Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Sep 1937, p. 26

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muet resca the edior 97 A uCeuey 11005 10 Pe ta îii: xri te .c«Met issue. WILD Ru MORS Thriere is rmuch potential liartî,ithet isprcading of such runiorsias .those circtulated receiitly tliat * theNx~ Trier village s arc coinhattiîîg ali' Ci- d1qînic of ýinfait.ile paralysis. ',Sncb, reports travel xvtli.phepnmeal rapi(liy,lansi thedisposition of the public is bo give, thicm credence %vithit iii - ýqiry to. proper auithoritît, s' to, viîtiîr theyv Save anv founidation in fact. The truîhl is -that there werc hrc iiild case:. il"ight attacks and at last oncs. of \iiiciixxa .onitractc(l elsewhere. *'Thlere Iis tot anîdlias îiot been event the semiblance of an iideînipC. Tis n5iot to say that this region is exepbt frym such infor- itunate visitations, for làoplace is idmmupce IWi oîîly to sav that thec entire ctznli of thé vil- lages, s seerelv than4d-til that the riininors arce false, and regret that they %were started;, Ili traciiig the rumiors, it mvas disco\vercsi thai sorneone had read reports of the contagion isi Chicago, anîd bad eiher néîsundrs'tood the Weaik or assîimd that the eiduiîîie tieru mxa, jsrulain * in these comniitlities. OnJîe larnîful] resit of theinc iîidlent xvas teîi- * pOrariiy to deter n11,111yI roui e Ijoyig tteplea- tr of the beaches, to xviiicli thle suIpposesi con- * tapion was attribut(ýd. Tiiose in ciiargt* of tihe beaches. as well as t4o1w -alth imnCiimosîori. i$ave promîpt reassitraice on this pixnt,. statnj .1fhat tiiere A*n.;i-.îts enck y s.ofl ianinaii Mo the mwatétr. Analx 'i.. î-. îîadse daiIý ad patrons ot Ille beaclics arc isstîrs sitînt upoît the itai oails oi au il lhfi onîdition IIcuh iIýIfori dI ion mi'li be coiiveyud lb the plublic. If the .heydayi of Ai Capoîîe are stuii wthin> * iour nemnorv. vou prol)biIystili iinarvel ,t the, caewith whicb. for- a lnlong tlime, liem'as .enabied to keep out tof jail xvhile pdiîug up a for- finie: in the lhit liquor trade. : on xvil also re- xitlî the biessiîlg of tue. treasury department wlticli nevér pèrm-its its rigliýt hand to fiiîd out What its lef t hnd .is .doing: For, believe it or uiot, there are still bootleggers in' the land who laugh i Unce Sarn's face and ridicule the idea of buyirg .a federal liceî 'se. These are the ones atte~5Und iur theîiniavor-able conditions attcii(iaii upon conîstruction work, w'hen thcèv wýerc C0111- pellesi to sit oliithîegrotiîîd, stand or at hest scie tnconfortabie scats, is .a more audible expression of that aippr-eciaition iitianan spoken .vordi. The orchestra is a FederaiMsi ojcorn- zation, ýCOiiii)osC(i of nînsicians .of uqi~isis si)crior talenît, whvlîo ave liad.the advan1itage of ouitstandiiîg directors of nîationîal :rcputtatioîî. 'Tiie liave beeîî iincoîncert, xvork ilonîg ciougli tb aiîiîosi rea.cli perf,,ction. iniperformian.ilce , ani Jtiîi 4S It iÎ> thatî,bas attracted imusie ls}ýers f r om ail ]aloîîg 1ila(ý porth shore.. It is a matter 0frget that thi e ries Ilif (.4111 coîîccrts reachies its close \Vediesdax- îinht. 'i*iît splendid reiisitioii of Clàssical prelgranis, giv.%u i in asetting> of such rare1)cauht. lias affordedln allo'xesi pleasure t s tiosu in attciîdanée, anîd \il - illette us rc uuîgtlis tliank-,of oiieir us rtiuh i r Ct iiiiuî ute f i bavig provude i tiiciii. SHI-RT-TA.L REFýORM ÇYfi1l ai . W ies, aloptilîig the role of piolîeci- iii dres cfornm for nin, lias thîs to sax- initue ttii 1,1t11Y rnstliisaI -aig-thuî it is a sissiiii îg _ ht 2lîIî eitury Ihasi-been the - !vltsIî fusss s.s-usz-Itsa ts n(iîd uicds.-rusized t,,cîs s Uîslîîztttias idi vSZd troul-n-s ths oîîsî'xiîixe iia i5 'III saehoîîaîi--., ali st îni* * And r iiglirliere we imust aliept tl'i- t'xrth-s - iit thanien ve.ir entirei tb- nvi -stlii.TIisvy eau ke1) varnlin uwiltts- thin gar-nenuiî arthaii one .tbiek sms-. xxt- lus-h(t-issi hui1(atably w-sai- Iightel- cIssUs - I ls- susltta l, And i 1n i i off, Ith tibtti s (Il I ll.si (s al ie-'.esAndislthi- .1jlTsfu u ui rues \011s(111 iiiilV esii' ttsi\ss'i' stý, tjil, glitss. ;In 1îîd i iliaf~ps-r'. -Andi Nxav ilïtiîtt-ss'il-rass ea Axva xi t l ue ,tlt'-I(s,>"sueI),41 -s shi il awa' xvitî s tifstuaxv ts ,tîitop 1ha ts, Stiff, ev is Ss. L l is Us on,î',sx s-issi-e a ui :111sse aU t i iii liesis hi( Il it-suit in >tujfImnt-Ss. -W' liltIh au llter d'il) ssII h-ass, t L., do fla\% y Wtlotni.Ig trosuset s il Mtfe l 5lissU es- xx-e U l)-~unIteý xv t:tilcd stiff«-kns s s] s nd ritfSqe 15> ir t slw lII. 'v a sli Iîtstil wixe I-nd su.dden1 l sus- (ti.IiIiitsi ts.- s-V I e s s.@ (Il ,* us-u1s i- mn thI-s i tct arouse the opposition of ail Masons and Ro- tarians to a one-man government in this cotuntrý.* According to reports ini the big dailies; Xii- mette has a* wonderfui harbor if only there wyer'e more water in it. We suisicion that the erratic weather niait i'. a Nexx Dealer, enipioying his authoity in reprisai,. Hie stopped a copions shower within two blocks oi our .in\vly sce(eed awn. (And did it again.> Otîr licapl is iiii(er.tlie tale, anid we Icevru- tract a récent inîtimnation that the . rofessional Greeni Ba3-Packcrs, wouidcat the Ail-,Starcoeg footbal yers alive. Solace is that ontr Iiili1m.xai îiot as, far. froni the ground as tue onie on %vii clî th eboxing exerts roosted l)efore' thé .u..Fr lighit. * .~ Thernietropôlitan ii aily papers give, u>in iany pajîls Y , the ,îîeck, but >none more c7riicat îig t laîî thé agoîîv piottiesl iicli are tiicr lai ect las I Agonypctr. s(1eiîit suirnîise,, picturu agoiiv. au <I the morealiie thonv are th lieU îtth i) uhli>hlur.. like t. Tiîey cxis1. sfphoto- - ail the nnîs uilr - tîmerfac a ru the butter the jp iet1lue ' r,'atce(1 >iîold a ladix's i>atl>x Ie idI- uiaped, lier 1hushand arrestu 1 pr 1)o5.iblV kiiied, ,sueIlie- sel f clargud xith ilnrs0 itr(' seîîteîcd to jili for violationi of a tranie regiatioxi, a.liorsie of phott>railier- are (impattiieqli bcatch lier in ia iiîa poýýu, a l)os.lh)ICwhlu ir face rugisters t1e ags umi\tlia i, rîilchiiiig thie hear-t of lier. Bhdt;, o ututiîg fr wrd . I swver t i eladies ii sm - '.eles i ii' î> a i tin it enid lo it. xi tlt inos't lcltutwonan us. ugyil s t1l dvvii xls c ry'iîg, lier feat ures t<i1ted ot of all cnu1ïlhe to their htuniai imes. and tiere ià hop t ih . ralis xlilc inita~ ()nc of thos eeitut ckxv rcljt aîe' ulusover-tii.t W siieii aveal 11w b î 4h f mencîtal tests renî exs s ur ivit erest ini t at asivaln e ung i)rofessioil, ani guve rvsc crtai-Wrtiin siurir.if iai! ppssas * Cauii tagree nn,,I t liC gellerallY accèpt.ed form -of a' a "o l,"ad resinbesonle about alsMtich- as does a white mouse the giant. panda of the Brookfield.zoo '- h would be unfortunate for Wihiette to alloiv the misnoiner to stick. THe PHANTom RePORTleR

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