yo*< order Tested Coal See Our CoimpIeey Auatoiatic Coke Stoker WILMETTE 1 1..Coal &mêateriai Yard 130 Loke Ave.: WiImette 4200 Li liat auvC1. ilui, - '. . 1 hie 1easoin peoinles d~o not fli0111. Ill If you haven't been growving this liglit 'soôj i ïêud> ilav b )e co.r ed b:% dcpendable flower, get your order in j inches of soi:1in1-av ilouthe co,-- 'to a good graover promiptly, for the ering shQuld liot cxccedc 2 inilcs. period fromi Septemnber 15 ta October Do not plant too closclv togeuthui 1,5 is the ideal time to plant peoniies. _itCo.e hi lic ct By> September, the new eyes of thie-o osrta lic et peonlies for the followin eao' Do not plant Yicar trees or sius 1l1---Ç2ýs-i1 Do not plant iil soit wvherc peoniC> growtfh are formed, and the plantsare. have prvosv growii. dormant. September planting enables .jol1lns l.iudiccýcalgi t le -plat t toestablish new feeding PC -à - Wlartsi .Illd reccrea lI t roots iup until the tâme winter sets i n xu11ýlh oistra r itar aeia l show st W àte fter plantilg.. At tis tlius imaking plants that will jroshavowo )coIewh stronger growth. the fotllowing spring. !saîs1ladatent reiga( H-oWever, a Ieadîing orighiator and tflawving i: iklyto (1 )niuich (lamagi,(. grower of peonies eniphasizes that l)o. flot apply tliîs nulch iuntil after peonies may be planted wyith satis- thu ýgroulnd is irozeit. It is- flot ncee- fact or-y results as late as just.before sary to& mni1lhnon after thé first the final freeze-up. lie states thlat vear. while the early faIt lanisdo ho a little stronger growth,the following Caha ae.ibr spring, that in t1he second growulig1.1 season there is noa perceptible differ-i Brings. Drivejrs',Arrest ence eiher in size of plant or amotunt .\t 2o .clock Moni orning .Albert of blooxu. Carlr,(on -of Kewanic, Ilt, (rivinig iortlh They 'Want Sun ()il 1il)l)a(l ria (1,failed t(> st(qI ifor the Peoiesw sn oo ring.rc<1 li-ht at Lakec avenue. aîand wastrick iand rîichdeep Ibain soil. Mak-ethie ufYrkWgr, niw bed ready. a week or more before ro '1, goinig \Cet. Carlsonl's car landed actual plainitng timie 50 the soit caîi 021i11(I )acith.(ichI1) e, nrl ((i he p int 1f \m a1t. ,Rid ng ith C arl- stl.A thoroughi preparation of the ,iiin were Nl1sse> Editlh Aiidrson aand soit is necessary becauise of the (leep Hlx ;itf~ 1100 Cres'celt ]ale, rootitig character of the pconv, am d 1-uîhbard XVoods. Police Se!rgeanit johnl the permancy a, f the plantitig. i Schaefceîx, with Off-ièers W\hitcide and Siîice peoies, onice they arcecstab- Schiieider. resp4on<led tiy a cati axxd held lishied, occuipy thie sanie gardeni spot blUt iers on ( a charge of.rils for a nunilier of vears anid's'ince the <îîvîîg o 4,11 v as îjr ANNOUNCE BIRTH. ~1 m i I< .p s1 the (! f,riiicr Nartha NI (b(t- ((T NIr. and Mrs. G. Ross Stewart -of .South LBenid.. bId., forine.rly of Wl mette. spen t Lahor Day ek-n 11wîthï NMr. and Nfrs,. Pauil R, Soute. 915 akeavenlue. Only WILSON & CO. makes Made leam