bct- ot l is cia-ýS u cltt.Uhe S ictv hip f ifjev su.ý w 111 Sait f rorn Ne cw York ùc.tol,i i7/for Patna. 1Ilidia. w wli 'Pc WilI l de ott lits 1t1m.l. 1 u Ic t atd i ilttueaca(1l'mv )sttdl t aninl, _ _o vali îicu tiisenînrvat NIil ford, )voindv fall of 1932, receiving lus I)aclel-or of artst (egrec in j une, 1937, -frao \\ est Badelitcollege, at LoVOla nîiversitv"S amiital commxencemnent exerci.se-.. -ailier Matît b as twvobrothers ii flc )rie stl1100(l,,ti e.Nc NIat.S. j .. newl\ apîl)Ointéed rcctor 'i Si. Ignatius 141glb ,91o001,1(176 WX. Roosev)"üýelt' roma(l1. and the Re%:. Josefh i Ryan, wh'o is a rneil>er ofOite mis- -1 ta"band iin Patina .A -votinger br > lerCharles,.%vas graduiaicd froiîn I .ovo-la university, last J une. Thev are the sn of Mir. and Nirs. Niatthias Miann, 221 \Vood court, Xilnette. Other guests of bonor atte'tidiiigthe banquet will be the Rev. N-illiam .X 'ixiegan. S. J., d'eaiu of the college ýýf art> and sciences ofILoyola uni- ýveî'sty. the IRev. P1erîiard Reddv, S.J. faculty inoderator of îlic acade;uyv lnuiassociation, and CabL.eoii- ard 1). Sacbsi. l hward Schneldier1«, ,hairmnt (i the baniquet cmmmttee. Golf Club Arranges Lad and Lassie Day m-lie iinumbilers of thec North Silore t utvclub are looking for\vard \ itît kun, anticipation to Lad anxd D "rIay, a club frolic schedfled f oir btsd S eptemlber 10. at the I i01(Ici Utu x\v road. < )ith-.occa>-.on, accordinigt1o ad- \ïtlncç itot n.c',-eadi lads' i> t<) ilix ite aa le Lc (Iftpart ncirwho 1inu1st ilot be liir lllSbild. She wi11 sign al.c c and do allihue tling> that tiinan-1 or<inailvdoc., aithe wcltub." iedav's p r o gr a wîll iîld luneteoti at 12 o dock. golf startnig a1 I oclioçk. dintier and danin. ' t ertainulitnt vIiliecprovi.ded aithOi lunclicoti and (limier, il is fironîrs1d. C;ohf togý, for ithe afturnioon andj '1uî11îe1CIlot-nma] for . d1innrIs the; prec soholOOiworkers ai; St. IAugustine sguc find it pos5sible to attend regularly al sessions of the conference. Dinner wil1 lie served in the Parish House at 6, Saturday, and, breakfast at 9 :40 on: Sunday. I NOW ISLT i~T 'M~A1 yoUCLE ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHfON£ COMPANY