Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Aug 1937, p. 41

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Home Loan A Ctivity The highiest total of credit olnt- Standing ever reached b)v anv' of thie twleFederal Homne Loan batiks w-as registered by thje Chicago barik, last keek when the figur-e of $28,038.-1 ()22 wvas showtîl on-the balance sheet, Tbtts the rnonth started wvith a spurt of activity scrving to reverse the lag-ý ga-( trenîd of Julv loatis in, thé lii- iois-WiiScotîsiitî district, A. R., Gard-1 uer. president, of. theý batik savs. * Reports on- motithlv boan volume sent todav to the Federal Board at * \Vasllingtoni ,sho-wed that Julv ad-* vanîcesý totalled $72?3.906..86,' a ,(lowvt- Nvard m'action fromi the peak, nonth of mo~re than ý$2,00.,000 rcgistered in June.. T'hese loans to 'savings. bu1ild-. ttîg and loyati associations also te- flected a 32 per cent lU-off frotu thec jui il 1936 volum. _NIr., Gardni.ei çomliitunt that ec ]avig betwveen high audà loxv oths *lias becil a characteristic of batik acti'rit 'exer site early spring, and the star performanice mnade dîtring the first fewvdav. In Attgust already iIIdiCates' that it mill be onie of thie up mionths. He suggested that the flowv of Pl'ivate *funds itto thc savitIgs. buiiiil*,g anid loat associations trace- able to the satisfactory dividend rates I)ai(l for the first hali vear accotîts partially for thîe sn-tail loati dumartd tn Jt.ily. I)enonstratiiîg that theru lias 1)b' et no Consistent tapertngo off of- loali de- loint- I troni me 11 it dik It- tlle localiti cK whiclî is $295,060 more tlîan for- the sanie p rtod of 1936. A rtsing market for- existiiig home~ prop- cirties atnd Ille residenttal buitldinig re- vival wvicbi is :hoxw ttg conitiuued Str'Clgtli int the iiettopoîttati localities, tt 'the district justit' tbhe belief that thie flow of batik funids to. associa- tions will Continue at ablit Ille present tpace uwitil îvîntet: sets i., i ivas sait. W. G. Ruggles A ssociates, Imc., Exclusive Agents for Tract l3uilàding activity Iin the Pine Crest -Sutbdivision. ibo'cated,.just off Ridge road oni H ighlatid. -Cettitral and\Vashinigtonl av-enues. Wilmnette, has reaclied a- newv bîig f poilt-since 1929 with three resi- dences iunder coiistructioni, olle of which lis practîcaIllv cotnpleted. Thi s significatît tnte lias ca'tse(l coisiderable,.conitiien t. anînnag the re.-idenits.imn the western Sec- iof (tWilimette. The tirst bouse to be started is, at, 191<) Highland avenue, buiiltby Williami G. fZtggles Associates, Inc., .a white Colonial hotme. wvhich- is now openi to tbe *public for îtîsPectiort aid is for. sale. Max Sclîattz lias started constructioti (,i bis newv honme at 1922 Cenitral avetile. a jouirbedroo fit two atîdcionç-hal bah. brick vetîeer residenice of English de- signl. Mr. Schantz is -klow. residing mii Chicago atnd slhould bc in bis newv hotme ini the üarly fail. lt is interesting bti ote that in the construction of this bouse ai inýiilated wall board is bleiig usédl iii place of cotunioti wood slieatlîing. At 192,3Cetîtral avenue, directly across froi Mr. Slîantz's niew home is a four bedroou, oti atnd oile-liaif bath resi- dence whlic i s Ibeitig cotîstructed for ati unjdiscJosed r>wner. Thîis bouse is of seinii-nmodern desîgn, casutnent steel win- Ruggles and company, Evanston real- tors, are the exclusive agents -for tio territory and are actively engaged it' the marketing of the vacant lots avait- able Ini Pine Crest. The, architectura'ý departînent of the firtu, lheaded by Wil- li'ant J . Cotuiors, registered, architeci, fornîerlv associated with tbhe flrin of Holabird and Root, Chiicago, is cOc>m- pletitig plans for a three bedrooin, two and oile-lhalf bath, Englisl. bouse t-i to L. A. .Petersoti, vice-presidlei) of WV. G. Ruggles Assôciates. Summter Letdo wn Noted, in Wilmette's Permitsi Three permits emphasized. the nîid- sunîtiier Ietdowvi in Wilmiete bu1iling activitieS, .à 1ccording to Building Cotu- tîîsstotierWilliam A. \Volff.- Those 'is- si:l vere as lf ollows Atigust 3W.B. Nicko,903 Sheri- (Ian .,road, single faniily- *brick ýveneer residenice.,,Architect, F.' B. Schmidt. Builder, E. G. Petersoii. $23,000. August 5-G.. M. Hicks, 1321 Maple avenue, private garage. Harris Brother-. bilders. $400. ýAugust .9-John Burils, 1708 Lake avenue, sinigle family brick veneer residence. Architect, R. W'ý. Stoît., Feld flouse Recorded in Kenilworth Permits Twvô builditng permits. were issued in Kenlilworth dur11ing the- first nlitie days 6'f August. Otie is for thîe necv field bouise ivhich the Park board is buildin-g at 540 Ctntor road, at a cost of $5,00() and the other is'for a two-story addition 10 the residence pf C. WVare, 325 Abbotsford road. The cost of the lattér iMprovement isl .-'I'-.'.ana i autini, vtaîy, 131 il ±. Ashland aveniue, accomipauiéd. by lier sister, Mrs. Ernest NI. Mundlee and' sotn, JQ, left late in july by miotor for Atlatntic -Beach, Fla., where Mrs Withirow lias taken a summier home for the nionth of August., They will bave as guests, Mr. and NIrs. J. R. Nfarchali of Jacksonville, FIa., par- ents of Mrs. Withrow and Mrs. Mundee. Aniother sister is also at the beach. FIRSLTMORTCAGES. LIMITEI) FUNDS À.VAILABLE ntrest irates 3½md 4%/0 CHAPMAN & COMPANY 1.35 S. LU Salle St. Fra. 076 LOW COST, REAL EST-A-T--L-OANS- We xnake real estate loans to re- new existing mortgages or for construction purposes.. Mortgages aàmortized on monthly payment plan, or 5-10 year loans mrade on yea¶ir 1 ppymen~t. ba;sis RATES REIASONABLE FIRSI NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY Fouhntai Sq., Evansfon FIST MORTGAGI LOANS 5 or 10 year térni. INC. 1 N. La Salle St., Chicago Central 0227 Owtîr rnst dspose ()f at once tg) rnpet 1jflsiiiess obligations. i .Ftrther details avaliabie. ut I CHAPMAN & COMPANY j 135 S. La Salle Street Telephone Franklin 0576 DAVIS FU 1RNITURE CRAFTSMEN 721-723 Main Street UNlversity 7210 Co.

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