Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Sep 1937, p. 31

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au oïiw r vcar, foýliox< iiig tIlé' plut cd 1Fýridav. M r>. '. ';.\1I MIfld ()f I EVaUtOn 1\as tic rti- ie Li 1 ( ass A, and ( M r,. v( ) l-ge I Illve ieI1.e of\\Viul- * iitka \ u h ois( dation prîze.. lui the tlirýeerenhiaiiimng classes. the re- silsWere as fOllùws :_Nliss \rîi; l'resha of \Vilinette, Class Ij winicr .N!r. W. ILI. NcKee of GlenOe, mtimer- 11p; Nirs. I)ariielI)onalne (if Evaîîston, co>sls âion >î NIrs. Ira I. \Wilson tof \\innetka. cIasýs C winnri; NIrs. jarnes ILi . 4ig of Chicago, ruiîuier-up, anmd MIrs. F. W, Sanîps 411 of G ,leiicoe, Coi- s X n Nir.IL. B. li erbel of Kermil-- wurthi. CIass 1 winiierý- NI rs. A.. Il 'nm nul d ýf Chilcago, rnnniier-npi, aid Nr.ILS. Iresha (il1 Wilmette, Coni- 'I'lw u\unî "niesdav 'f ibis week xa timrd î4W ro4ss on the, par 3 and 4, \ul~ I rs. C. S. I htitier o4f Cliicago ani M r ý. C. 11. Reeves of Pkvatist4 n ied for t;r;t place iM ('Ia-.s A :NIrs. Gro),s \Wil- Iianîs )f Wilinîete aidMrs.' I)eWitt ()Kifl î 4 kvail>st4ijd Ili Class ; Nir- Ja1s B.L.1n of Clujeao xva: 01c Clak C \iîtoir, and -NI s V 1.KIlv 4 \iîneavats the wnnrin NI i 1.4 sicker, wlholias been rmu- f( r 'e >ca ~ars reaîiudth te hnpoî tllii thi vear, M iss Dorotli - Bell i be tite wielîsuc iasIed for *'I11 Il. a4,l IiilIe SQC,1(lfli-lit at WscýtrnOrelauud Mr,. 'Norma,îi Lighithart iuf Evanston * lcI-lir>t, ani, Nliss Eleuanw o h ,1r oi \\iag>îas riiiiicr-up. NiMrsý. \'.A. kuild(rick (4f Wilneettcw4m theCasC tliglîî. wiîlîNiMs. Buî 1g on f - aIlt4.n a tuinr-n>.andI Nlr>. 1 conard L., f-adar (f Knlwrhplaç (l fiirs1t'in tIi' >1) ig, . Mrs. Il. PF. Nilier of I V(it 1 \aS the riPiier-up). 'I'l i elast twvo-hal! niixedtorsrn (event -àt Westmoreland tis scason 1 wilI, l ' cdSuuîdav afteri ooli, Septenhbe 12'. No hiisband and no xvife îuay play m the sare foursoine. Pr izes wviI1 be âwarded at the 01(1 Iashioned (linier wvicli wilI follow. Westinoreîand %vill * 1)01( its regtn1ar Ladies' I)av. Friday of and reiresnunjents wil1 be served. The 1937 officers of the league are Ilarcia Sniithi, pesiden.î: Lois it- chell, vice-president : Roy I.undbn,,SC retary, and( Barbara Riplev, treastîrer. IThe conimittee chairmeni arc -Mar- garet 1llorstiîîg, fellowsliip, afid P(A) tiimier, iimnubcrslipl F,'ormer niemnbers-are ur-ge,(l- 10 l) present at, this firstiimeetinlg w.liicll is, open f0 ail higlu scluool studenits. Hildreth, Family-Hom From Summer-in. M*ch,. NIfrs. Edw(Nard C. IIiihlréth andi lier sons, Oxwen iand Ned: retîurned b ilîcîr home at 2006 PBcechw<od avene on1 Wedîîsdayof last week after a stnmnier sfîent lun Michigan, Nirs. I iildreth andi Ned a t Hil(Iretll',\Voods on Torchla .ke, while Owen vas a ays a mp aCi111 ;t Burt lake. Dr. ai Mrs. Pan) W. Te!rr (sister (if Mrs. 1Hilcreth I)amid thçir su P'an1, spent a weck xith NIrs. HIl dreîlî at 'Torcli lakle and a day here bhefore ru- turinng b thoir hli1c M 1Tilcai4 44,â Fr ed Whites Open'New Home to 200 Guests Mir, and Mrs. Fred S. Wh'lite andt1 their todatughters, Flora Jeau ndi Alice Nkrv, openied their iiew hoile at 412 Eidelcr lan'e, Winuîtka Suî>day, Septenu- ber 5, to almnost two hiidi(redl frieîics and uieighl ors. Assistin.g at the 'tea tablesý were Mrs, Jamnes Stigglemnan Of Beverlv Huils, IMrs. Arthunr C. Stanten of \Vil-l niette, Mrs. Jt>hn NI. Brvant anid Nir>. D)on Il. Alford (of Jasoî.Ms ack V7rigl,,t and IlM rs. R, V.>o, so \\iun etka. The \'iuiîs forînerly I'VU(j ai :234 W4<(litl( nlie.* Cozak Orchestra W11l DUARTz Permanet W Complet e $ 31,50 This method elinlinates all guessorik on yu emnn ae It Iasts much. longer ýand is a splendid waeve for finehar During -Séptember 50%1 off on al$.0 $10, $12 waves Belore deciding on your early Fal .permanent, ask.aboôutthesewaves. PHONE FRANKLIM 21,00, ASK FOR BEAUTY SI$HOP Open Evenings PA TRO0 NIZE 'EORI LN OUR ADVERTISERS ýrctuIge. 'Flie benietut wîfl e neld 111 the. sociey's air-conditioiied audjtorium at 157 WVest Grand,âveîîue, Chicago. Manv pri7 'es wiIl be awvarded and the proceeds are to be turned over to the Anti-Cruelty society to hielp theni carp to-r stra ys and uinwanted arinais>. Tickets miay be purchased at the so-, ciety's h leadqtiarte rs or throughb the mail. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Chanudler, 727 F'orest avieueiutertaingd( Mr. and Mrs. Galway Ki.1patrick of . WNinniipeg' over Labor I)ay week-end. The Kilpatricks were enî route for Moutreal, where ',\I.' Killp;trick has gône already. Mrs. Kil- patrîck 'i11visit lu iýWilimettîe for a couple of weeks. hefore Ieav iing:forhoe CQmplete Elzabeth Arden department EDGAR A. STEVENS-: mc. Evansfon

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