Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Sep 1937, p. 6

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5 Joe Lw-ç On Firat* Grade Cleaning At Our New Wilmette Store 3384 LINDEN AVE. In*this, our second store, we are offering Wilmette patrons the sanie service. Evanston has s o generously ,appreciatkeà. O0pera:ing a .rst CWiîs Tioriug De d. ~jI*' JPR ZE. DISRýEGPARDS .TRAIN- ING RULES SOON PASSeS OUT OFTH4E picruRE GREECE Wt-lLE NATIONS 'TO PASS OUT 0IF 'NE PlCtu Re -National Safety Coumcil . George Sokolsky heads the 11,1. of four notable men wvho. arc 1)cin - broughit to the nord' shore tis iafl bv the Scholarship Fund comm nttLue of the Gra duate Teac'hers' olgeOf \Vinneîka.Ucw111 speak oniTuesdayý evenling Oçtober 19, at 8:30 iii t11e Skokie sciolOOl ad(itcor;In i \i nietîa. His kniioledIg of wor.d cco-' nloinic problemns. The fourteen ý.\-arS. he spent in the. Orienlt,. hIs avrriaj * with a. Chinese womnan, Ili ýzl0o1 carcer as aý world journalud gîv -à \. oosky an authority- which ievw ean rival. Tempëton Here Nov. 9 -lec Templeton, thê vcl-kno'~N,-l and wveH-loved blind pianis t, is to0 bU j)re'Sented. on Tuesday, Novee)r,9. lie nccds no introduction to the Ilorth. shore. His ability to iýnterpret, the' bct MUSIC of, the agcs, his abilitv to imiprovise, and his inmpersonations *h ave -createýd triumphis for him whý-ilh mlanv hiave witnessed and vvant tcû \viiiies again. T hird in the series is Bishop G i Promley Oxlin, brilliant speakeCr and commentator, resident bishop of' thle Omnaha area of the M_\ethiodist E.piscopal church, former president' ciil DePauw university, who will be pre- -ented on Tuesday, Novembel)r,30, Bjishop Oxnami is noted. as a 'religi- ous leader, an educator, an auithor - and public lecturer Nvo las attained. inlàtional promninence thrôugh his ke,(eii iinsight into world problens. He lh, P houe Wilmette 79 Now , ., . coiffure ereations for the new hat styles! of the Minette, Eanily Welfare associationi office at 905 Ridge road, is appealing for a bicycle for a girl xvho is preparing to enter New Trier Higb school. This girl lives between 3 and 4 miles fromn the school. and lias jio. means of transportation. Uiless some charitably inclinied p)erson cornes to her aid wjAi a bicycle, she will be conîpelled to, walk or abandon her efforts to. secure an Union sumnmer services wit be tme- Te>ite-t-iS IC1U&2 r terriniated with the service. of: wor- -mria IF,'\loiienlts" andil ll 4iip at the First Conigregationial iocerli crucial poinlts 11 erca church Suntdav, moring, September .côitenîporary history. These united services iii which the Hm ot3~.i onigregationis of the Xilmette Bap-i erPcJa.I tist,~~~ Fisogegtoaan.Uin Louis Untermeyer, poet.- and an- *church of Kenilworth comhined, wer e tho1 git,1i. pek-o TesayJa i- eld éach Sunday morinig during uar1 îLM.Utrer'anooie Inly nd Auust.arec sèd as text-books aIl over the Ibhis Suniday moruiug Dr. john u ord ndheisnoednilclss viel H-inidiey returns to his own pulpit i fi ne crîtic, editor andf lecturcr. the 'ongregationa1 church atd ill I Vli tel1 bis audience*V t DIamond W eh and SILVERWARE :éaAtj- t -S[«,' 1 ý.f? C' R 1 1 ý IT JOS. F 7 IKUSS:. ýý 0 4 E i ir S ý r E- ý f W i n m e t k u 3 6 7 1 0 m le

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