Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Sep 1937, p. 9

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V;yinig with the stàtely dahlias for telephone number is Wilmétte 746-J. beauty lionors. at the third. show, sponi- sored 'by the American Gardeners asso- Personal Pro Perty ciation, wilI bc the fi nest array of silver cups and trophies that have ever been Tax Schedules A re assenîhlcd on the niorth shore. Thiese coveted prizes, to be awarded to Due in Nvew Trier. winners ni the third annual dahlia 'Cx (Continued from. page .5) hibition to be :held.at Winnetka Com- tranismitting complfants to the Board ninity House, Saturday and Sunday, of Ap peals where it has not been pos- Septmber18 y9 rivdls é sible to meet an assessor. It remains anîd until-the date of the *show ,ill be -to be seen whether the local assessor displayed in variousý store windows from îîb emitdt opiesial Lke Fr Est. to îasocet. 1ereay records of the assessment after it is_ Lestr E Bid, ssoiaton ecrtar, mde. It is clear that responiiibility annoiunced this. week that every indica- fomai sesmnt.h 1 otrs tion points to a record show,. both inun h is shoulders. regard te; varieties and quality of, dahlias UPI exhibited. Em phasis. is, placed upon the titue, Specmen loom&~1to--i% en taxpayers to file their schied- I the specimien' bloom, section there tle.ý. To naniv twýo %veeks seem in- will be fine classes including: adequate. especially at, this time of Twýenty-five to thirty-flve varieties. year,. when many people are awvaV Ir.ifteen to twenty-five varieties. frorn home and znay uîoi receive theý Tell to fifteen varieties. j lanks uintil the allotted tirne lias Five to ten. varieties. t.xpiredl. P'riopos and singles-one to fifteen Important t. Note vari.etie& - Il adtiotn to nôtiçug the fintal date Amateurs: Onie to ten varieties, flot fo~r naking retuirns, Septemiber 22. more than one-fourth to be pomipons. the taxpaver should ilote instructions :\mateurs : Ten to twènity varieties, of the countv. flot miore thanl one-fouirth to be pomponls. of the county assessor appearinz in Seedlings: Open to everyone. the blank. Under "Item 7, household Children's section : Open to anyonie furnituire and furniisizigs," -hle states tunder fifteen vears of age. ofiht ini bis opinion the average of this In abovt* Ia1~ une bloüom only o tl isn sesnn Iarge-floMel-ing vaiities and seufflings- class of property a 1 assmn tlirtQe, looins of pomipon.s and snls value, hience it is elin;",ted and the luteArrangement Section taxpayer mnay disregard it except ini Intearrangement section there wilI ca.sc,, of Oriental rugs, antiques, oul betnclasses, including: ý oaintimes, vaitaiablet2flctriés. ilve'r YVUIII A ~,OHmo PEAS AÀmoeroban H omo 20-or 2No. 2 ce *20-z.U . OMATO Homo No..2 cons2 1 COFFEE Our Broakast-Dated 3l.5 ýCoffee Ameriean Hiome I-1b. bg22. CoffeeNaio,1 à*LUx. Il.a27i Gold- 241-lb. bag 5-i -25c Wheaties Softasilk ' 18-oz. pkg. 10 2-lb. plçg. 25, 'I rb.17,c :r a8-oz.pkg. lOo wholecakel6c Living-roomn arranigemienit-Vases of *dalias com'binied with otheur flowers. Dining-roomn centerpiec-1) a h i1 i a s b iing-r(oomi ceniterpiece-D ai1 i a s c :rnhbined with othier flo\wers. Dahlias or othier fiowýýers in uinusual, container. Floor-vase arrangement D1)a h i1 i a s (comnbiined with other foliage if desired). Eubble bouiquet-Dahilias or other flowers. SLivinig-roomî arrang~ements of flovcers HIAVE UAUtiH[1R MIr. and M.Nrs. E. J. Ferring, 1135 Central avenue, announce the'birth of a daughter; jean Dann, August 16 at the Evanston hospital. The baby, who ,wcighed 6 pounds, Il ounces, '15 the 1Fcrrinigs' first child. She is also the filrst grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wood, 105 Linden avenue, Glencoe. Mrs. Ferring is the former Margaret Wood. CALIFORNIA BARTLETTS P EARS,. FANCY . ... .. (A cooperative Producer-ýConsùiner campaign) FANCY THOMPSON SEEDLESS GRAPES *. . ...... 2*S.3 Ceam of Meats SpeciMis Faon, HzeIKftçheps Summer Sausage.- Salami Sausage. Small Frankfurters * s * 33Cfb. e. e e 33C lb * e p . 3 C lb. 23c, 3i~Ib.25c

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