Aerial photo taken frorn a United Air Lines pane. B' chind a good mioto>-tt.- open i.-ô,d zillI lead you a long, long a'ay. lw iltcpzs ill'cai;rry yoù ta, distant., ports. and stranqe pëo pie anîd iiitei-esti)ii scrites. Modern planes n-il/I iticklv tfransPort vo fi-vin thie as.t.ta the 's coasi. or across ail occan t f orcimn la-nds. Are Home Again After Two-WeekMotor Trip Mr. ad(M\rs .Jack Sloan of 1520 Wa >Il ngton a vceitie arrived honte Siii(lav afler a iinotor trip ol . two 'vekl. hev wcuit to Alleintowvi. Pa., to ]iit NI rs. Sloani's sister, Nirs. 1Il. P. Napier, and from tlerc con - itiîîud< on tu Atlantic Citv, alii- tont, 1). C., and New York Chvy. Iii XV'Iilti oti litain..l , H-.thev But distance is flot alway-s the essence ut. travel. In less than anu hour one can reachi Adler Planletariini fromi-thie north shore. Not a long journey. as travel goes. lbut at its end one of the nliost iii- teresting "sights" ini aIl Chicagoland. Here the amateur as weil as the sea- sedstudent of astrononiv can look and I isten and learui of the universe iii which this world of ours w~hirls as Quie of the sinallest, of itsý planets. Before T he Challenger is comiprised en- tirely of coaches andI sleeping cars. The sleeping, cars are completely re- modeled and redecorated Pullman- tourist. sleeping cars. Coaches are. ail equipped with the latest, desigils of reclining 'and adjustable seats, every, car being air-conditionedý and decorateci in bright cheery ýcolors. \Vide windows, special lighting equip- ment 'vith soft blue night ights, fre pillow and pôrter service1 are special features of these trains. Registered Nurses, 0f particular interest to' travelers are the registered nurse-*steward.esses. These young, women:, chosen 'after careful hospital training, are at the service, without cost, of passengers, generally and particularly o.f mothers with srnall children. Tri addition the Challengers carry! cars -for exclusive use of'womenanid.motherswith chul- cren.. On the heels of the announcement of the epansio~n rofChallenigersev ice to San Francisco, the Chicago and North Western and Union Pacific aîinounced today that the original Challenger trains on the run between Chicago and Los Angeles will . be CA mP, :1o4 (7*. 17 years) Neyer have girls had a more glori- ous opportunity for a 'Summner vaca tion of safe, healthful fué than Hastings Camnp,*bringes them. Here -just 50 miles from Chicago où Lake Hastings-is the idéal spot for perfect enjoyrnent, bringing you wonderful facilities and activities. Just look at these incomparable features and see what they. will mean to girls-and to parents. Pr.g'.i# OLDER GIRLS JUNIOR GIRLS YOUNGER ~Blankets, beddinïg, 1 i n e ns, towels'-at no extra cost. -W Hot and Gold Showers. 4'Daily Riding Lessons. 4Skiled Women Supervisors and counsellors. -k Archery-Rifle Practice-Danc- IL 1. 1.mN apicr ande their cli(lreu vil wl bc tihe ](uscguests of the SIlI > abotnt the frst of Septemiber. TO SAIL FOR BERMUDA NisIiîez and Miss H larriet\e- ster, 1601 Tenth street, and their aünt, MJsýs iiez Webster of .Galeshurg, Ill., and Mrs. John Linig and MUiss Ruth. 0ffuler, are leaving SaturdaS- for New- York to sait, for Bermiuda for- a vaca- tion. rialnetarîum au d e conlipeuled to Coli- fess that thiey have neyer seen it., A SETTER WAY TO TREAT BURNS-CUTS Ail the Privileges o! a Private Camp at Moderate JFeely Rates 4 weeks exclusively Tor Juru3 AugustI S té Sept. 3 CampOpnfo1 set AL EYERETT VALENTINE Ephréim, Wisconsin No finerý fishing onywhere in Wis- Bthing-Doncing - Swimmin- consin, for Muskie Wall Eye Pike Golf' Tennis. Absoute relief for -Great Northern Pike-Pickerel Hcxy Fever sufferers. Send for folder i -Boss-Ai weiI os Croppie-Blue in cars of J1. W. Johnson, Heofford GUIs-Sun Fish--Perch. Junction, Wisconsin. 4 1GIRLS 4 i I Andoiron Hotel 1