ing as escort ships, and with more, than 50 boats entered in the events, the Sheridan Shore Yacht club w ill open two big sailing events this Sun- day afternoon. Byvirtue of0Wody Pre'svictory last year in the' Great Lakes chani- pionships at St. Joseph, Mich.,_,star class sailing craft f rom. every fleet on the Great Lakes will. com pete off Wilmette- harbor on Monday, Tues- day, Wednesday, and. Thursday morli- ings of next week for the. cup, while in the afternoons, the yacht club, will present its race week program open to everycraft of >'the class in, the. country. C harles Paj eau, past commodore. oi the. club, is general chairman of the races, and will be. assisted by W. Bur- ton Ellis, in charge of enitertaitinelt, Mrs. Charles. Galloway, chairman of, the women's events, and Norman SIorse, ,diairman of the race coin- *mittee. TwoCuttèmo In addition to the aid given by Chie f Boatswain's Mate Ca r E. *Howell of the Wîlmette Coast Guard sgtation, there will be two Coast Guard cutters froni Chicago, the Rush and the C.G. 119 to patrol the course. Thbe latter will be the judges' boat while the former will carry members of the cornmittee and representatives 9f PIRZO .0 - 4i-. -à A .OTMHER ARE DO'JTE LAUGM-EID AT SAFEV ~GN3 - SSE R 10 V Will Symphony orchestra in i lmette Bôwl. Miss Bertling is the daughter of Dr., and Mrs. Adolpheus E,. Bc.rtling of 315 Washington avenue, Wîimette. She. is weII, known to radio isteners and has sung with the Chicago City, Opera con>pany1 and the . Woman's Symphony orchestra, and has. recent- Jy- completed a two-season tour. with aïmusical extravaganza. On Wednes- day 'ight,'s programi she will sing Ballatella from ."Paglia.cci,',' by Leon- cavallo. Under the baton' of !Robert Whit- ney, welI- known pianist.composer of' Chicago, the orchestra will play Han- dels sitefrom the "Water Music,". Mozarts "Allelui a" andi cloà.e with Bordini's Polovetzian, Danesfo "Prince Igor." A, featurde- wilI be "Finale" from- Symp hony in FE Minor lsy the conuictr Robemrt Whitney. Mr. Whitney has lived in Chicago since infancy and is of the fourth generation ini a family of professional musicians. He and his four sisters form the Whitney Ensemble wbich is well known to radio listeners. His composition d'oncerto -Gros so" was performed by the Chicago, Symphony orchestra in Orchestra hall under the baton of Dr. Frederick Stock, anid at A Century of Progress with the coni- kit [made tuy one oul -ec iuD s pasi conmmodores. New Club Houa. The club, of which Arthur W. Fris- key, Jr., is commodore, recently open-, ed its new club house on the north- west, bank of the harbor, between (Coninued on Page 52) Those Sv Can 't Two of the north shore teachers who have been honored by exchange scholarships arranged by the English- Speaking union of the United States are sailing this week to assume their posts for next schooi year in schools of Great Britain. Richard Stanley Peterson, teacher of English in New Trier Township church- of Wilmette- Sunday . morn ing I5owI by the lminlois --Sytphony. The August 15, at the Il o'clock services. bowl is iocated at the foot of Wash- Dr. Brown is a missionary of the ington avenue on the lake front. Con- Presbyterian denomination. certs commence at 8:15 'o'clock. Miss Katherine Brandt, 816 Forest Signs Compain Ag nt avenue, and Miss Patricia Hellmuth, CabDrier AerCrsh 636 Garland avenue, Winnetka, are AC. HDier,518 Park.aeuh spending their vacation on a ranch local cade, 5as ark.. ed nueo, at Granby, Colo. lca abdrvr,.....stdoncon i lne ULIACI - week's inéiden by anyone a H-e is in the serving 30 da: cash wit'h whic Ïng disorderly. in lieu of $25spot j c<;iiuui u to pay a fine for be-I place of 1V cornes to Rood TIim for Profit U se Them for Resulti uaiseyV Trier. sumnier v i'.away on