Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Sep 1937, p. 46

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15A-LTN18-4tp CARL BENGSTON. CARPENTER AND B3UILDER 'Repairig an d RemoidelingÉ7 CALL. WINNETKA 2480 AFTER 6 P. M. 15A-LTN18-4tp Carpenter and (leneral Jobber. Stô *rm sash,.recreationrnis., porches, roof- ingarages. Overhead do<rs, etc. W%. R. Wilson, Xènilworth 5511. 15A-LTN18-4tp HOME tINsuLATrioN RALPH4 B. WATITE, JOHNS-MANVILLE WALLFILL, I-tc K WrOOîL BLOWN IN.L *26 Linden or call Winin. 1240 for free. JMl booïk and est. No obligation. 15-'NI8-4 tp ELtCTRIC WELDING, 1B O 1 L E R we1ing, automatlc machine shop and parts, Jobber. PAVLIK B ROTHERS PfiýE eT ItiVÔRTIH- 280-820 16LTN5-26tp) PLASTIERING. REPAÏR WORK AND CONTRACTING. FREE ESTIMÂTES. EDWIN B, KIEPERt 453-JEFFflRSON, GLENCOE 117 16LTN52-26tp GUARANTEED SERVICE Sewlnz Machines, Vacuum Cleaners and Radios, Al! makea. Free Est. BLISS ELECTRIC SEFVC 604 36 yrs.ý experience. Eyes fitted properly. Broken lenses replaced, trames repalred. JOSEPH F. KUSS 804 Elin St. Winnetka 3671. 17A-LTN35-tfd ROTOTILLING SOIL PULVERIZER FOR BETTER lawns and ftowers. Landscaplng. Lawns and borders a speciaity. Peren- niais for sale. Witnn. 394T-. SCHROEDER GARDENS, NorthIield. LANDSCAPE SERVICE LANDSCAPING AND GARDENINCx. Lawns built or topdressed scientifie- allY: also ftower beds. For sale: orna- black dirt, sand, fertilizers, seeds. To- vanof. Wilrnette 424. 33A-LTNI5-4tp 1EXPJIIRIENCEI LA NI)S(APE (GARD- ener and tree surgeon. Riasonable. We carry in.sui-itice mi tools. Wiliette 3478. PAINTING AND DECORATING Paint, Palpel, 5,Riùs.$4 Up Cl~IINGCALC., $2. UP Sanitas and canivasing work.* Rm. wall 42L.'i' M1R-ltn GIPP & OLSON PAINTING. & DECORATING Neat' Worknanshiip Interior and Exterior Estimates cheerfully furnlshed. Wilmette 2456 42LTN1(. CEIL. CALC., $2 UP' fM PAPERED. $4; TRM.WAI 6-4tp, ILL-. PANTING -AND DIECORATING painting and I)ccorating eAu'IINN;ANI-)PAPERHtAN(G- ang. p' r rmoved by .ra(,iine. 1Fitor- sanding and reflnishing. Ail work guar- afiteed. Rleasonable prices. en nd- tions. Murphy & .1. Skoinik SHORELIN1' DECORAT011Sý Phone MWilmiette 485 WB SPECIALIZE IN 0OU T S ID E painting only, thats why we can fur- nish the lowest possible rate. Also shingle staiîiing. ighland Park 2851. 421.TN15-4tji E'. DURKOOP 42LTN18 -ltp W,. E. ILRICI{SEN PAINTING AÀýD-4-NTERIOI0r DEC- orating. 1224 Washingtoii -Ave. il- mette 2751. 2T1-t PIANO TUNINC. PIANO TUNING AND R Ail Work guarantei Thomas Lockerble w TUNER, WILMETTE PUB. .IRING $1-EXPERT ADJUSTING, ALL niakes. Foot or eiec. Reparln- cIeaning -overhauling. Work guaran- teed. Millen Hardware. Wllmette .3060. 53LTN1 8-4tp, LOST ^ND FOUND LOST: COIN- PURSE,. SMAIL U(REýN, le-athler, c<ntaining bis, change and keys. Monday Labor Day.in Wilrnette or victnity Indian Trail Tea Roomn, Xinnetka. Address A-115 Box 60, -%il- mnette, -Illinois. :LN -t worth litense540 No. 29)44., Naine "it" Reward for retiîrn. Kenilworth 1S-2ýý. 31,TNI S-lte, LOST-BEýA( ; LE AND WR-A l terrier, 21 ,nonths. old, white withi black spots. Reward. Winretka 2ffl!3. LOST-FROM AI "1'M013ILE.,. A lTER11 Scromhic-Fitcýh stoanîer rug. Rcward<. Winnetka 66,0. .31LTN1 9-ltp BUSINESS PERSONAL. -LINENS Chicago LinenHouse, lmporting dlrectly f rom its European Home Indtlstry) there- fore- known for mod. prie,-, & quality. Wanted LADY who has connections wlth society and clubs. No Selling !--Gobd Inoome! Write for information.- Paul Wichelhaus, 548 Roscoe St. Chicago, 111. 5LTrNIC-4tp ANTIQUES PAIR 0F ANTIQUE '.X1l 1 LAT4 ianips for orgc j d )rwa ' v. ,rood cndtin.437 Iibbitrd Rd. Wn ýnetkc. 2t .7 1TIN 1 8i- 1r~ (tte :36S7 341,TN1 'ý-4tp, MUSICAL INîsTRUMiENTrS PARLOR GR"AND PIANO, ONE 0 the finest mnakes, marvelous tone and, action, perfect condition, sultable foi, concert or hôme use. Wilmeitte 32T CHCERNTAMPICo -P L A y 1E R p 1,iano. Larg~e sîze. Splendid condi- t ion. 100) ro11lsjelected music. $400. Winnetka 3i.4i NI-t Lawn .and ,WE BUIL!) 1 Black dirt, fi BLOW & 1<LOE TO HEADVERTISER FER, ~NTA201 A-LTýN18-4t1>, hund pupples - p good pets; grown dc Rhien-hof1 Skokle & 'Sinipson- sCenter 129 44LTN18-ltp Exjoy your vacation without worry about your bouse, garden or .property. Those littie things you meant to do-.. and didn't; weeding. the garden, painting, ýgeneral cleaning eve ry- where. - ail can be done by.experts while you are away. On, this page we offer à directory of dependable home services which .can help make your vacation care-,.andý w!ýorry.free. 71 77

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