,PRTvA'rFK 44 B'LR<M rAK '>- tae nnerç;pring rnattrg, ki,;, eai, gaiq refrig., boat. I n pinr'wr1 400 i~ N. W. Auigt 1 4 tf, n f'.r ACRXAGEAND TAU A-' a iprrn nprt br)rneIA l PINGN<o rý,rs-ir'I"mtar,- h'-a itifil nd rivi6wn yg", W inl 1 f 41irîrL-i hils. atfring hu;lnhlir't( (it- J rar;i -h,,rrn a nll il,- ,;-ilii,i 1ity,' as wPJI i na.nv rth-r A(41<I'5 11< NCI I 0 frrî, t <'7 I 4.5<î.fi vs "-1,(>(i0 Oit <otfîîi Tî.-xî, ,îî-il t',,îîiît rwI iii.' if;. F-5<FA'SIVI <1-N11 I:a i i inm~tiîti î 41/FN-I F Pt REAL KsTATE LOAPpS 1 ,'N ' N IT i $NI N ' K VITIM I. i ai-' Fn-iIgo w il a 1( il N o Iltifit 1 rI <it <i il' 4 2 l ;,iiqii af }4*'S IN<I.C4) 111 ANaSc &î'FFIt (;r S 1 eli 1', v l 1F.zf M f. i , Nit'. ('IIf{î,i ,12 7 A - 1arTNI G' t ff l 1722 ý N4N VNT la ~r1ar'nrrrt~,tables, 'hprarnh~l I~sa ntir,th<,r Intprpstîingpletect. <rr tak(rin rr Irapk.r4,stip ve, a ndlri1r.~~ig A ri',s)ý4ilt wiIIl ld . 1 N Iý: A1 ) Ats PJ><". F'K. 92241 74~i SFlUîIAjNIl. OPE.,;EVES. 1 2 51 TVN -2tc 1j. t Pi2 iia'-h rFIA T M~A FFF N fI U (10 12'sF,14-tPr <iaaflçpl <ni'yDA RF' m4 .. Kf ,As ~ rt t ý irîi v , 1. m1 )4.(]k-r, rng tt fi '- If.i;' '~ t, , h11;1rjy , filari r,~ HIA N'FF-(RAEiM Xr AN titi-a kfilo t ~wit h iadlrr bark chirsn. Nia r t.>'tjîtbi tia nart r>d, .Oc'a s-iîîja I hi tle. , hi'd l ari vinity lf ti i1-~-, Iligh <1<'i i i tding tiflhlf-. 7 ( -i 1,11îa h;fl7e lit 11 il-irV ; r ch to'p kif h.. talii'M'ilat: .q if-0il mdv('. WJJ 2fM : Y ....12 ,TNI4 -1P .NIiQt 1' :P;A 1,L W 1A-h 'NN,4Yl4VANJA 1 P' {<N A 1HI,1 V,('A IA, W 1JN N 1,7'IKA 1. -- ~~1 291 'I'N 1 4-1 t i, mIAFF11;A N Y I 1v, 1'F , lcE I$) I v Om Fzllitî. S<', rh. s. f î '-î . anri- math' , i i il f ] WIn I bl îru1îtm A ri 1291,T'NJlt NI U.îrv-î f;,-lfclplatio. wortn,, camne h ome bunday trom a rnotor trip to the Canadian border, .Mr. and Mrs.- Mooney and Pat met Paul at Pearson, Wis., where he was at camp, and with hlm continued on their wýay to the border. They were away for two weeks. Ifiss adeleine Hutchins, 1614 Spencer avenue, came home late last week frôm 'Massachusetts wrhere she .had been visiting friends'and'r!elatives. FI sHtchins divided the six weeks, she hadý been gone between Spring- rfield and Boston, having friends' at bot h places., Mr. and M.,fr S. lýeonard E. Meyer of A-ppleton, Wis., former rtsîdents -of wifrmétte, announte the birth of al élaughter. Roberta M ary, .on. August 1. : f r. Meyer's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Jferbeèrt MNeycr, 1l422 Gregory avenue-, and Mrs. Mý,eyer is the former 4cnüvi(ve-Royer. Mr. and Mlr,. Gordon cilas 915 <)akwooci avenue, returned Sun- dlay iro)m a two vwee-ks' vacation spent at CahoCt ]lr>dgc, Sturgeon l'a-,, Vis. Todray, (hrsa)Mrs. M\ilas -parf-.nt, M-r. and Mrs. Charles E-ngel- harrit, wil h-ave tco spend the iveek- ru tf atCabot 1lodgu. WTD. TO PUY-MISCWIJANEOUS__ j'r; ii I 'Im(ILtX ,1 , *1 321TNI 2-4ti> Junk Dealer-l'hi] Schuman Iligfi prie- for furn., washing machines, thfl tubis, sinks', nuid iron. $1 for 100 Ihm. rags, rnatrn-sses. WLF7'E744L North Shore Salvage AUlK YOIT 'vl(VIN(, OR ClE'ANIN(. hous<-? Ion't throw away or give, a wa y y<ur excestt baggage- such as- rags, ipupirs, books, mags., furniture, bric-a- hraLc.. T*op prîces. Wlnnetka 1522. to Dbe-re- leased. Deck Fashions Are Given Much Attention This Year Deck fashions are receiving a, lot r)f attention - from , Hôllywood's femt- ineiéplayers this sumnmer. In "Ar-ý tis ts ;and. Models," 'a productioù,with jack Benny, Ida Lupino wears 'an at- tractilve yachting pajama. of white twill with wide, tailored siacks -and, a short-sleeverd jacket. of naviy jersey. The jacket has, a novel new type of trim.ming, -originated by the designer, Edith Head. Diagonal- rows of: white rickrack braid zigzeg-across the en- t ire. .surface,1 giving an interesting "iightning" effect. White Accents for Dark ý. resesAre Vnshii-tg White accents for black dresses are vanishing again in Hollywood. Edith Heéad, designer, bas substituted pale pink lingerie touches on several black costumes Mary Carlisle is weaning in "Double or Nothing," a production starring Bing Crosby. This style item applies to evening andi dinner clothes as weil as to simple, daytimri dIresses. igan avenu~e.' Mr. icksen, Wtio is makino- bis home with bis brother, Robert, jr., in Summnit, N. J.,, will be he-re for about.a week. --o-- Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Bruce, SI14 eighth street, and their daughter, B.etty Marie, who is a junior at New Trier, are leaving Sunday for a two weeks' vacation at Keiths' Cliff, Hazelhurst, Ais. -0- "MY WSINI ACI-IJNE, (200D FR$ A.SELAEU woitlng cond., $10);. eten,4lon Wffl- FLOR &UAI--IS CONSLE, OUOI libralry table, bias been tied ,juM dinl. WLOX& IBlCOSL EE- table,, $10; miall. rocker, - $2;- day lied, triv like nev-Singer electric portable, iherprng mattresiu, $,coi. .2 9.50 with sew light. Cie-an, oil and wr~gtIroilt lamtpai, $1.50 etn.; floor açjirt, $1.50. - Ianip, $2; telephone ,cabinet, $1.50, imali North Shore. Sewing Machine 1xhne whitfe Icé box, $2. Wllmette 3349.. 1114 DaVis St. j* 12TNl4-ltp - 31LTN14-4tpý ýTD, thls 12th day of August, MYLFES J. PHILLIPS HE~NRY FOWLER WILLIAM .WELDON F~RFED CLARKE ARTHUR YOUNGBE-RG Conistituting. the Zoning Commission of thé Village of Wilmette. IllinoiS. 414 E Fssex road, Kenilworth, are rnotorng to Montague, Mich., on Friday to vîsit their daugbter, Mar- ion, who is in camnp there.