Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Sep 1937, p. 29

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served ai.0 ' Oclock prompt Iy,, a was atinouinced this week. There are more than 150 alumnii of the college residinig along the north shioreé betwveen Evaiston and Lake Forest, and it is lhoped ail * %ill bu presenit to wélcomc, the iùcorningý ineinhers of tihe freshman class', as well, as to' renew .oild acquaintauice- ships. irntmediateély followving the diii-j ner thiere wilI be a program of speak-- ing ànd -sinigin g, alof wbich li11 llbe iii the hlands of Frank S Collinis,ý '13. master of ceremonies for.thie evening. Evening Taika Midshipman M. Arnold B e rs ofthC United States -Naval, academiv <cx- Amherst, '38) wiil open the prooramI xith . a short ialk,. on"Ahet i Retrospect," aftcr which Thinlas.\."A Rodmnan,' '40,. 775 Bluff street, 'Glcîi - coe, :%ill dIýscuss. "Undergraduate Liut and Fraternity Rushing," and Jamnes] *L. Messeiiger, '41, recipient, 'of the regional Lord Jeif Scholarship, wil1 talk oi -Amîherst in Prospect. The, address of the eveing bcl h dc2iv ered by 'Charles H. Btîrcsh,.- 1r., Iof Evanston, president of the Arnhers .t club) of Chicago, on"'nertSnîiall College." Rensiow 1). sih1erer, '38, of Hig hiand Park, will lCad the sipfging. Those. froin the north shore who are >ser%,ing on commiittees ini the club are Charles L. Dostai, '40, Glencoe, of the Undergraduate Advisorv, andc Harry W. Knight, '31, Winnetka, and George L. Treadweil, '11, Kenilworth, directors..j Moody Bible Institute Offers Teacher Coursesý î The 'Moody Bible Institute, this f-ill akes availabie- to Christian workers. generally, the standard training côurse as prepar ed by the Evangeical Teach- er Traiinig'associationi. This special cou 1rse ca,.n be completed intwo yéars' ti me, at'd upon its satisfactorv coni- pletion, a diplorna of the 'association is aivarded.. "This course is provided to mieet the i!nperative need for trained teach - ers for Sunday school work and af- topped at Green lake, Wi.s. Jack Nason, who is now living in Evanston, ba been spending several weeks with his n)arents while Mrs. Nasbii hias beeiv at Sutperior, Wis., where sl-e is serv- ing as matron of honor ini a wedding party TF. Brekke; concessions are in charge of Patrick S. Smith ; prograrn in charge of Max Landesman; entertain- ment, William V. ýPaceliî, and prizes, Hecnry Lirdhiad., One of the. outstandi 11 events on the Labor day ýpro'gram, sponýsored by the Republica'n C. ont ôn 'iît tee, uwî1 libe the',.thl-et-ic program- ini charge ofArthur Bid%well, Republi- eau leader.f rom River Forest. ýVIýSIT I'N NEW YORK Mr. and NMrs. Williamn Sears, 556 (reenwood avenue, Kenilworth, spent iatt weék at -t .le, WaldorfiiNe tYinNk. Trfty parents who want the most for th.fr money wiII buy school footwear kér,. Not only do they gef sboes of superior quality, but the cbildren receive our famous fitting service, and prices in. many cases are Iess thon. tbey'd pay anywhere else. CHILDREN'SNEW FAIL HOSIERY 1 Apairs $ and, 4Tfo POLegPPE 1608 Chicago Ave., Evanston MUR SAVE .on DRY CLEANIN'Ce Two of the North Shor -'s. leading cleanig establishments wish to an- nounce they have adopted a policy of DISCOUNTk for Cash end Carry! 25 Years inWimette AO Unii. 0973

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