*So tar 1 i hve seen few men in other couintries wearing white shoes, l>ut hiere in .Budapest the colors of the. ehoes and clothes in generai dazzled uis. \X'hiie there is much manufactured goods in B3udapest, the hanidiwor.k in Vienna 'is. much- more attractive.. Leather goods, ýpetit point,. and woocd carv'ing are ail very bIeauitiful.and picturesqUe. Proôbabiy.themost prac-, ticai thing abouttes shops' is, the ciuai.ity of' the goods at such smal cosýt. I can îiot Say éenough about -the -comparative difference betwee these shops. In Vienna the'shops are beau- tifuil and are filed withf goods ôf quality, and in Budapest there is -an arrav of cheap goods. 0Of course, i both countries there are' other goodsý wvhich are very similar. Budapest la -Ca&y The night life,. whicb i s naturally interesting to0Young- people, 'is very1 gay in Budapest and rather quiet in Vienna. That may flot be the general imprs.sio>n, but accordiiig to4e people, Vienna has been very quiet since the war. Budapest on the other hand is very gay and 1 beliéve it takes the place of the Vienna that wvas. Uungarianmu sic and American dance music give us any variety we choose. The streets in Budapest are filled wvith people wvhîle those of Vienna are rather quiet. The suiphur baths are (nite popular in Budapest at nigit. *Ouirparty went one night to- the Café China eGlass sFurnitu.re Lamps- e No0velti e s REDUCED FOUR -DAYSý 5 O~'o AIJD MORE! ,..'BECINNýING MONDAY. August -16-17,-18-1 We must -make way for new shipm ents cohstantly arriving. from Englandc and the European countries. So we are çrastically reducing many lovely things from both stores' stocks' and assembling them in ouir Evanston store for your selection. A few high lights are listed here. Check these for typical savings. [AND WOVEN CELLOPHANE SUN ROOIN CHAIRS....................... $57.50 NOW 51j )VEN CELLOPHANE TABLE.......................... ................ $40.00 NOW $1( 'ENCH MARBLE AND BRONZE INK STAND ............................. $50.00 NOW Si IHOGANY TABLE .................................................. $40.00 NOW $1 ýLNUT. COFFEE. TABLE ..................;.....................$3 5.00 N~OW $1 tuful. i nere was an tuuericai dance orchestra at the hotel which made our hearts turn somewhat willingly towvard home. There are many side- walk cafes in Vienna, which is also truie in Budapest. Vienna Seems Older The gnerai appearance of Buda- pest is generaily somewhat different from that of Vienna, inasmucli as Vienna seems much older. The nxany fainous bouses in Vienna are very MAHC PINE ST:L ST. LOUIS GLASS, T ABLE ........... ........... ........ b............. $1-00NOW $7.50 AND .............................. ......... ....... $45.00NOW $10.00 GOLTsGENADCYTL........4.0NW5 .0dz GBLS, GREEN AND CRYSTAL.................5$45.00 NOW $15.00 doz. S, BLUE AND CRYSTAL............. ....4 E>WLS, ]BLUE AND CRYSTAL ..............4 ,RIS............................ ........ $ )LORS .............................. cally apprniae .. mis oppu'*L. se urope from the inside. The vY fact that almost everyone here is ifi unifort, is a very impressive Sight. AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR SUMMER> COMFORT NflW