Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Aug 1937, p. 46

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JOSEPH Ki CEMENT AND MASON Specialzng-Waterproof 1714 Washington Ave. NOME IN8ULATION RALPH B WAITE, JOHNS-MAN VILLE WALLFILL, ROCK WOOL ]BLOW>N IN. 4M6 Linden or. cail Wilnn. 1240 for fre JM:bôok and est. No obligaýtion. 1SB-LTN14-4tp> ELECTRIC WELDING, B O I L E R weling, autémobtie machine shop, and parts jobber. PAVLIK BROTHERS- PHONE KENILWORTH 280-820 16LTX5-26tp PLASTERING REPAIR W0XtK ANDCONTRACTING. FREE ESTIMATES.' EDWIN B. KIEFER 453: JEFFERSON, GLENCOE 117 16LTN52-26tp GUARANTEED' SERVICE Sewing Macines,.Vacuum CIleaners and Radios. Ail makes. Free Est. BLISS ELECTRIC SERVICE 604 Dempster St. Uni. 6680, Gre. 7177 16LTNq48-tfc CARPIENTER WORK N. Halverson Wllmette 29 FURNTURE 16LTN1 4-ltP FURNTUREMOVING Long distance return load rates, insured. Local $2 rm-up. We buy furniture. Nelson Movers. Gre. 2375. 16LTN13-2tlu j.uý5EFtiur. KsU» 804 Eim ýt. Winnetka 3671 17A-LTN35-tfe CAUPETS AND.FURNITURE CLEANING CARPETS-FURNITURE CtEANED Dyed or mothproofed in your own home. Modern methods, expert workman. No ffuss or deiay. Cali Maintenance Service Co., 203 N. WVabagsh Ave., State 6326. 19A-LTN13-2tc GARDENINO ROTOTI LLING PAINTING AND oEcoRATgNGo CEIL. CALC., $2 UP BATHIROOM ENAAMELED, $, UP; kitchen enamneiéa, $7 up ;, 5 floors washed and, varnisbed, $10O; rooras papered, $6 up; outsde painting rea- sonable. Weli recommended. MURPHY & I. SKOLNIK, WIL. 4859 42LTN13-ltp SAVTE TMONEY!!! BY USINC. (GOOD MATERIAL. I SPE- cialize in homne decorating and out- side painting, with good materiai and neat workmanship) at very reasonabie prices. Phone Niles Center 199-NN. H . Mockus. .421TN12-5tpý E. NELSON Painting and Interior Decorating .WILMETTE 1891 -421,TN1?i-4tl) PIANO TUNINO.- PIANO TUNING. AND REPAIRING Th .asAil Work guaranteed ThmsLockerbie Wýilnette .822 TUNER, WILMETTE PUB. SCH-OOLS 45LTN13-4tp) REPAIRING AND RE.FIN!igHiNG, GENERAL CARPENTER WORK REPAIRING AND REMODELING Erih <irsçbhçe Jefferson Ave., Gienview 383-j 51LTN13-4tp) SEWING MACH.INE REPAIRING $i-EXPERiT ADJUSTING., ALI, makes. Foot or elec. Repairing- clea ning-overhauling. 'Work guaran- teed. Milieu Hardware. Wilmëtte 3060. 53LTN10-4tlp LOST AND POUND LOST: JULY 29, BLACK. pet Ans. to "Cliubby." Reward. Kenil. 251,6. 31,T.NI4-ltp LOST-SMALL PURE BLIACK. FEMNALE COCKER SPANIEL In Glencoe. Liberai reward. 27-54 So. Deere Park Drive. Highland Park 948ý. 3L14-Ilp PERSONAL. IXAM'fPn'T1)-TVINTI. rtOMPANION WO'rr 40LTN14-1tî) CHRISTENSEN AIAL HOSPITAL FORAIERLY YO UNOMIAlN'S KENNELS Invites, the use of our extensive and. weiî-cared for: boarding, kenniels for'your pets. Veterinarian residing on premises 730 Hiibbard Road Wilmette 1312 44LTN52-tfe COCKeR PUJPPIES BEST 0F EASTERN BREEDING. 4 mos. i red, and white; 1. black and white; maie. , bull femnale. Reason- ably priced, Wah-Neta Kenneis, Wau- kegan Rd., 1 mile,N. «of Olenview. Enjoy your vacation. without, worry: ab out your house, g ardeti Ô popery. Toselittie things you meant to do. .. and idnt weeding the gardeni, painting, general. cleaning ery- where -ail c'an be.-done by experts -While you are, away.. On.-this page we ofra directory of dependable home se rvices which eau help make your vacation care- and worr-free.. WNe need 50.0 suits this week. Xiil pay best pries. XVli cati or bring 'them to Martin'"s Clothing Store .74t2 Custer, E'vanston University 2C20 591-LTN40-tfe, LOANS UP TO $300.0o1 Melvin Wil. 3413 4 2LTN13-ltp) E. DURKOOP Painiting and 'Decoratingy GLENCOE 1512 42 LTN 12-4 tii TO THE ADVER'TISER *1 leaf Ave., Wilimctte. 68 N1-t W'OMAN NVITH 15 YEARS' L AUNDRY experience wants to take ln laundryL Curtains stretched WNe cali and deliver. Greeneaf 7869. 681.TN13.72tp NVIRE-HAIRED FOX TER RIERPUP- pies. Champion.. Pedigree. Registered Stocýk. $25.00 and-up. Deerpath Kennels. Cilavey and Ridge Road, Highland Park, * Illfiois. 44LTN13-2tp 3 BEAUTIFUL AIND HEALTHY PEDI- greed, wire haired terriers, 3 mnonthis old,.$20-$25-735. Ilouse broken. 1504 Sher-, man Ave., E-vains. Gre. 8832. 4 .44LTNl44ltp FOR SALE-COCKER SPANIEL PUP- pies- Pedigreed. M.\aie and fernalu. Homie raise4d. ('iiencoe 1167). 44Ll4-ltl> WEARING APPAREL FOR SALEý TTailor-miade nen's suits. Iniî>oriýtvd woolens. Sizes 4q and 42-'10 &$5 Glencoe 890 591/'N 14 1t 1) 11,

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