Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Aug 1937, p. 52

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Iv, died on T.uesday of iast week. An- other brother, Jacob,, is a former police chief of Glencoe, and nowv re- sides in Wheeling. George Rudolph is survied byhbis widow, Julia, and by four children, Seville. George, Jr., Mrs. Genev5eve. Green, and Mrs. Ruth MacMurraugh. Services were held in thec home at,2 o'clock Saturday. a fternoon. Inter- *ment: was in the County Line cernie- etory. Braeside, 'where, his father and *mother wene also interred., The Rev. Paul A:' Mundinger, pastor ofTrinity Evangelical1 Lut heran church. Glen- .c.oc. administered last rites. Services for Edward- Rudolph, 66,. years oId, of .963 Vernon avenue. Glen - coe. ivho die(l Tuesday of last week at his-home following'a heart attack, wvere held Thursday. The,Rev. Mir. M.\undiinger, officiatecl, and interment wvas ini Memorial aPrk. Mr. Rudolph % vas, a contractor by profession, anîd had lived ini Glencoe for neàrly 20 *vears. lie is survived by his widow. ,,,lna; by a daughter, Écethice, and bv thnee sons, Walter, Edward, and M Ion ty. Williams to Compete in Golf Tournament Wilmette will be represented at the National Amateur Golfing tournanient to be held at Alderwood Country club, Portland, Ore., bv Stephen Williams, Ir.. 1352 CIiestnut :avenue. play, scoring 76-74-72. Mr. Williams was- the fourth .low, qualifier in the Chicago district, qualifying with a score of 148 for thirty-six holes. To qualify for this. event means that the golfer is one of the llnest amateurs of the Chicago area. This is the third timie Mr. Williams, has qualified for the National Amateur which will start on Atigust 23 in Portland. After this toturnarnent Bernie Photo William H. Sco.t uerai director ~uii1 establishiiietuts locaied in El'- anston, and at '1118 Grecluleaf aVc- nue. H/il incite, died laie Suuiday îiiqlit o>! a hëart aïimeni wvhi/h'ai bis sumi ner home iin Eagle River, Wjt. Ili, was 57 years of age. ,NIr. Scott and liis wife, Mrs. Adel- aiclc Scott, tven.t ta their northern liomé two mnorthls ago for their an-m numal summer holiday. With himi also at the time of his death was' his dauhtrMrs. jeannette Owens of 911 WVashington street, Evanston. Born near Joliet, Ill., in 1880, Mr. Scott flrst went into business on Chi- cago's south side. Thirty-.one years ago he camne to Evanston and opened mette. i-is sons, Norman Frank Scott of 1617 Ridge avenue, and Ed- ward W. Scott of 917 Washington street, Evaniston, were ass'aciated in business with him. Mn. Scott was elected commander of thie .Uited( Spanish WVar Veterans. EvanstonCamp 57, In 1914 and agaiti in 1935.. For a number of years he was chairman of the Evanston Me.- morilal day commnittee which is spon- sored bv% the Spanish ',Nar veterans. Mvarcil 18, 18,71, th iJt U'L(f1>1 111$ FHtU, report: until the, 23rd da$' of JtuIv\, 1937; the: "A 27 per cent inicrease ini the as- said Joseph 'Heinzeýn resided in. the Vil- lage of Wilmette, and sets of the 52 federal savings and WHEiREAS. hie bt--iemeactive in oni ban associations ini Chicago's. mietro- munity affairs. lie served as Prýesidenjt îolitan arca for the first haif of the of the former Village of Gross Poinit ya srpre.Bli fmMaY 1, 1905, to Apîril 3o, lo7, yeairis reporfýtle PubldcaRdBeltiongs Village surrendered lits har'ter f!nthe larano h Uli eain year 19j20 and ý%vas annexed ti) the Villagu committec for the. associations. of of Wilniette in the . year 1 924. He was Cook county, ýanniounces aggrcgate eleetéd as Village Truistee of the Village asof 0. of Wilmiette in the year 1914 and sE.rved assof $37,099,125a ojune. in such caepacîty. utitil the yeàrý 1920, . "The associatiol.s include tio.se in Ag ain in thevear 1932 lie ,vasý called! Cook,,IDu Page, Lake, \Vill, ai,,d Kane. )pnt ev ntesnebdy counities, under federal su crvi'sion. and in the year> 1934 was re-elected asoitosp s to another- terni .0f office,, however ýiitèiacie 'sÇainsls shortly after its. Iast election bois, tlan thiree years, old,- the rcst hiavin9 health became so limpailred tht hle at- cen *convertdfo xsigsa tend1ed Board Meetings only ocaio- hartered associations. al.but bis counsel was sought in "~i ' An 'e v en à more iconspicuious gain portant public affairs and xvas alWaN S avaîlable, and for the first six.imontlîs took place in WHEJ3EAS, during tisý entîre period thîe anioutit of m6rt.gage boans- on hie Was rýec-ognizeàd as, one of the leading 1 residenitial ,property held by these as- citizens of' the conînîunùiity',. whose ad- scain. h e nraews$, vice was, of ietialealue sciton.Thcntinras za $, of~~~~~~~ ~~ l- on nsial eas 4 ' or 29 per. cent over the. first of his sound judg.nîent and1 whose loyaltv 0163r to thé welfare of the e6onimuiiity wa of the year total biniginig mortgage ntver questioned. He servtd.as anr Il- j ans outstanding up. to $31,282,403.. ample to ail who vere so fortumate as ],,Us the institutions have 84.3 per t> ornfe in contact with hinm NQW, THEREFORE, BE TRE-n cent of their resources invested in SOLVED, fhaft te President anîd Board nimortgage loans as compared wo:itb 83.5 ,of Truistees of the Village of W'iliit-tte per cent at the beginning of the year. do hereby express. their great apprecia-' 'The associations made rapid strides, tion of his years of service, and note with a keen sense of reailiZItion the ini the number of both large and small loss suffered by al citizens of the Vil- savers during the past six months. ]lagce-~in the passing of the said JosephThyrptagino3,0ineos HleinzeitiTe eotagino ,0 netr B3E IT FUR'1HER 11ESOLVED, that niaking a total of 19,874 accourits. this resolution be spread, upon the permanent records of this Village an d Henry' VincentTalrI thtteVillage Clerk be instructed t T yori senid a copy thereof to the miembers of Victirn of Heart Ailment the .bereaved family o the said Josepîh Heinzen. Henry Vincent Taylor, 44 years old, of 431 Essex road, Kenilworth, passed awayv Wednesday of last week at the MOVIf North Shore Hèalth resort followi.ng. lVltJV1V4à recurretnce of an old heart ailment. PREVIEW Mr. Taylor, who was vice-president PR V E Sof Henir-Taylor, jr. and Son,en (Coîîtinuied f roi Page 45) .Kenilworth and lived practically al Fox picture, with WVilliamn Seiter as of his life i that town. During the, director, and thecast of Robert Taylor, war he served with the field ar- Barbara Staniwy-,ck, -Victor McI.aglen, tillery in France, and upohn the sign- and Briari Donlevy. îing of the armnistice retu rned homne aý The plot revolves arouîîid a mission first lieutenant. entrusted to y'oung Lieut .. Perr.v by Hie is survived by his widow, Mirs. President -McKinley. Robert Taylor Alice Thorsen Taylor; a daughiter, carnîes out his part as Penny, A.while Peggy;. thr-e. sisters, Mrs.' Frank Barbra tanvycktaks te noe ;j Li Gerould of Kenilworth, Mrs. Walter BabraSanvc tks h ol fýi B. Gerould of New' York City, and . -- ...iver,-- "IL---- C-l-. .l * d i u IIILanaVint et was in the VVuuuîawn I-'.Vr.,otettens af N iles Uenter. Ihey Auto. riven by. Worn and Ïaceations.of the right leg. Hie cenetery.there. Death was attnibuted wilb be away for two weeks, traveling Tuesday evening, about 7 o'clock, 'wastaken to a physician's office for to eunemic paisaning.- through the Black Hilîs and Colorado as Miss Elsie Patterson, 1625 Central. treatment. Bath. drivers were given. Besides his sister Mrs. Lamprev. springs. On their way home they will avenue, was . driving east on Linden arrest tickets, The accident,' occurred. he is survived by his widow, and two stop at Coats, Kas., to visit Mrs. L. P. avenue at 30 miles per hour, bher Çar at the intersection of Sixtli street. children', Robert and Helen. Steffens' relatives for a few. days.. I ~

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