Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Sep 1937, p. 30

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Miss Priscilla Gutizrie, daugitter _of r. and Mlrs. Jolin Brandon. GIi/lI rie, of 'll Iintkai, becaîne i',iý bride, of A/fred B.P\,'aSon o], .11r. and IIIS. Jollil ozvk of(, ' hi- a$),Saturday . erv io.T/w ere novtook place it Crs ./ne z~asfo//wed v a7'c'/'ti4/ial The xvoini's ciîanpioîshiîpgel f t)air- îîitinent at Northî Sucre Cotintry chlb closed receîîtlv, .Mrs. VF.J. ocrig f Chicago xvîmunnlig the Champin ('111p witli an 8,5. NI r>. C. Il. \Warcr cf 1l',\vamsteni, cluÀiniinof golf, opeîîed thie mîeeting after the teurnamnemt, anid amîmîeuced the foplloxvîmîlg w'îmîers:1-1 Class A-Mrs. lîr(g. chaîmpion ; Mrs. J. A. Sidney cf Chicago, rumîmîier-ip. Clas s BMs .P. Murphy of,\Vii- iiim(ttte: wNviier ;Nirs. \Wariier, ruier-un). *The September sewing iîeetimîg of thu Womia's Society of thie Englistu Luthîer- ain church will be lheld Thursdav after- imoSeptember 10, at 2 ec4c at the homeiecf,.M\rs. Sciùtt S. Stiiitiî, 525 i.ake of Arian L. Delander Holyoke Undergraduates Ali inforniai w edding drc',s 4,i du- A tea for uîîd(ergradutates,, sponsore(1 bonnet velx'et was woril by Mi's NiMar- by the north sectional greup of the, Chi- jonc1 Thorsen of Kei lworth for lier cago L\ottit Hoiy-oke club, wvii1 be hield nA]Urriage Iast Friday ex'eliîîig to Arian idaafterlioon of this weuk frein 3 :30 b.~~o \)lner Ol r.'aiiclNirs. Hlarry te 5-.30 o'clock at the home of. Mrs. L. Delatîder. of Wilmnctte. '-,li carried Geo~rge S.ýpaùIiiig, 241 Hlarbor Street, a 'bouquet .*f white roses. grdlenias, (lencc<>. anîd liles cf the vallex', anîd were a few Pctiring at the tea xiii hc tlree Nîcutit %-IÀtc roses anîd butte'n chirvsailthcmuus i !<odyevke. gradtuâtes of the cîass Of. 19371 hi, lier iair. MIiss Jane lorion cf. Evanisten. ,fornîcniy *The ceremioii3 was- perforined'at 8:30 of Giencce, Mliss BeItty l'est of (Uen-ý o7clock by the -Rex'. George Allisoii, f coe. and Miss ;,;phoebe Piaricdv (if. Ber- the. \ilnitte.1Baptist church at the hoe \%-xYni . Nirs. James J. Fe'rstall of \Vinl- .f the bride'siparenîts, Mr. and NlÉs. neika, iîewiy electetlaiuînetrtnstec, CI-arI.es*.Alfred Thorsen of 534 -Nieiroýee x\ll aise pouir.at the tea table. axeuan.d ws olowd a recel)ti()n. -*AîncmîIg 1the unidergraduiates Xwiîe Will Tait vases cf wît xîes whte be gütIs*cf homer are Blanche 1iat-, asters. and gladioli F lrnie(I a t)ack,- ihl. of lF.x-amston,. Antianarie :Booz and groulicifor the cerenion-Ny, N .\\allaic Ju.ar Fshrof \Vilmcuc. ,and 1I. )erotl iv Nleutibl)rg of . E'vansu niii Elizab)eth \\ arkeitieii of Park Rîdg(e. Barbara Thersen > serving as bier sisteT s nîatreîîn cluier White of, Evamîston.. ali en ter- ,cflhenor.and( only ttteii(Ltiit. 'I er (iress ing freslînîan. is anotitier gue 1st. M iss %%1a! of Fremîch b bine elvct, anid she car - WIhite 'is a scli(ilarsliili sti(lcmt, haxing ried. veilow roses. IHerbert 1 K ýqppcl (ef-won teCuptthe i arhpfor th W\mlliette xvas the besýt mîail. fi î-hst grades in cntrance -cxamnîmatiomî5 Mtr caderandhisbride are îmutotr- of am- treshnwî a cUngat liee ing to the Suk'inounit'ain11 cn. their this fait. xcddng trip, anîd hei te're.tuirîlii i1 live Mii \ilîncutte. Roy T. Sellery WiII Be Married Sept. 20 Niondax', Septemuben 20, iii ti,,, C, racee cimrch ini Cincinniati, Olîlo. NMi- i )rc- tlmx 1Ileathcote Ilillis xtl ic< iic t britle of RoyN Thoimias Seilcry, on 4,ilf ]oyAllister Seliery 4,i 90),' -Ui.laiwi ~avuue. The cereîîîoiîv ýýiiI e ner- iorniecl at 8:30 o'cil< 1w hýthe lrid ' s ialher, the Rex'. George IlatiteIllîs pa>ter (cf the chuirch. 'l'lie I/r) ichr (,f thc bride xiii give Iis is,ýitcr i mîariag-e. .\iter the cee .1x areceptioil\\ ill I e held at thic Maketeuwah LCuQ rychlb. Miss Florence Sullcrx-, isfcr cf tîhe bnîdegrni. ,and \\'ilaîîScllry are ge- îmîg to Cincimînati sex-eral da's- befere the weddiîmg te take part ini soine of t fc eniertainiîîg for tlhe bridai p)arty . Is 'Sellery is te te a bridesîîaid. anîd Wil- liani is .seiwiîîg hlusbrother :as bIesi Juniors Open Meeflngs The Juni or guild cf the \\ilimette Parish MNitliodist chutrcli will hoid its lirst mieetinig cf flic year Nloîdav ee- nmmg, Septenîber 1,3, at the chunircli. The1 pregraîl fer.tîme meetîmmg is teo beami- iimo4jiced at a later dlate. Mrs. Harms 15 Hostess, to Infant WeIfare 1i .Narx luliar1 s,925 l'a wi j c r> ,ad. ci iturtainIlcdi the 1huard Iî'uI i wr' (if t1ew'WilIn et tu Infant \\VelIfarct C)i 411 , W f oll)wci lix'thv hfr'>t li, ardI îneetiiîîg of ithe Mar. Nirs. I-arninsis the chaIrimm t4>1f t]c beard, Mrs. Wallace 1,eliiike. vicé7presýi- dlen t ; Mr>, j. G. Bderec4)rdlig,~ seccta M Nrs,. 1lareld S. (-odt.cr- rcspcîdiiî sceetarv NI n. S. 1). IlIII.I, treasureru r s.\Vii c lhiiku, plub- lîMv:Nrs. Il. E. Pinie. statici slîd uI Nr,. J. WY. Buttas. clurrwal Si1chI- Ic Nis. J.P. I fccs1i1,e iî chair- ' vstcmm \Ir>. S. C. Wardeî. isitv a11( Nîrs. I Iarrv NKerr, wax's andImîe;î. \11 cf the board ilenibers arc resi- denitscf. Wil ilette witlhefbe -.l.>->f;i. T'le afternioon ses ion wxas _ givemi over to ni u s i c by Mrs. Wallace .Mitchell anîd daughter, Lois, inspira- tiomiai. devotions by Mrs. Martin Bick- -bain, and a splendid talk bv Dr. Hor- ace Greeiey S mith, former 'pastor and uîowx head of Garrett Biblical ilîstitute. //e P Ii1 )ll 1l1'1t 1(4.)s 42/I mdso t/te e1/l</Ieîtj s Ij's Iet'I, Jeil 21 11 j t .i/î 1 I ' ie/ ,i o/é1i /12 l1 /ll 2 , 114:i s lzte À î. kS îîu i/1 m- < it ? l ! / Sobels to HoId Open House for SQT's Fiancée à\ .ai" cime. \\]Ili a 1as cti 1- rut >1<1 . Sobel. bI/cil ami mu >tîi cc il Kaiiîi. datigliten<of j ack Kaîî ni cf I Manistee, NI wlî, xil ,arrive ()ii NI 441<av for- a x'sit ci aboutt hIe1 avý )il Sat urdax' ex'emîliîîg, Septeiiuir1, -NI r. and Nfrs. Sohel w'11t bold opcii buefor tlîeir son and bisfiic. The Kemîyon Aini assocat'(ii ()f Chicago is givi1mîg a iulicheoin 4t the LU"iiversity club, Saturdav, Septemîber 1 !, for thec Kelyomi coilege .in)coiiiing freshimemî and tiîcir fathiers. Robert Bo,\Neîî Brown of Wirîmîetka is presid.et et thie Chicago ascain

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