SCHL R'S uneeIkr rb.,Meat Grapefruit SectiosGngrAeo Fg ewos nda Chili and. serve. for. breakfast or Root Beer What cod ùld. ýbe more inivitirflg onfa use for fruif slads-EspetiaIIy good Fra feno nccte n Five Ou'lock Tecs warm, day: than a crab mneet when serveci with Commodore French i fin with "5 :o'clock ýteas" or Fig, Two popular and dalnity cookies to salad?m-Fine t'oo, for -cockt ils and Dressing- Newtons- serve for dessert 'or afternoonte- orsadwchs-Do+ 5cDzOL One of each or two of aknd- PAC KAGES 3i for 9CVàTINS TINS.2C 33 NO. 2 LR29 -- IL mu i..j *..dbmmeLiDDilcotf's. Commodore Our own brand-Seasoned right and blended right- Serve with grapefruit sections or crab mneat salad- ao.2 5c 1 60Z. 45c Meats -Fish -Poultry LEG 0F LAMB. Wonderfully tender meat-Add new potatoes three-quarters of an hour before the roast is ready to serve- LOIN LAMB CIIOPS. The large, meaty chop that broils Beech-NUu akesea n Going on1 a campingtnip? Heres a goodl item to i-1 clude-ANO theyre goo2 for c to eat ait homne, too- Grcape Nut Flakes 2for 21_ lb. 26c TomatÔ Juice, Pure juice of vine-* ripened fruit -- ChiIl and serve with al aspic or a tasty consommel~ Do.1.29 3 24-02. TINS 35c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables RED RASPBERRIES. Fancy California bernies- red-ripe and swe- 2tas23c *Icy-cold, rea dy to hif29ewhoie 55C Foi a qui ckly prepared and ec onoWical luricheo n 2' LAMB STEAKS. For individual service-Broiled or fried in butter IL36c they're eqiialiy inviing-. FRESH GROUND BEF.Fine for a beef.I oaf-whicb is good 2 bot or cold), or for "hmugr-b FRANKFURTERS. In or out-of-doors, they ~ 9 hit the spot- b 9 POIIAIfl ÇALAD. Fresh and creamy-To serve with frankfurters- 1< I THESE AUGUST 26, 1937,1 kiscious. sw;et, ripe flavor that is found only in Roçkyfords- À6 or du % HOME GROWN TrOMATOES. Ripe, firm-Fine for "sIiçed 19 tomnatoes," for frying, baling or broilin- basket of 2 lbs. or mor 7 SEDLESS GRAPES. They!re Aeliciously sweet.oý Tiiese arc large bun'ches- ONIONS. Smail, white, midm-Just the suze for 3îs 5 ingwith butter or cream sace- b.2 C PItICES IN IFFECT FR4 LAMO PATTiIE. or dinner entree- l