-aKreported 1to the police department at ter- 5:50 a. m'., due to the fact that the hree burgiar cut the telephone wires in -each home, and it was necessary for the occupants tQ go. outsi.le to reach a telephone. Somé time. carlier *Mr. and'. r s.. Weldon were awàkened by .ai mai entering their. room., Because he kept *a flashliglit in ýtheir eyes they could give no accurate description of the intruder.ý He took seine mon ey f romn Mr. Weldon's dresser, and, then asked Mrs.,\Veldon where lier moiney wasý kept. She' replied that it was inia cupboard downstairs, and thie mail re- marked, "It had- better be tliere.'l She* then told him of the children ln another room, and he stated that-he would not harmn them. H e -ve iit downstairs, got the money, ate soein cake'and bananas he found lin the' cupboard, and departedaftex' warning, the. couple to cover lup and.reinaixi quiet, as they were being watclec.. Th~e iQot amouated to $S30, Appearing at the Howard hiome, the burgiar again used his flashli-lht, but '.\r. Howard succeeded ini getting a good description of hin. whichi tallied with that of a burgiar wvho lias been working in Evanston, River For- est, LaGrange Park, and W'aukegani. Entering through the wv-ido\\ of '-\r. Howard's bedroom, the intruder coin- inanded hlm to turni his face to theu w~al, adding: "I doni't hurt aiiybodyv who doesn't bother me." H-e secured yDtRêA>AhW THE EFFECT OF Miss Leslie Fitz, 625 Maple avenue. has as her houseguest, Miss Mary Isabella Smith of Manhattan, Kas. Miss Fitz graduated from Kanîsas State college at Manhattan a f ew ,weeks ago, and came home M\oniday. of last week with Miss Smith, lier classmate, and. her father, Leslie --\. Fitz, wvho attended the commence- ment exercises. Miss Smith xii bc with the Fitz' for another vveek, or two. *Never use lighter oi thrn tMelig/test grade recome.neded 6y the manfactrer .Iwasr car. 0,1937 DA&rR ILL? I1IlJAi JdJ GASOLIHI Two hours from North Shore o>n clear, cleali lake. Flsh»ig an~d Golf. Hlghway 89. Write, phone or cali Robert 'P. Ferry Le ~.Mini.,Wl..