miss Gillespie and Mr. Smith, at 4:30 Sat- tour guests at Iiuncneon and in hanor of her- sister. Women's Pro-Amateur CLountry club for their, annual W~orn- en's' pro-amnateur event Sunday, Aug- ust 15, at 1 o'clock. The tournament- is held under the joint auspices of the Chicago. Womnen's District Golf asso- ciation and the Illinois Professional Golfers' association of which North Shore's own "pro," Alec Cunnin1g- hami, is president. group of woti-' en golfers from the club plan to coin- pete ini this event.' Hats.. . . . N. A, Hanna, mIc., 952 Spanish Ct. ee. or, ,anston. D)resses, $5