box 23YS 4e I's Bir&s Eye Spinaci Washed lucooarkling water! 20 gaLon ta the poundi 20 gal- lon whtsoot out every lst gra" of grit seddsandi Not sawka! No yellow leavesl And *r xnfeah! >That'à be-, caus thepatntedproesa of -freunguae fr ilBirds Ie oos EA-th flifAvor right inside the tender, green leaves!1 None escapes 1 Try Birds Eye-if you want spinach at its greenest, tenderest, farm-freshest best! Your Birde Bye dealer has it. Box serves:4. ~.hLOODS Pao LObSTER MEAT 990 *e GRSIA-P., box 5 Steom-cooked. R.ady to serve in satods or Newburgs. Il Box serves 4 I 'I 066 V\ J \\i I-~\11 mette harbor (above) should' bc enilar-géd'a;id pro perly drcdgjcd. If is telit ' vl harbor between Bèlmont harbor, Chica go, (lower pictu re) and Wauiikc!gal, a distance of 30 miles. It covers an area of five acres, .and. cou accomnnodatt' about 170 boats. If is one of fl,- bisicsl Ports for Pleasure craf t on t'il Great Lakes. Reali.ling thel nadequac' vQf ftice.harbor. nortir shore yachting leaders and the Sheridan Sihore Yacht club have enidcavoi-d Ïbsec ure its e;ilargemien it and improz'erncnt. DI)rdgliig operations recenlly idran were stoPped bccause of dificulties uih the con tractor. ýmai Lerch, Viv*ail Lindeen, Rov MIc- LIBRARY -1rah Mr Alice McManus, Marv in Our boe llept.Fotî, '.14uUroi e UiUInCI, LiIia £iClesI1, IJanI4J )aruu(7layirom Ia miI H utchins. weeks spent touring. thr4 Barbara Lapat, Helen Lapat, Norj'of Wisconsinl. I c 01 tWU 1