Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Aug 1937, p. 3

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NEXT.,,SATURDAY ' ýRearý Admirai Ellis Will ýRe- view' Planes in Flight, Battie, Scout, Bombing Tacties (Pictures on Page 22) With Rearý AdmiraI HayneÇ Ellis of the 1Jnitçd States navy, coinandant, *of ,the -niinth .naval, district .as *guest of honor, the nail rsrv vation base at, Crtiss field, :Lake avenue, and Shernier and \Villow roads,.Glei- viev, wil1 be commissioned this- Satur- day afternooni at 3 o'clock. Other- notable militarv and xnaval *dign itaries are, to- attend,, it xvas an - nounced by Lieutenant G. A. T. Washiburfl. base commander.* About 30 naval reserv.e avilation 'plaies f ronm bases in Detroit, Kansas City, NMin- neapolis, and St. Loulis as wvell as 'fromn Curtiss field',will be prescrit. * Schedule Mass Flight The aviators will give demonstra-. tosof dive bomnbinig, aerial machine gunnery. tactical formation fiying, and scouting. As a grand' finale, a mnass flighit over the field is plannied. Plans at present, Lieutenant Wash- burri added, call for drills and mancu- vers to be presented by a reginient of recruits froin the Grcat Lakes naval training station' at North. Chicago.' There -%iIl be. ample parking and seating faci1lities at the field, he stated, (Colntinued on 2a'-e 506) *M. R. Venables Retires; * to Live in California Monroe 'R.Veaes 908 Greenleaf avenue, Wilmiette, is retiring after approximlately 47 vears of banking e xperience with the old Corni Ex- change National Ban.k of Chicago, which was consolidated with the Con- tinental Illinois National Bank .and Trust c<ontnnafllvof Chicagé several Wesley B3owman Photo Awfards j;i the twi.o irace series hcld last wveek mider the direction of the Sheridan Shore' Yacht club off Wilintettc -Ha rbor, were awrarded by Com- iniodore Glorgç A. Corry, vriginator of the' star class boats, Iast Sunday. from Mahasset tBay Yach't club, Vr \Vash ington, Long Island; and- Lock- wood ("Woody") Pirie, whose boat, ý"Geini," won the Sheridan Shore race Nyeek series. Behind NIr. Bradley stands the vice- commodore of the club, Richard D. Barries, and back of Mr. Barries are John Corliss, owner of.' the sloop, "Penguin," and Max Hayford, former club commodore. In the rear areJohn Garden Clubs, ýPark Districts,. Back Proposai at Shawnee Club Meeting A township-wide movernent having for its objective the beautification of, the villages, highway and railrôad r.ight-of-ways had its inception at, a luncheon Tuesday at the -Shawnee Çountry. club, attended,. by' rep- resentatives, of the various garden clubs an d park district boards of the, four villages. Following the luncheon an informaI discussion ivas had in which thé feasibility of the proposed project reéeived considerable attention. The co nsensus being, that 'it is.flot only practical but highly desirable, and that it' cari be' ccotplisheèd through the united support of the various in- terested agencies, the trend of dis- cussion passed to the formation of a plan, the nature of plantings and 'maintenance, upon which many valu- able suggestions were offered. Everly To Aid In view of 'the fact that plantings have already been made in some parts of. the villages, the thought was ex- Dressed 'that these should be taken .j' village preparatory rlo thie xorMuation AreaniaIsabl tothik? o teyandadloption of a coniprehensive and Are nimas abe tot Williamtheypredetermined plan that wilI insure have à brain of their own?Wila unity of action and harmony of Osborn, 1 306 Park avenue, Wilmette, achievement. would probably testify that *fhis is To accomplish this important f ea- undoubtedly true, because today he is turc, Robert Everly,' superintendent. alive, due to valuable assistance given of theGecepr ysenadcn him by a house cat at a tume of 'great heGeceprsytmadon iiecd. sultant engineer on the extensive de- 'Mr. Osborn had come in the bouse velopmcent. of. Washington park, Wil- fora rst hil _of dtv.Leaingmette, now in progress, generously fôr'a estwhie of dty.Leain~ cnsented tM '.lpnd his aid. UTl'n »x.ay be solda praely s ' blindeniberg, 3501 Lak e avenue, socks, and underwiear, . ail are in ae oS.Fanihsia u great dernand. The shop, an enter- tae oS.FacshsitlSu prise conducted as a public service for treatmcent of' lacerations of by the Woman's club of Wilmette, right leg. Hée was injured 'while pl is located. at 1135 Greenleaf ave-'i .ng on a tract or, froni which he feil, niue..-Mariar Kr'emet, chairman. lýeg. coming in contact W'ith a prOtru< nail. ý At1 717E &he hoth were held on charges of reckless front of 512'Sheri( ling driving and damaging village, prop- held on a charge,,c, erty. property. àiagîng i

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