Headed by Riubino f, and his vuia- li a thrcc-h.o.ur1 stellar pr o rani will he.qi7en Satùrdav ,ziqht, iii,'.oldîers' field, Chico qo, at tlhceiqîh.tlîChicago-, lad usefesti-val, ill, w(hich îna»'y- iforth "shoe art isis îwill /'articipate Oerstars will be ý:Marion, Claire, XIo recently bas returned frorn HoIlv- xvood after makingapitre Make A Wish:Hmer Rodeheaver. internation- alIvkno~'nconmmunitv Song leader: Franz HTug. Swiss; flag tl rnwer, and ma4S-sed choruses and bands, the p)rogrami * clingina buir'st of fircwôrkc,. More thn100,000 people are expected to- beA guest of nr for the evenling will beChar1e-, Wakecfield Cadman, eminent comIlpos;er, w-ho will direct thle 100 piece symphonv iestra ii his own com- position, "At D)a.wing." It will be suing by the winintg vocal enitranit of the fes- tvlcolntest. Henirv Weber, is general imùisical di- rector of the festival, assisted bv Noble T'EX-WAX SEALING WAX, PKG ýl JAR.RUBSERS WHilTE3.,O 13c C ERTO FOELLIES. e -OZ21lC DEL MONTE COJNTRY GENTLEMAN CORN.. e e 0 a* I NO. 2' CANS -1C P KGS. 19C SWEET SEEDLESS REDCICLE COFFIE I SAGS39C' KCELLOGES- wkoe tPKG. iOc Biscuifs IONA QT. BRAND JAR25~C RIPE OLIVES Robert Walpole Listed for High Purdue Honor Robert H. WaIp)oe, 520 Providence ave1ue, Xietka, -senior ithe scl1o-ol of michlanical engineering at Pur-due University, is ainong the 404 stu (enilt s m,-o10qualified for the rating of dist iiguished student, the highiest schiolastic citation obtainable at Pur- due uniiversity, for work completeri during the second sernester of the mittee having the affair in charge. .The program willV include golf and other sports, dancing, an elaborate dinner, floor show andc features, to' conclude with a spectacular fireworkb BAI LBS.