Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Aug 1937, p. 44

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QUICK RELIEF FOR FEET Thousande of fre s= ers ,know that, OIL-f-SLT bing quik rli trle wlt &hlee' Fot.Itis angros.Use OL-of-ALT-the spootlgV ofrlg liquId for foot troubles. blk of buying rea foot b.xdesfor aslittie as 0 cets -OIL-of-8ALT Io wonderful for cuts, bura. nsci its, ndsunburn. Your drugtstwlflefid th prce If flotsitlsfied. Keep a. supply of canned or bottled beer ln your refrigerator Complete service by the barrel, half, quarter and eighth. W. haove your favorite froui4 for SpecIoi Occasions 'Phone BEN ERICKSON Erickso#'s Delivery Wil.mette 4092 picture writer, bas crashed the mu- sicians' "hall of fame" on his first attenmpt. Lou Brock, producer of "Behind the Mike," a behind-the-scenye dra- mnati'zati.on of a big radio. program, needed a theme'song for. the picture. Several, musicians labored Weeks without success1 to produce the de- siïred nielodv. The film needed a theme song which would *extol- the mierits', of "Cyrus Wittles' famous 'Crunchie- Munchies'." The regular musicians could not be- corne "Crunchie- Munchie" conscious. Then T rivers came forwvard witbh is contribu.tion. H-e explainied the words had poppe.d into bis headwhile he, was working oni a scenario-and when, he jotted them down- he founid him-- self whistling a melody that -seenied to have the proper lilt and swin'g. Trivers whistled the tune for Brock who hurriedly sumrmoned a .inusieian, to capture the tune on paper. Brock said the tunie w-as a ht and the picture. went inito production on schedule. GETS CONTRACT Judy Canova, madcap Florida cracker comedienne of the radio, who wil make ber screen debut in "Artists and Models" with Jack Benny, lias been placed under term contract. aei,- Lee iiowmnani, atid L4arry,, Crabb e,. squat! dra Stormie and ILGAIR PARK Presents in the Philharmonie Open Air Theatre 6200 Toiy Ave. West at the Itéplica of the Leanlng Towerof Pisa Pinafore .......Aug. J5--s:30 .M. by the Lake Shore Opera Company! Gladyslght. .Aug. 19-8:30 P.31. SMILES, l'le lia>-ai -h thcpleasing smilc, Gene Raymnond, appearing ini T7her-e Goes Jiyv.Girl-' noush c ing i t/waters a/Ioun the niorth shoare. His part n e> is Ainn Sot he ru ; t/te y urork- cd hard to. do) a, ood job 'il thi,4 l1lo'a'. (ilîd apI'a ren t/v thev -'Site vittiIa su pporting UdsIUt o Wd3 Ilr al cis, Errol Flynni, Ian luritCra.il Frieda Inescort. Var s ity tea1 r Auigtst 13-19. A piture with a quadruple, iintead of. a triangle marriage and lovc se- qluenice, it is recollnimcnded hy the * Bcttei Filins Couincil of Chicago a beinig, -a highly ethical (dramna.' PT dcsert locale furnishies effective scencry and the acting of the cast is finle. flnally realizes that bis wiie really is attractive; the film basbeenrcm luendcd as lighit entertaîinent. A, Star là Born. David Selzinik picture, directed.by William A. 'll Maln, ith, Janet Gaynor, Fredric Mardi, Adolph Menjonl, May ;.Rob- soni, Lioi Stander, Andy Devine. Stadiumi theater,, August 12, 13. 14. This, social. dranma in, technico1cor is highly recommended.- The tragedy of the actor,' who,, because of his weak wiIl, has slipped, from his peýd- estal, is admirably porttaved by, MNarch; the devotion to purpose anid the resultant risc to stardorn is eqùal- ly,ýyell represented bx- Janet (jaynor, and Menjou., as the frieid ofba, gives a higbly satisfactorv pe:-torni- ance. The supporting. cast, is ex- ceptionally well chosen and tice. di- rection outstanding. Hit Parade. Republic pictures. (I- rected byv Gus Meins. with Puil Regan, Frances Langfordl, Lu Henry, Edward Brophy. ;eorgýe Givot. Wilmette theater. Auigtst 14. There's littie plot. ta this glorifiudc vauevileshow, inicelv enougli to introduce a numlbçr of special num11- bers bv radio favorites. Regai. a talent -scout,.,Nylo is double rse 1)v one singer, promptly goCu mint and discovers another. Eddie Dci and Dtuke Elliingtoii ýipp1v iic inelodyv. -Hotel Haywire. A Paramnounit pic- turç', directed hy George rhina, with cast of Leo Carillo. LynuOvr nani, .Spring Byingtotn. and.-Mary Carlisle. Stadiumii theater-, August 12, 13,. 14. ,.Apractical joke is playcd( on aiinan; the mna: secks the advicu of a ý,tar-. gazer, and the general inix-tup re-_ sulting is the thlemle of Unis 1movie. Tie story. is neither. very huniorous, iior highiy entertaininu,.o(1 sd iffrater ordinary. The picture, whichi is chiiefly piize- fight draina, is to a real mnan's taste." The star y written by Francis Wal- lace wvas closely followed, and the cast is excellent. The picture is well directed, and there is no"wi- wasing,-" of tic flght gamne. The thenie, contrast between the sordid- atinosphere, of* the fight gane and, 6 :00 ANo Côver Charge at Any Timze

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