Recounts Experiences of Sta- dent.,Travel1 Exchbange Tour Foreword: This letter-wag wri tten byý LoweII D- Snorf of 717 Elmnwood avenue, Wilmette, ýwho ls a member of' the Travel Exchange Tour soon to returni from. Europe under the direction of Pau, I). elaporte of the New Trier Hg coo1 faculty, directed to a friend on, the forth ghore. Thne Impressions gat ' ered,, the interestlng daetails about the Old world, and the fact that It là writ.ten from the student's IilÎiro-f v1ew make this letter unuàually worthiwhlle readlng. Those included in the group which :.!r. Paul G. 'Delaporte of New Trier High school faculty is in charge are" HASTINGS CAMP for 0. 1 R L S (7 l'o Never have girl Ôus opportuni vacation of safe Hastings Camp i 17 y.ars> rs had a more -glori- ty for a Summer e, healthful fun than pbrings them. Here as follows: Marilynn, Lois and Fran- ces Fo, Mary Jean and Elinor Lewis, Richard inney, Gertude Birmningham,,.. Betty Barker, Peg Anderson, Virginia Snorf, Dbave- Skil- lin, Cal Hill, Jack. Fyfe, ýJean Lamp- rey, and- Lowell Snorf .of Wilmette ; Dick Krause, Dor othy. Moland, and Rex Rathburn, of, Kenilworth; Mary Lou MeKisson, Nancy Brown, Jack Kinney, Betty White, and- Andy Price of. Winnetka;m Barbara Reid of Glencoe, and Dick Westphal of Ev- aà.nston. The group sailed for home on Auguit 8 on the Columbus, and will arrive back -in. New York on August Contruetl Viennese, Hwgairians I believe that the contrast between Vienna and Budapest, is quite in- teresting. The people, prosperity, Pight h f e. shopping ceýnters. plan of the gefleral a'ctivty are al tact makiniz these cities similar an( trasting. My frst impression of the Vi was that t4ey-a#.@--ery cou and we' -bred, while t ato Hungarians was that these are bold and apparently very l Perhaps the reason forth contrast is the relative prosl IThe Viennese are quite discoux niean to girls--and iopariet$L. Special Pr.gram for: OLDER GIRLS JUNIOR GIRLS YOUNGER GIRLS Ac Blankets, bedding, i n e ns , Jatte'r the war, ulîke iiustria t didn't lose their food supply. 4Austrians pay out most. of tl Jmoney for food. Their major soi 1of income is froni tourist trade. d ustry is flourishing in Hungary. (Coninued on Page .43) Treadwell Photo Here is shQtL' a Iwrtion of the ancient castie of Altena in Westphalia many. This castie tuas iised diiring thew World zvar as a detention camp Ainericait and French prisoners. Its ity-coz-ercd rampart.s look ont over EVERliTT VALENTINE n Motel Ephraim. Wlsconun *80 PENsecolu 1070 I