Round, of. Parties l'le; Rev. Francis -1. M;agn9er 0 f St. Marv's chuirclî iiiE .%ans- ton illerfori' the -wedding cereînon-v Saturdav%, October 2, ,Nhen Miss Kathleen HIarvev of ýWiImetté is inarried to, Mýichiaelý Putmnant of Evanston, son, of Mrs. Putnian and the late Leigh Redding Putînan. The. wfflinug will take place, iii 'St. ý.-'rancis church at 4 o'clock and wvil1 be followed by az rec eption at the honme of the. bride's mother, Mrs. Frank NWIilliam ,Harve,%- 1 oi 1035,Greenwood avenuie. Mliss Helen .Lynch of R<eilwtortii is to be the bride's maid of honor, and strving as bridesmaids will be Barbara Harv~ey, sister of the bride;. Miss jean. Haves of Gary, Ind.< a school friend of' the bride at St. Mary's of Notrè IDame; Miss Mary Jane Rich of Evansto,î, and Miss Betty Ketchain of Kenilwortli. Rédding Putinan of Te x ar ka na, Texas, will be bis brother's hest mani and the grooinsmen wvi'l1bc Williain and Randolph Puitnan, brothers o f the bride- grooIJohJ011 N McConnell of Evanston, who is 'Miss B-1etty Ketcham's fiancé, and J. Morice Maxwell of Evatîston. wilu have at the I4unuanr's suiiiiner place' at Pistakee Bay, Ais., 'on Sudfay. Se1p-' tenber 12, for three brides, 'Miss H-ar- vey, Miss Ketcharri, and 'Miss Mary F-owler of Xinnetka. "uesday, September 14, \Ir..1-oward will he hostess at a personal shiow\er*for, NiisHarvey, and Thursday, Septenîl>er ..1",. Miss Margar'et Katholing of Chiîcago iý, tu give a bridge tea. Thtis \%il he j followed September 18. by a htmche(un N an he on~ ft/I1)B<is-The DJ)ik tl'hitc satù ineau rs WO>'( a//4qii,à(liflehu tlraili udid t/telargle /'uff shives of4 t/te wIî itc maq i't ed'n onuo<hby V .iss .1 r jornc .l!ead, danghittr <of. .ts. 1.1 'a/for lT. .Meaid of 1.ï/ftt' or Ilier,;- rul . I ugust 28., .1ohl; Nkced Vîî<fr, r, .'so1or. iid Mrs. Johut keocd l'o qard iî'I Ez'avston. . 1 s/trtuiM j<'// fnma fouru-jitîcd mrqu iette a 1. <d s/w C<oYe fit c odhm f t/h'. /v ,ad,îi and orchids. lir. Fugajrd anîl hix bride ,are ilifi *I <ntri hnvuonalid zehen /te v rerili .wiýi//1 liii L auin îqe. l'Ias., ~ hie t/"/u'd<'qoom o'ts Ibis suisin tw laria' !Iraiati< chooi. in to Committee Selecting Models, S or e than sýîeventyy ounig îiorth shore., voimenl, înanvOf theîliîdehuitailtes of the comîngl(7 seaon hve accel)te(l the mv1%i-, *tation oi tje N'Iijtietka'1)oar(,l -of muent, to seLrve as -models inii th eleveîith ammawlstl show, Sp teuhýer 2.5. ini the -Audcitorili (>Of * frouu othleu' aitractiveC IIilII- * JCj115are Ixuct< v the' bo(ard, lp il thir velurn f ro in varions vaca tion.ilspolrt .' 'lhose wllo have accepte(] the invita- *tion ofuttIi:he a .ii itiu o uthéi gr(u~)aiîu;îc<lrecenltlv, arc M r>. Rohert i,îMs."Qsborn lllot, Mrs. F..lF. Hamnun, Ir., Mr. 1icher pur- 'ccli M rs. Arthtur RiesMrEdward A. ogr.Mrs. W\. L .Talu r. Jre., and Mr. 'dgar Stantim Jr. i"le i hu ~Nalnv B"astie'n, Drti *Belnedict, Luie losso)m, leirietta Boal, NaIIncv1»(\us, Nanex' Br1wn Kathiiic XBler ancv lulxAnne l'uiriliaxu. *Jeossica Bvlr iC l nt h i a Cleveland, BseCluw, Silly Crowder, jean IDefrees, -Iqaýn. Ford, IoîieFor- ~ijd LuieGalbraith. The Ms~slmUy Harnon, Virginia Anmi Hodges,' l3arhara Gray Hess;, Char- lotte Hubhart, -\,arioli, 'Prudence and Ruth johnson, lPatricia Kellv, Pa tricli F (àr,,'vth Kelly. Nancy Knodc, Mary *L.ouise Laird, Ann Locher, Dorot1w MacArthur,. Eleanor MIcCluirg, Nrs. * l0derick M.\cKeiizie, jean cWlias Phoehe M assey, Dorel le Moulton, Janiet \Itsseltu)ain, Caryl Nicholson, Mtargerv -Nicol andl Jante Parker. Thc 'Misses Sylvia Peter, Muriel Picher, Mar~got Reid, Fidelia Richardsý L,ùcv Rumisey, Peggy Sargent. M.\adetlne Searcli, Francij ean Sheridan, Gertrude Si ith, Jane St'ude, joan Sutter, Eleanor' missriavey n ýeptnV->r i, a(j tie )f iterst o thir iliette ýjj(I'I rs. flO\ard N Vel1s; Mr.' and 'MIrs. latoftepateswl, hebiain-nu tu tjshoe re to the riett of Annourice BetrothalJsn Whitney, Mr. and Mrs. Ross nvr whih M s. arvy -vil gie a lir M . a d ýBeatty, and Mr.and rs.George vr las o te arteswiI e te riaI(lii- uothSuoe Bfries;dat iste r oi ge o M.a r.s. Leslie j ojo jj n vt.a hoe r ihd r.Have Ieive at bcto e r 1.\ iss Sue BieP. ar te of dgrne 449. Ida place, Glenco e, anniounlce the 1t Mrs. Briggs is now servilg as Wi1- Mr. Putmian and his 1)ride plan i,) anrd M'.JnP 3rns aGag.engagemnelt of the-r agte.Rt eteharnniicreoftt't niake their home on Slbernîaiîavenue M 1to Frank W. Hooper. Son, of Mr. and Lottise, b 'RobertR't. ette of' Bos- scinicgarmpeign for gtecket Evanston. . ~~lr5. A. F. iHooper. 92,3 Lînden avnu, o. son of Nfr. and Mfs. Pauil Sch e pr opany. téCiaoCt