Ru~1'Il icks idNIrjrulr. Tilu World- fa iîtt i i u (1v pair tt itî;îtt b a O a tiiîîîî t i ir (Iilllctll- nus'atii tu hîr ili i niu iu troibu'lu th lv olc-ilýib >o -i t cat ait.'uatit u(l t u k t'p f bu tîudîictiicin aInt ia\-aw11<l d1iriîîg tilLu u r. c oni '. of tîtu fini. Parnell. XiNi(NI plui îu.i rttt Ji'iohn Stall. antd itha ca>t o? Clark li. îîalo. F lla Nav )Ii%(-ur, anîd inîaît tttîu Thu x ailiubt xye erlaild andt Érat llrîtaîicoîturtic mlti (.Ruiv. lorinî u '.itt...tfor tîISi it'ntiii vl1d. p;ahuca ( ailiel("iakt~ai t it.' uîtltaptv vii Il \1niar Iit.'ii op hîililt îhaq t i u-v\% etý ,î ' atu1-11 t 'ucru l ý1 t('1t11 1>ri i. 'i tt ar îî 't , ci t tlt Iui' t It *' iii t i t' iIt 1tci t i t* illi spics.LiKOWf to eacli ottier, ttiev Iattempt to carrv im~portant documrenîts bis ru ; t~'îîte ' Ru.s»îaiHl t1ue secret cotùpartùieîît ,i vieof the eliperors candlestcsw'ch (Ol'W(Uuit.l idtti'11ntail thr- )ackarc eîg sent a> a gift to the dlati<gh- hisiîv <l it uev, Ilîi utin lft(.r- f tW. czar. Csumsand set- itat lwittwaittud ii.r lttow. Iilihe tings ar, elaborate aîîd create Coli- t111111Ï> t tint 1 iti Inicîli t't'r ttn vin cim backgrounds. uxîuu.and Itlle fi linii s tn' a v.r <rtl\iut u Niit1 xRtone The Great .Gambini. Paraîiiioutiit 1pic'- 'aiîi] <o 1 . Xxtut pcalpr t reiititre .witii Alki 1anîiroff. Maia Il ai xttt ia v'uî iin iidi hi.'lr i arsh. Rln r.' onTrent. Talen Scou, - \'arnr piiurt.' ;uîw'iue eTobui. Talen't cout Warier i c1 tiiv. 111 1'1amiroif. w1îo takes ,the roît. oi a i ~ ~ iv il il\* îi-. . nu Ni adu Fr(d I uie 1~x i .tt" t-.pîCru 11an.l c9i vxe ttutiltl't 5the rat.i.iî Int tvilit. oft.,tttthuetalunt scout and( hîi -îtgîu~ *fiîîd"Shc becomnes 'a v rt t\oritu of ithu.'sereeni. antei l to t ut.' disuîîav of * ivot . 'flu F lxi' wit ittt*cft]t' iuadîItvlu-n(Il tilt iiîî~. iîurv ar 11111114iier* (if Ilgreat magîcizin. pre(iicts that' a ct.'r- taii arri.age xiii not take pl1ace. Lt (lustt bcasethe brideg9ro om i s mtitîeed. This.. of course. givt.s Akiiîi a chance to Uise his.' powx's iii solx'în.- the criiiie. MI aui- xvhile. Miss Tobui with lier fueatlit.r- i)rainie(i cbttturit, .ets t.'vvrvoîîein- vol ve(i. t1tt'îych iis.. Little Lord Fauntleroy.Slnc- fiît crîiat ioîîal. uictur xithFrdi The Californian. 2Oi (t'îvturx \ 1 Pat ~Iooex.C. ui'sinii'hfl-. pltItuxvfh îari tr c.I(Ires Costello Barrvîîîort:. Gi ib a I- r u ýl\, , 1. T i s film,. wili h ýits univursal(igiu 'I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ -l il-I i 'tr to alaid appeal. was taken bl Hugh Wal- ti irn llu1(1 f,1 t lIt. iit tii e pole firoii t ýii e lta ous 'týorv by' 'et * t àlrril i. .C t.icz t t.' rt.tU is lraiicu' I odgsiî I titt xvicli. iuiIt t. t.tltt r oui Spa on on lx'to afitur 51)v ar.Is sIIli a l st seller. liii~iltiar.'rîhiit"t it t'u'lit'r-t'ttIrs Faîîluo' .aiîd itiakus thle character t f î a i..tdt'u ut I t c tsali- ra i ot a f ituephiaitom iof the i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~1ý ttieltI idtiicttt. roî. tr )k.Ri heavv 'and(llighit t tftit' Siaiîaî'd. scmes art* alike lhandled deftlv and' 6:00 - £3cto 6:30 Bargain Matinee Saturday Thiursý., Sept. 2-2 Fea-tur-es LAST DAY "Liftie Lord, Foatnleru>y" Freddle Bartbolomew flolore.s Costello Barryniore Plus-A VividStoy. of the News,3 Reel Cameraman "I COVER THE WARv Fr1. & Sat., Sep.t. 3-4 9 FE.ATURES 92 "@ON AGAIN OFF AGAIN"- Wheeler &. Woolmey PLUS. *'Oa*Iwsof lthe Orient" Jack Holt-MXae Clark Stîn., Mon. & Tue.-., Sept. 5-6-7 A Well Balanëed Single Feature Proýgrarn I'reseît@d Xactty as Showri in th~e 'opp "SLAVE SHIF" Witrner Baxter-Wallacc Beery Elizabeth Allen-MI1ckey Rooney Also-Edgar Bergen and lfls Pal * (harlie McCarthy In "1DOIVBLE TALK", PinySilly Symphony in Color "M OME ITTE8'~Latest -Ne% s <Iiutt e' nd t lî i .' ca-t 't fWalat a cw-l ol Di.'~ar- ux. jonn , Wray.IJri..'1tt 1Itut.rx Ni' kt.'x kA4Himus ,Waor 1ii:i'BaS~iletPrrx'. tut ' aîd i izuiît h .\irîi.Il t.,1111)i> a i ilv eXpositOn The W'oman Alone. Gaumiiot'Brit- Ti(>1]st i ~î~ t Saittn tit'ttitIv tt latIlipr.oblviis. anîd a, wut.b is h film, dîrectud bx' Alfred Hitchcock, îîl'tur. f ut' iaxt tr d. carr1ied (111h iuzl -t.cîîîi îuioi' aIl auto:nlo- with Sylvia Sidney, Oscar Homnoika., bu xuut frîanaîd .îî.rt prior te blci. < tîsanîd (riIrst is realistic.IDonald Aemer. and John Loder. Civl Il\ar i,ît î a vunu taIt't..'x- vell casi . and xx'il directed. Its social Tîs e s.gili fil dal ith thle p'rlvacttt.'cIlovsiieiîe lîoxv \'rî.rvlebsbu.i iviv.aecrime, of -sabotage. 'the scenes of the Ihaxtt.r. t.ajîtiiîiin f t.' s1lavesuip enl- .London fog ,carryîîg ont the(lpe- d(uavorS touIt.'ax tue )slit.'nss att.r The Empergr's CarndIesticks M GM liîg mood It vilh e of nost interegt i' utiarrics.Ilut.'is 'siugii.( I)V pit.'ure. îreced. ivGeorpe Fitzuiiiiîr-to tiiose wlîo epioy suspenise anîd ...........iCe. wýith iuist.'Rainer., Williain thripls, ""AIJR CONDITIONEDOP MATINEE DAIIIY Thurs., Sept. 2 2 FEATURES2 'Womaon Choses Mon" Jocl Nlc('rea -.Iirliiin: f)j[kiaus PLUS "You're in the Army Now" Robert Young - Florence Rice and 'MIDNIGHT MADONNA' Warren William Mady Carrel] E. Ellis-