Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Sep 1937, p. 40

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munul(atyp nIfIle'*>ceN'() rafts and Indlustry, ()slo s Il()\% lanjjng <)1l of the Iargest aMi mlost representatkve 1cx- hîbîtioil, ever hield ini Xorway. The ex- hihition wil! open lu Mv 19,38,.and proinies VIo e îeof, the major travel attauî>î~'iun> rtherll Eurôpe nexýt a- 'r- 50 rm mlents. A series of strikingexiits are iio\v aiso e lîug plauîîed, te (lramatize the storv (of Nerwvav's remantic reile ili maritime; circles, wficrteit. î1a ledin nýationi. mOvies on Trains I.s innovation in England Neot ail the illîji watiouîsiiiraïlrea(l travel; couiic trfrontthe I. ilited -States., savs Sherunan :A. Iov( C oifthe Anieri- cati' Express Trav el -Serv-ice,.\,Il-)e re- ports that the first perm anent ra 1 lw-av mvecoacli.ilI.i England (lis îuwener iîgits third vear. Iitr4>dutieed iln 1935, oni the, King's Cress-led 1s serv-- ice, the tnio\vies 1have heen I]shewn si;, tinies :a day, te ail estinated 60000) peop)le iii tue last tover.Each pro grain is an heur lonig ndsud pictures are uised, oultsidle, noises, biing e-xclul(lced b, tue. isuIltien cfIthîe oeach. The original ~îxi cachi w-a it () ýCc1Ss- liil at a ecnd uie wa ýput jureserv ice last vear.- MUSKIE CATCH-. Catchi of a 43,rS'-inicli mus'kie wegî inig 3011, pouinds, wvas reporte(îWed nesdav of last week bv C'. M. Weeks, 819 Fîfteenith street. uiîga iin trip) at Lac Vieux Dessert and iat tue Lac du LFlmbeau 11urvtiu r- perft. aIse excellent pik-te andl bass ca tclhes- iWhite, Pines Stote Pairk A miong p)ark Ced fpol ôio h Uniisal A 1racions l,ýýs Somle cookinlg their dinners, Unusal Atracionsplaying gaines. (;oitig îack further ùieecorneCS t)thirteen log H ave you ever seeni the beatut\: that c iii s w ic a e e n a e fo h is Illilnois ? WelI if von havcn.'t,-per- ce dto of thiose *who pre.fer haps you'd like t() tak-e a day's jaiit !to-) reman veni ht ver3,wh!.ere are te_ the iielv reafed Wh<ite, Bines Irtistcý bridge-s, widing paths. triék- Stat Forsi prk nar Oege. .I:I;iing streamns, things 1whichlp.on It is a pleasant (laN-*s otînig te tiiose >fo rget the (l ail\ h1ustl e and 1bus.,tie, whto appreciafe, a, real b1)ea ût v. How to Get There The roads leadiîîg w-est are a ccîti era ~iil pleasan.t relief frein those btusv arter- chtisreeai iml ies ýwhich enerv xvcekenid carry- their. '11il envneeds is a îîice piciiic 1ucli, crowdls up to Wisconsin, . and de wnto a ~taîîkful of gas, and tlhe foilwing Chicago. for,' indeed there is little4o- idîrete tons: Take route 58 fromi Evans no. traffic. Miles and miles of sinioth e~te Elgini ; 20 frem E1-1gin e tu t2- roni Starks to Bvron and tiien ceren radscuvean1 ~iu Oer,1(. route 2 soufth al.ong, the beau- th lie onutrv-sidé. Here Vou ,ride aloîîg tio--vle oteWît 1C misclotis of the real MiddIle West___' tfii Rck R veî e.t teUht thegrat îdle es-an at Pilles St âte Forest park, near Oregon. 1eas. \V ile- other states nav y e famines, .we are priîvilcýgcd to. live ueStat.uie Chrilst- lîcre ini an al)nni(lalit state,- the gýraii resT a l ar-Y of the -aGr10ts.--T tQ i Scenic Rock River - 1 ~I>llVstRe(eJnir, -Jotriieýili we t the 'Rock rier, wiflhent seeling the huge inennînetiiii(jt( jornyigW't oChrist thîe Redleemier, sàys Dougl-as Mai- then turniïig and winding along with co- c heAeianEp1s rxe it, oee is , im pressed by the gorgeous c eri. (fce, uu( erios a ui ces t rIaiiaî sceniery ei,ýrvwhlcre te beliold. Fur- her "exis sclîhoe uatiies leve Nelia Jher down. the river oe ecoies to York Januiary 29, on a dwnvtj <a\- the miajestic statuie -of Blackhlawk, c ietoRe.T1 ttu,-hc la tIl fa ionls 1i I in Chiie,(Jhcha îegh c eer 100 feet, wa erçte stand:s solilv- etchied againlst heve on the Corcovado, highiest peak -ilnie dant background high al)ove the jhý public sbeite.Acgwîe coeur.ing river. Hec seens to be gaz- niaiw-av takes ferty iue t ik img into the past, but nef far;,. eoiy a -the tnp; )te tie stîmnnh of th e 1,n1talin, f( îw ies fîirthp,- d - li rive _:_ -), , .. 1. . -M am a ou% A» > W VL W. * jmniiie ay trip to * ede&S. Vellowstouîe Park andi Codxi-, \Vý Edgar Nelson, President Edgar A. Brazl1on, Dean Glenn Dillard Gunn, Arflstic Dir.. Loro Gooch, Mgr. il, CHICAGO RCiTA LOG S j (mie O tnC nMost entranicing retreats sbat1 tins vrtcr lias yçt seen. .- Carefully Planned Park TFIUc Pal-k lci-cated abouit 5eveiu miles off Hiec main read is carefufllv plaîned eut. A itîuirotus patlîs windl here andl lrhe unider 'the sheter of large W CîieUPnes. and eervso oftn une. cornes to a Apîv let âvih guslîes over flcicnian-niade dani that,-peet cars from driving sneiftly tiouglithie Da iy Classes ; Phone Winnetka 1698 t Mr. D.Por-ter EnrIpfield and iN i C assie andi Miss Pattv. of 915 Green ceaf avenue rcturnedte \VUix ,t Tuesclav of last xveek artcr a qil~ ini Richmiond, 1ltl. xjîlî Nrs. i1 fied'ssuserMrs. 'W. F. Littýe .r .- Little, lier son, h>ill. and tiautiglit jean. accelupanietitl niful( Winîttbut. eundte ihuu< X\ednesday ef hast xvek, Mr. and Mfrs. Arthur îr Chil<ïreîî and their- dtigiter, Lucy, of 270) Fair-view-, avenue, returned Sunday from tieir sumnnir home at Sylan beach; \Vhite lake, Midi., wlîere thev blud pept

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