Delirciouslytfresh, pure creomery but- fer - Highest score, rich 'flavor- There is't.any beter-lb 41c Uneeda Bakers Macaroon Sticks A new and crunchy, tasty cooky, mede with nolasses. butter ý*nd cocoondut, in stick form-Serv.e with pine- apple chunklets for dessrt- .1 ~PACKAGES,,9 'Aeneseo Tomao A delicately blerided,. finely seasoned fruit cocktail -Chili. and serve before lupcheon and dinner-Large 24 oz. bottis- S or 10 CocktoiI 23C Sunkisf LuxRinso. SpryWodCu* Pineapple Chunkiels L~ ag For cakes, plies. and 'axiatm IIBen deep fatf fryng- Heres a perfectl y delicious w6y to Cili and serve for dessert, as a fruit 2 serve these. fine beans-ýAdd >3' slces cocktail or uise' in fruit salads-.It's ail.I j cof bacoLn <iced). sea- treat any ýway i i Smallal sonirig and a littie vine- 1 7-No fn _ar to contents of can 32for rl9C c2 f 1l7 ls63c -No. I.ti nsm 2 FresIi Fruits and Vegetables HONEY DEW MELONS. Ripe, juicy, sweet-Just ready to eat- NEW APPLES. Jonathans-a._ perfect eating apple- Wolf Rivers-Fine for baking or cooking- Large cl usters and Bushel-1.19 1they are cteliciously each 19C 41b.. 25c: 4,É, .20c Meuts - ish Pouf try CHOICE SIRLOUN STEAK. Juicy, tender steak-The perfectl.5 c RIB ROAST 0F BEEF. Wonderfully tender beef whether you prefer if rare, medium or well-done- SmalI, lb. 43C Large, lb. 39C PORK TENDERLOIN. A m ost economrical meat buy-lt's ail rmeat49 and ready ta bread and fry or bake-1.49 For a deliicio us meat loaf, to $lice FANCY BANANAS. Waxy, yellow fruit-Slice and. serve with creamr, bake or fry- 31b$- 17C: Sweef, juicy -Fine for pies, cakes andtfortes u . qart box Fresh, green sprous-A fine vegetable quart box 1 fruit, doudolus flavor-for. salacis, 17c 21c claves. ond simmer until tnir CHOICE POT ROAST. Dutch Oven either in the oveni PLATE DOIILINGBEF for a bo 1iled dinner- For a perfect flavor, wash meat in a baU, add onions, bay leef, cold water, lb. 34c: A efCôolweafher. rost-R*ast in I or on top of he steve- lb. 3 I c Fine for soup stock or lb 8c FIS . lu' "I SEPTEM-BER 9, 1937 I B U T T E R