of Helen Holton I The first of a group of parties honoring Miss Helen Holton, of Winnetka befôle her-marriage Septemiber 1 l, toô,Fd warîd Charles Walter. of. Wilmette, wvas a tea and ,surprise linen showrver given,.Sunday everiing, Augù st 8, byMrs'Benton Baker, a cousin of the bride-elect, at her home in Kenilworth. The .guest liÉt%vas confined:.to'relatives of Miss Holton to give. them ann opportunt tomeet her fiancé and his -parents, Mr. and Mrs. E., G. A. Waltel of 525 É' es avenue, Wilmette. A bridge tea and kitchen shower ivill be given Saturday, August 21, by Miss -Katherifle French of Winneka,, and the same evening Miss Jean Mc- Corkle of Evanston, a cousin of the bride, will entertain the bridai party and a few other friends at a dinner dance and cocktail party at the Edge- water Beach hotel. Friday evening, August 27, Mr. and *Mrs. Richard T. Cragg will give a dinner dance at Glen View Country club., Mrs. Cragg is the former Vir- ginia Dawes at whose wedding a year Weddïrlg-Ceremony The wedding of Miss Mariette AliceMGrw f Evanston and' William' George Bttdinger, son of Mr.' and« Mrs. John P. Bud- inger of Wilnette' is taking Placýe Satilrday, August 21, a high npooni, at S t. IIlàr s chturch in Evanston.. T he, Rev. john J. Dussman of G1ený- view will officiate at t he. ceremony to be followed. by'a wedding break- fast for the immedlate.familie-s.which. the, bride's. mother, Mrs. \Taughai 'McGrew, of Evanston, will give, at the Georgian'hotel. The bride lias asked Mis& Mildred Best of' Chicago to be hier maid of honor, anid'Miss Patsy Boylston.of WVilnwtte and Miss Martha Williamns of Chicago to be bridessuaids. William *L. Edmonds of Chicago is to serve as best man andthe ushers ývill be John McGrew, brother of the bride, and, Malcolmn D. Coiîe of WVil- mette. Last Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Cone entertained at dinner 'at Skokie Country club in honor of Miss M'\cGrew and Mr. Budinger, and Miss: Patsy Boylston' recently was hostess- at a dessert bridge and vice and gamn-. met te, Satur<lay atternoon, August 28. Eight or ten couples will make up the house party which will be' enter- tained in honor of. the bride and bridegroom over Labor Day week- end by H~arry Cody of Ripon, Wis., at lis summer home at Lawsonia, Green Lake. Both the spinster and bachelor dinners will be beld Wed- In the weddisig dress of her sister,.Mrs. H.* C. 7hter of Mrs. Fra>zk Willi Harvev Il of. Town House Studios. yMiss Willma Harve, lmette, zclas. ,:arricd to 2, in the home of lier- )f fr'ilutetka. 0fior hz seed pearils. Her veil Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Matthews of 70 Scott 'street; Chicago, announ ce the engagement of their daughtei-. Lorraine, to, Frank Reach, son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Reach of 844 Prospect avenue, Winnetka. M11r. and Mrs. Matthews will be at homne was given at bkok1V 't-JUIrYCI honor of Miss Macphersoni. She4 bere for the week-end with Florence Wil coxon, who was a Uctober in ments, 441 rt- the . a la dge avi parties to be held before are to be announced at llrzuzvziss Park, who is a, and Raymiond Wilmette, who. near future. e- Sturla of Oak, lier at New Trier, iball, formerly of be married inthe I -