JOSEPH KNEI CEMENT AND MASON CONTRACTOIR Specialzjng -Waterprooflng Basements 1714 Washinigton Ave. Wilmette 2618 15A-LTN17-4tp CEMENTý & STONEWORI< 0F ALL kinds. Drlveways. Black Soil,& Ma- nure. John Ferraro. Phone.Glencoe 1321. Carpenter, and General ,Jobber. Stornm sash, recreation, rms., porches, roof- Iing garages. Overheaddoors, etc. W. R. Wilson, Kenilworth 5511. 15A-LTN17-4tp HOME INSOLA*TioNý RALPH B. W41TE, JOHNS-MANVILLE WALLFPILL, ROCK WOOL ]BLOWN IN. 426 Linden or call inln.-1240 for free, JM book and est. No obligation. 15B-LTN14-4tp BnUSINSS SERVICE. ICLECTRIC WELDING, .. B O I LtR Welding, automnatîc machine shop: aiid p>arts jobber. PAVLIK BROTHIERS PHONE KENILWORTH 280-820 16LTN5-26tp. PLASTERING REPAIR WORK AND CONTRAC FREE ESTIMATES. EDWIN B. KIàEFER 453 JEFFERSON, GLENCOEi 1 6LTN5 OPTOMETRIST 356 yms experience. -Eyes titted properly. Broken lenses repiaced, frames repalred. JOSEPH F. KUSS »I4 Elm St. Winnetka 3671 .1 7A-LTN35-tfc GARDENING ROTOTI SOIL PUJLVERIZE] LING FRn: 13, En*o yu vacation without worry about your house, garden or property. Those littie things you meant tô do.. and didn't'; weeding the garden, paintinggnral cleaning, every- whee -al can bee by experts *hile you are away.. 'on this page we offeèr .a directory of dependable. home services which, can helpý make, your -vacation care- and LANDSCAPE SERVICE LANDSCAPING AND GARDENING. Lawns built or topdressed scientltic- ally; also fiower beds. For sale: orna- black dirt, sand, fertilizers, seeds. Yo- vanof. Wilmétte 424. 33A-LTN15-4tp PAINTING: AND DECORtATING PAINYING AND PECORATING E. NELSON Painting and Interior Decorating 42LTN17-4tp) PAINTING, DECORATING, PAPER. hariging. Interior or exterior. Prices reasonlable. Caîl Wilmette, 1879. Paint, Paper, .5 lRms. $40 Up E. W. HUCK ~T1ŽG. CILIN CAL., $ UPPainting and decorating CEILNCCALC, $ UPPrices reasonable Sanitas and canvasing work. Rm. wali Wilmette 2418 117 paper cleaned, $1.50; bathroom en- 42LTN]7-Il» 2-26tp ameled, $6 up; kitcen painted, $7 up. W'E SPECIALIZE IN O 13 T S 1 D E 5 rins. tirs wshid., varnished $10. Out- ptt.~oita' h ecnfr sidepnt., ehes, $5. indos, 5c.nish the iowest possilje rate.. Aiso shinglé ýr, and' Stucco finish done reas. Refs. Free-est. tingHghadPr281 Mat'l furn. staning HigiandPark2851 washied, and varnis] papered, $f; Up; out. sonable. Well recomrn $7 iUp; 5 floonrs shed, $10; rooms: tside painting rea- mended. LN1K, WI1- 4S59 4 2LTN 1I7-t tp GIPE & OLSON PAINTING & DECORATING *Neat Workmanship Interior and Exterior ES-tiia tes cheerfuily furnished. * Wilmette 2456 42LTN16- 42L.TZiN16.-4tp PIANO 'IMNINO PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING AIl Work guaranteed TÉhomas Lockerbf e Wilmette 822 TUNER, WILMETTE PUB. SCHOOLS 45LTN17-4tp REPAIRINO AND RgFINISNING The Village Wood Shop opp. Wvilmette Postoffice. Wilmnette 3484. Custom-built furniture. Reproduction and restoration of antiques. Expert .furniture repabring' and reflnishing. itea, r I!dr-'Jak Ot. Cail Win-' PERSONALý 429 Ridge Rd., 'Wilmette Anriounre the opening of the Bowling ilicys for thle season Iý 37- 1938 4LTýN 17Ito TRANSPORTATION MWANTED BE- tweenf Glenview and Wilmnette to ar-, rive Wilmette 8* .30 leave 4 :40. Refer- ences .exchanged. Reasonabi'e., ,W'ïimette 44814 4LTN17-Ite MANý AND WIFE, HAVE SPACE IN Car for two studenits desiring trans- portation to Boston September 10., Cal! Wîlmette 2058. PZTN17 t BUSINESS PERSONAL, -LINENS- Chicago Linen House, importing direç-tiy from its European I-omne Industrye, there- fore known, for. mod. prices &,.qU$lity. Wanted LADY who bhas connections.with society and clubs. No Selliingi-ood Income I Write for information. Paul Wichelhaus, 548 Roscoe St. Chicago. 1 5LTN1 6-4tp Rlespoîisihjie partY rnay have ue' UPRIGUIT PIANO fr storage of sam.- CHIKERN(;AMPICO GORAND PLAYPRPI O Large i. Splendid condition. 100 rmIls. of good rmusic. Winnetka. P.1., Boxc31-1. 40TTN1,7-Il CONN P-FLAT TENOR< SAX, 1-SVD only six months: ,Flat 'Buffrt Cîarinet, hoth in perfect condition. Pr.iec'dç reasonablte. Phone' (ilexicoe 941. RESPONSIBLE PRYWSFE s' of piano during winter in return for storage, Gencoe 576, 40LTNI-7-l).. WAýNTIED-STEINWAY, APARTMNTi babry grand. A-i condition., Wl!! pay ail rash. Keniiworth 4970. 40LTNI 7-it(- PETS ______ CE*RSTENSEIN ANIMAL HOSPITAL FORMRLYYOUNGMAN'S KENNELS Invites the use of our mite- - JUlpllte Aininionia ,7 field Coun.ty Li.j RIOad c West of -Waukegan Road. A. F. VOLT Z Phone Wheeling 2f; 33A-LTN17-ltp TO THE. ADVERTISER MISSESS dresses,.s Size 14; Ail gýood 79 Abbottsi 441,17-1 tp i APPAREL- - ' AND EVENING .6; giri's winter coat, LIl top-coat, size 19. n. Winnetka 3522. oad, Winnetka. 59Ll7-Iti> MUSICAL INI$TRUMIZNTS 1 1 1, ýl