the aiternoon af A notaibe ciresen. to t nota bl ecnd mi t ceretnionies. it was week by Lieutenant, Wgust 28 wNheni litary dàilitariés ýake part in the annouriced this Gi. A. T. Wash- binuri. base commiander. Construction, on thle nie%, base, Mlhich Nvas reinov.ed froni its old' lo- cat ion 'at .the naval training station, G;reat Lakes, xva9s begunî last January 4. Silice that time about ý$120.000 has, been expended ini building newi shops, ail administration buiidinig andl air- -plane lacîlities.. llie iîew aviation base xiii ini rc.aiitv be a small- naval air^ station ini that it is entirely self -supporting andi cati carry onl al overhauls af enigines anid airpines. .A crew aof 30 men and two comnîîssioned of.-, ficers are on dutv througiot. the vear at the base. Thirty- Planes' At the dedication cerenîoniieŽ about 3() nav-al reserve planes iromn bases * at 1)troit., Katisas City, Mifneapo1ii, an1d st. Louis, "%,Ill participate. regiment of]itblujackets. xii put,. on dirills anîd maneuvers, and ini can'junlc- 4'tion wItli this the* aviatôr- xiii give (lenionttios of div'e bonibing. acrial machinle gunnlery. tacticai formation fin and scouting. A grand niass flighit over the field is p)làilnedl for the finiale. The entire programi xvll take about txvo hours. including the short addresses im con- nection xith the flag raising c-c mQ*ny. -Admission is, ta bc free. and plenty ot parking space xii le avail- able, ht i.,s tated. The naval reserve scouting s(luad- ronl nMie recenitly completed its two wek'animal traiingi. duity at the base. J) the period ai trailili" fivers engaged in tacticai fiying, dive. bonibing, gunnerv, radio, navigation, nighit flving and cross-country. The piiots xvho report for this duty re- ceive the saine training that is re- ein iiite U. S. Fleet, excepton a srnaiier scale, is w-as explaifle(I. S'PONSORS DESSERT BRIDGE WViliiiette Rebekah lôdge number 610, is spoirsoring a dessert, bridge Medpies- day-, Augiust 25. The public is invited. -The past PrC .ary. of the Il A , 1ler~icai Legil w~.xiii' bc thie jerralylo and Edkwin Kappel and EllsxvrhRel v sing mimor roies. Lilyan Sacks, m-idelv. known ýChi- cago soprano. mvi be the Leonore at hoth nertfomances. and' WaIterý Merhoff; of the,..Chicago City Opera. Wxîll sîng Couint di Lunla. Achorulso 40 viesxiii app0ear. and: the opera xii .1b.e. conducted by Lawrence .Waite, young. American i impresario. Feature of thiýs performance xiii be theý Chicago, operaic d e b u t Df aà. voung 'C h i c a g o? tenpor, -ArthurI \Vilk,ýinsôn as -Manirico. S;pecial costumes and effects %vill enhaxîce the production. The music includfing 'Fierce r'lames. are Soar- ing". "If Baien" '"Miserere". "Anvil j mathew PFraneis Photo Cous1nd'omeo u Mu- sidents of the ,aufxil-. tainis» x Vil] be sung in theý original ' 'ilinette Pqst of flic Itailn. 10;1are ~ izing (a fo- ' _________ wCll tea for onie of fticir vi . Ms: ArthurSonderegger' af Beat- Dr. Bectrice Hawkins, 1005. ý'(Cre- rice, Neb.. arrived last Fridlav, to, Icaf avenue, z'ho i's deparýtiny z 7'It/h vis;it lier sister, Mrs. Henry J. Brandt. lier familY for Texas soon. '8P) Forest avenue, for twa weeks. Mrs. Carl A. Peterson. pirsidenit o the unlit, is holding the affair at lier FIRST CHURCH 0F hiome, 144 Maple avenue, for ail meil- Tenth Street and bers ()f thie auxiiiary. tis Friday after- 'AIMT nooti1 frotîl 3 until oclock. HOME FROM cOUTING Mrs.\\ îlian iA. \Whittier lias 'Te- turned bto her hiome at 353 Sterling road, Kenilworth, after à mionth's stay at lier sumrnmer home, Chaz-La-Bise, Idlexvild. Sawyer, \Vis. The first part of lier stav she had as lher guests, Mr. and Mrs. \\Till iamn G. Peacock and their daughi- ter, Miss Geraldinie, of 128 Sixth street. The last two xeeks lier son and his wife Mr. and Mrs. Williami A. Whittie r, Jr., have been visiting' her. '(i c' ~ Phone Wimeffe79 if '..u iss on expert operators to repair the dalliage of sun, sand,wind and water. mayd we serve you' wlmette beauty -shop 1137 Central Ave.-2nd Floor ZCHRIST, SCIENTISTr id Central Avenue rE, ILLINOIS -Q:4 a.m AI-UGUST 22, 1937 Suibject: MIND READING ROOM-î[3. Cenitral Avenue Open Daily (except Wednesday) 9 A. MI. to 6 P. M. Wednesday 9 A. M. to 7.:4.5 P. M. Saturday 9 A. Mt. to 9 P. Ni. Just West ofJ BI G ('o'mpie f, IN NO MANS LAND