Reidemtial properties, restrice.d area«. Evanstom and North Shore ' s 10 year towm. ,Semi-anual interoit paymments.. 1 N. La ýSalle St., Chicago Central 0227 1571 Shermain Avenue, lEvansto n Uiniversity 2600 ani , Mrs. Clarence JE. Drayer, i1034 Elrnwood avenue. Mrs. Pott.hoff is thie, former jeai i Drayer. Yesterday- Mr. and, Mr s. Paul K.. Robertson, 1317 Elhwoo 1d-avenue, and their Sons, David àand Paul, ieft for their sürpmer h'me. at Crystal lake, ýMidi. FRED A. ELLIS ' CO..* INC., Henting and -Air Conditioning 40 Years of.Continuous Seîxîe OIL B IlRN. P, Sa nd AIR CONDITTON-%ERS ROILER BIRNER UNITS- <~SBOTLERS- STOKERSI 40('Pnter,,Street .Wlnnetka 241, __________________________________IUL Just Completed!l See the interior, planned for con- veiecean oaiiort. Four bed.- rooms, 31/2 baths. Rear stair to maid's room. Reeessed radiators. NeNv G. E. hot water heating sys- tem with year around air condi- tioning. Knotty pine paneled rec- reat ion room with real fireplace. M odern cabineted kitchen and breakfaist nook. Just 21/ . blocks frornKeniljwrth, station. BAI RD & WARNER, mc. 22Ii% %treet Riîsoî(lEeiàlea.f JS55 G.OLF C LUBR this fine championship __ is. A round over: oui idid, rollinoe fairways unidertaken a thorough study af thie future heaith and hospitai require- mnents of the area. The study. xiii be carried on by a committee namied todav 1w- RoberiT. herman, president of the asscain The committee. ise head.ed bv r Wl liani R. Parkes, emeritus chief of the. department of surger3-. and includes, representative s- of the hospita[* de- partments, the Board of Directors, and the communities dir .ectIx con- cernied in the hospitai 's future growth. The medicai schaol of Northw'est-ý ern university, xvhich is affiiiated xitli the hospital, is represented on the cornrittee hy :Dean Irving S. Cutter anld ,Dr. A.'C. Ivy, head of the schooi-,'. pýhvsiology depa rt ment. Te See. Big Increase Thpopulatioil estir-nate is baséd on calculations miade by Professor 'W. L. Baiiev of, the, sociologv :deiartfinent1 i N'ôrîh'estern uniiversitv-. Dr. Bailev deciared that rates of inicreaser i p~opula.tion for the north àhQre area arc such that estimates of a general douiing 1w 1950 are conservative. l'le rates of inicrcase varv front a 70 per cent gain every ten veatrs for sarine commitie iiis ta as Ihîgh as a 100 per cent gain in others and inidi- cations are that these rates thetnseives xvili le acceierated ini the future.1 Suicli population grovvth wouild greativ increase the demand for- hos- pital service, M-\r. Slherman said. The new comimittee will studv ant area em- bracîng Evans.t0n.\Wihllette, Rnl expanision i of ospîtal iaciîties is lit- (icaIted. FUtrther -assistance xviii be souight fromilite sociologv departinit ai Northwesternin manl att-~ii tto antici- pa teuchaniging econoiniec onldit ion s xiicimighit affect the lned(1Jor- hos-- pîta ifacilities.. Plan Additions Ifwe are ta continue auir res;eiit li',ig stani(lardls of hospitai ser\-ice for a rapidIvy grow,%ing populationi, addi- tions ,,ta aur. plant atid equpijMei xx'ill have to .hp nmovidled." -Mr. Shierman.j Kaiden- Keys-,totie Robert T. Sherman by free and part-pày patients lias iii creased, praportionatelv, atid the colin- nittee xil determiie, what fuirtliir facilities nay be -ee4ed for the hos- pitaisý importatit charitable ftinct'ins. Out- Patient Department Plans, for enflargemettaf the olit p.tienit departmenit wil also r(,eixe thie close attenitioni of comînittecL mmnll)rs.. This departint is coni- cernied with care of the nieedvi sick- who do0 not require lhoslpitaiizaioî1. Over 20.000 visits frornsuich paitI have beeni handled iii. the pasýt a. Wheîhtlcr or-not this grotip \\IlC011- ci nerecommeîldations wilI he niadu forf additions ta Plant. eqipînenýit. personnel, anîd cndoiviinent. These requirenients will ltie madu knoxvn to the comrnunities nowvse~ 1 ng cure at the liospital. anîi thl Eaî wxiii go fo-rwýarirl as rapi(ll as sulpport is sectiredl .toward fil-fihîienlt (f the \[enîei-sof the camiîtec nk the suirvex are : \eîl rthlîxx .ýtern uîîiversity ii1 li.. 1 iii- S. (utteîi* Dr' A. C. Ivy. Alr. and .vrs. *Sanford Hoiden and their son, Jack, 527 Warwick road.. lKeniilworth, wenit t Plainfield, N. J.., M *onday for a visit with Mrs,A. W. L Searles, a daughter of the Holdens. From Piaiiifield they wilI go ta.. Bos-ý ton., returning, home in. ten days. or two weeks. I