for 1 oo0 to tebei PLANNED PLANIlTING *A constructive idea wva, started, on itswvt practical deOvelppmienlt and eventual achievemnent * ' last week when. representatives of the variaus gardeti Clubs and Parký district, board.s mlet to discuss the higlimnportanit.questioni of plann. 1planitin.ig of trees, slîrubs and oer for tlle further. beautification of- the vlae f ,New Trier townshilp, fromi. the South huie aof\Vilnîettc to the north line of Glencoe. The value of such an und(ertakinig. i ts a(d- lva- tages, and l)enefits.- are apparent. Mlest witb tlhe original heauty of a primev\al forest hltouv cd by Motlier Nature, offly rarelv -and wlîîle iiin1ho Most genercius miood. the appearance o l(O Cominrun1-ities lias claiîged with the vaaid the' inevitable cdes.truc(ýton iit1iataittenidud i I)IîflJdiîgof 'a rad.ii-iwavs and àfhe*r ee-- tics of modern civilizationi. Perla p, threnis serioiis damnage inflicted by Prog-ress iii lier re- *lenitless march lias 1een the g-raduaI disappear- ance, of nativec trees, 'slrubs and flowe-rs iîcl once adorned this entire sectioi. Tlîeir restura- tioti bv planting and maintenance, tlîatviagr of todav and nanv tomaorrows ,,;mav ýknoýw'aîd enjov them, is not least of the valuies tqb le derived from the movemient, Obviouisly. a ~project of this kind shaould n iot, be uindertaicen without a predetermiîîed plani. ciscriminate lavouts and thre chioce of unsuiitable pîantings. To avoid tiiese and secuire unified action calls for the knio\vedge that coulesonl front experience in major projects of a ike nature. .It is fortunate iudeed that suich knowledgeý is t'O be found in aur ancommtunities., as evi- d1enced lw largem-scale Nworklm aur mown parks. Robert Evýerlvý of Ületicoe. wlîost., work as Suinel- initenidett of thence parks Iid cMI<nIt2n.I engineer an \Vilmette's W'ashington l)arku- 11 provernents is outstanding, hias generousîv con- sented to draft a t ,entative plan' for submiission * Selling liquor' to chiildrén lhas long been con- sýiduced ouitside the pale oi respectability, even by lihtiuor dealers :who0se horizons lu t.hat respect art, widc. lidealers lin e oMau's Land are ~it of this crime ag'ainst by and girls, liniiediate steps slîotild be ta.ken 1wb the proper atiorities; t cf.rilthe pra.ctice. Pvx the wv, wby 1411t hére be li(Iuor dlealers~ ni No MNan's Laiîd shigta anvone. rmincir or adult ? Anid vhô is prcitecting thiemî Atwv.xys. CôxwÊs FIRST \\ wuxe look- at Riissia, Gerinan v ald ItalV aIi ril tliUer ntions fllow livng r rdictatorsh i*P>. SO severc that, peoIle are airaid eVel te tliink, Nve» tin 4 tbcv lîâ(1 elle ting ic licoliiln lbefore dic- ttrbhip ascen(ie(l thle tb roues. Tliat wvas a IigjrlvIN ret ralizijd ,eoverînment %vested(jvlî pwerste colutrol alinist (vr eî i f citixcusn"' iii th.e ýlu~ic t.ates ,blas býen (iffereut. Lt- lias a d\iision of pe)wurs betwc p the tates and aleîg.lîo~-ecrtiere i l\avs a tnec -tt'te vîeld suepoes thulentinlgv rruurt.'l'liceprs. nf rimi wlîîclî wvc are ~tui ir~te îîer(-xas neo xeton il nîillîou S idIe. thu efteeral gvruirîleeoo or nIo-ýt of the re-lief ad tbe hýr biirderîs and.l reaIh7- ri , thluit labor i-11sputei CausLie un lTemlploym.Ilent passed thc Vge Act. <eigelta stop tîs There ar valîd objýctio)ns to that lw*one. . First, thiere have been inanv more srkstlba, Ibeforç. the 'laxw- w-as enacted. .Todav, 4the probleni is 'lat. solelv one of cariug. for those v/oStand utiefictor\- gatuss>eeckinig jobs.- There are, millions of others wîie are kept awav froai tlîi1 woerk b1w strike s and violence anid tIîreats of liami te thenîselves and tlîeir fam)iiie s.. VîT der stat'- la~such conditions rrl'eit The Xagnier Act i law, anîd imust be lived no toý. But it sholild be an, object lesson tao those who iow propose ta - let the federil gverniment gon even further irîto- a field which woul (l evpiitiaîlh- XVe admit flrst off that jt's none of. Our business, but we ican't help ruîiiinating on thie answer made by a judge to a litigant in divorce proceedings who rélated that he had found his wife sw-mnming- with another man, both without clothing. -~Vl, what of it?" the judge is -reported to have, asked.. A. north shore nman wvas recentlv ap1pointeçd to '"imîportant pioliiical p)osiioi in one of tlhîc nianv bureaus, now operating througrh.out the land.i.nluadvanice. of.the, ai.-, poinfmnent. a lîigh governtini,. officiai sent a -ire from \Vash- Üigton to a prommînt N em Trier village manage r,. asking iiiformation as toth polifî cal affiliations of the prospec- tive app)Ointee. Iniforitialvm (IQes net includc the lCn,.ih Of tiJnie cCnsui-ed hv the \N- lage manager in, draftin.- bi> replv, but i f he ton], a.wc it was niole too long, for lie certaini b' prnoduced a t-r- pice t read someIltingi like this» eu il~ manager. 1 have no nicans of knowingm, tiu about th 1poitial afilitîoliof tIIîe îarty to wlîonî vo-u re fer." \cIll lack t bat villagC înaîî - ager tor a job) lu the I)iloinatic corls. itl(verv little Fralîkîlu xvwa> p1avînLg w;t!bI a cro\\d of other by.Ao"thern were several1 M-10 tuirled out to l)e verv' bad bovs. tirce I3urtie Wheeler, Joe (YM'Nahonev and EddiBrkýe -heing espe-cîaih' abnoxiaus becauise they oh- jecte.d ta Frankie, who of course a a vc rv, ver3v good boy, being 'pitchier, in 'evervhab aille, siïnon Lg in e verv game of IJncle '1on's Cabin and chief Indian' scout w~henever te wvent Jndian it huting. Said Little Frank*iL. ta those terrible bovs :' "I don't like vou anv more, and 1r-shall neyer plavywth ou again. Wh . at's more, 1 amngoing through the nieighba)rhooôd and WtIl al the other by that è won't like thrn if thet plav -wvith ,ou. Then 3'ou ion't have aflvl)dy ta pla y with."ý Strange, but tler& r emnotionally instable~ boys like that in every neighborhood. And the other boys let thenm get away with it-for a while. ship. But in spite of and with utter disregard for laWsUits he w < evaparate" and caine back ta their expressed will, several persons are allege'l earth later, when. bis persecutors have gone else- to havé continued to sel intoxicants in tha t where,. Listeri, Fàther Divine. You mnay "'evapo- section known as No Man's Land. rate," as you say, but w.ell het dollars ta daugh- Recently 'four persons doing; businèss i that * nuts that you will neyer, core back. Chicago is suiffering from an epidernic af silly wvornen baokkeepers and cashiers whà steal the finnds of their employers for the benefit of men. Girls, there isn't one af the brutes an earth wha is worth ii, THE PHA-NT0M REP R