Opera Luncheons on North Shore The luncheons sponsored by thue Opera Luncheon club are thexuselves delightfulinterlue ini 'a rather quiet.social season. Today (Thuirsday) Mýrs. John F. Gail-of Evanston is opening, lier home for' theAlne-t iînthe series. Abouteighty guests are expected.. Mond y, Mrs. !Frank G.Hall of Wilmette. vil1 have a sirnilar, event, 'and Mrs. Bentley Handwork . will give a luncheon ai bler, home in Eývanston on September 8., About' forty guests, attended the, luncheon given Iast Friday by Mrs. William B, M1,ouiltoni of Kenilwortb, i ber home fhlled .witb ancestral ftîrnlttrre. The affair was iniormal anxd the luncheon table, with its filet cloth, was graced with a tail center- piece of flowers. White and purple stocl. was arranged in profusion ail over the bouse, makiing the affair. f estive. The afternoon was given over to music, Elizabeth Brown, miezzo so- prano, and Frank Taylor, baiitone, both of whom will sing with the Chi;- cago City Opera club this coming E wcheoj, s t tke Sadldlc -aid * C Paul.Stone-Rayr 7ý,clc club; on Se jif Ga flbraith. Mrs. John Boylston ofMr. John Boystoni wa.s gucst of nor at a surprise Ilceoii. giveniii celèbratioli of hier birth-, dav at, Westmoreland Country clul) Wednesday of, this mek At one. end of the table. made festiv-e with itsý huge bi rtliday cale,. the guest of hionor xa seate(l. At: the other wî-as MrS;. Th loma s P. Gibbons. Mrs. Boylston, kpown arng her friends generally as "Auiit NMarv," bias lived ini Wilmette for sixteen vears. and1 for elleven years of that tinie has hëeen ini chargeý of the Sanctuary wvork at S t. Francis Xavier church and a tiember-.(f Y the board of, the Woman's Catholic Club. of imette. Ci%'ic affairs as wel1 as club hav -Cl gaged bier interest. She was the fi rs president o f 'he Lourdes Wotnan's chlub S iii, Chicago, serving in that capacity for four years. Mrs. Boylston \vas onc of ~#the first ten mnembers of the Auxiliary' of the Little Sisters of the Poor in Clii:- « cago which organized the Big Sister miovement, and bas served on that board S ail of this time. One of the four members of the groiup Ltd. that organized the St. Elizabeth Btisi- uiber ness \Women's club and the St. Eliza- hfcr beth , Day nursery, and also the St. cloth and a large lat bowl illec i wth yeliow roses and blue delphinium and larkspur. Among the guests, numbering about thirty, were Mesdames William Hat- terman of Evanston, Walter Raymer, George Schmidt, Peter Diemn Wanner, R. C. Cook, J. G. Eider, Clyde Hays, B. C. Corbus, Hadar Ortman, W. M. Ellis,. M. Erler, Walter }*uthý- J. H. Briggs., and J. J. Kutten and E. M. Ai Home Sunday in Daughter's HonQr Mr. and Mrs. Norton A. B ooz, 919 Forest avenue, wiil be at home on Sunday, in honor of their daughter, Helen, wbo is spending the next year in France, living with a French 'fam- ily and studying at the Sorbonne, Book Review ýMornings Dance Floor Show to to Benefit Womnan's Club Feature Men's. Chorus Mfrs. Lloyd Fâxon, popular -book re- vieiver whose home is in Winnetka, is to give a series of five readings fromn current literature in the W'oman's Club of WVhnette this fail on Monday morn- inzs. at 10 o'clock, under the auspices The- floor show plainned: for ,the, Thieta Upsilon Rho summer forniaI benefit dance at theè Kenilw-orth club wvill feature a comic men's chous. ac- cording to an 'announicement made this, Neek. Famous local talent Nvill MIrs. Edward E. HIenderson, 1200 Greenwood avenue, has as ber house guest, for the next fortnight, ber cousin, Mrs. E. G. Fagan of Lexing- ton, KY. concert atok variotis pictures.. soni university.ý s. Williams hiave two who is a field auditor Suctîon Sweeper com- for, a junior at Deni- ç,onè.çit at