T'his Jwmlc, for Phil C. Bà,+cr«lep, is no-w being erectcd in G!encoc overlooking Skokie Coiiniry club groùunds. Tfhe boiuse is Fenbin srile. of the type found i and about Versailles, bu i/t of cut stonc .aiid brick ulitb. a .late ro.Tire inside of flic bouse is als, in flhc Preinch style aud bas a circular stairw(avýini tihe tozcer,. ~The 1 liing roolm. din1ing ronn a.rand~ Winnietk a Issues Thr .ee b)reakfast room ail open up \with Frencli! do)ors O'nto 'a 1errace and gardéni ovèr- J ermits for Altcrtiofl looking the country club grcoundsl. The Thlrue building permits, al for altera- JLbrary is beside the entrance towcr and i t-,Ion and representing a total. cost of îs panele(I in vwhite oak. Al ktcenad $955 ere issued in Winnetka during pantry cases are of xnetal.j the past wvee'k. They were taken out by The garage doors are opei-atcd 1w Ralpli Kraetscli, 455 Sunset, roa d radio \%-lien the car is entering. On the seodfloor there arc four master bcd- I r(ois, an office and twvo servants* roonis. i RiiT MORTGAIjM Plate glass is u~ throuiiouit and the ~LMTDFJD VIAL house is lieated bv a gas-fired liot wate r htrs ae S Steni and a sepl*arate- air cundîtionrg ] I rte \Xedneday tornil çriîg at bis home. $4.300: R. Hlofeld, 1131 L auirel ý405. nd . JQe PJickjs, 1140 street. $1.000. il OWNERl avenue e, V Spéciali Prices. Duuing AugsI fOnIy Higbest quality workman- ship of: the better type., Large selectionm of Import- ed and Domesiic Fabric.a. Phone and our estimatôr -will cail without obligation. DA.VIS. FIRNITURE CRAFTSMEN 721-723 Main Street -l Left for the East 1~Jrs; Wis stàying here to dispoýSe of house. Here is your opportunity. This 6 roomi, 3 bedroomi homne, hollow tile con- struction, close to Greeley school REAL ESTATE M -10 Mà VW, , àf 1ARCHITECTUJRE. - BUILDING R.B3.W 11TAKIERc 140 Green Bay Road .Winnetka 3250, Rogers Park 7302, HIGHLA PI. 18~5 1 81 ý, -, - -, , 11, 1 1 1 ý- ý - - ý - 1 l , -- ý l-,