Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Sep 1937, p. 49

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Su c ,7 rmns., 1 1)., 2 î"l-,,1. .J-. dg . o, -<"ll VE'frli'lt 1(w'.,.< ta -l built, sci i. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . .. Br. ris, h, b A., Igu. lot, dow l)Y.. 1,00,bal. like rent, re- Stu -i'o' 5ng lw' iSnas., 2l)Ii.lge lot, g<l. loi(',.u,3 s ternis, on 1y .$7,40o Frantip-, i; rpms,, 1-.A.H., lg m.-deîA. I t,. giood 1fo)ir rîînode-ling-, easy tî'mis . y'ù F"ra m, i. (Nî,rtIl fie.ld ) J Fs o lo ;VI'u(' vo<'<,a real liarigu inf, ioly . IN5,500 TIlîsi 'a (. eull Sls'î'-ted PoerisAre Not 0111y ,IIEA 1. \,'LVIiS But S(W-NLý 'olt'ition. Gpod(1\'alui, iFliesit<'S andi 1BARNFTT & SCHELL 7 4 S____ _1___NI _ IIS1'1111-It1 Pride in.OWnership pfliu.rla>:er 'f this 10 roogni housi'utsnîeriîrconsýtritki K!i mse< i nn, 'i til n r 71-,î'Xpeî'l $StUuo 'ai Mis <'nk S 10,50 * Shoî-c-IJowns *Rea1ýitý n 'ins 2 atîs lreaf;îtt and gainel( rolînîits 2-va r uttaohd argeIaigi W"il~l lot 1w-itf h) ra vxi Il. 'e losvi'tii lake inlligi4.iîlail Pu'ýtk. oullliki' tlis fiî $ SSoi 7~ iîîSt., Win.,imîn 2710, 13i'i. ' S' Your - ùm iie w e ~ i t 1 1 4 1 (1 rri 1 s. t 1îi 2 iat lS fo r , (0tCm. lne îed ou ]i'e iwaii'nl lt'îyOC. I st, tIi w iil(l-Ii li<iie - W'll-iîtî'<lon: a X\-i:Ic' deilot - fesle vuli.Theîre ai"-5 lx-(Il r;iis. 2 Iîutîs,2-cîî'gui', 'itlî Si'e ('ii'-bua ut iful t'csah M i 'higan ----Aillar'ge'1'001n1S. i e erins., 21., hatîis, att. lo!t 1'll lanSoap-id, îil Ilieut, shîwîrin basui'nt. Anid t NlYý Hst t î~î î~îlh-il u11 bi'iîk 'ai' ut t. gai'. - wiuî' l-t bouse jiîuhtd -ailsors 'f extra, aul s X'eiî'tîiî blinds, stOve, r. fig., aw'ninigs. The' housi' ilsi-If 'las- 4 fatuils' bedrnîs,, 2 t îdbat4s, seî'vaiîts* uat. îs t.1g'romuloni th( "u111, z<1a- niis îf it is c v'idwitilt a g aidî'îî -%'.iiiOhliaýs won iimu iy jii z.s. Tho' oueha s ';Iîedrins., :: 11liai lis. att.ý gar. ou410.at, a di'ii. a pîow4I'î'1,00111. A 'ial hm $ ~î.0 Yur 1I4eart 'ssil u' xviiihog u b i, i iii t bis lii tiiii î5 1 .. i1> ý stn'euinstr1iýiii. Six Ianl c' rnis .,.~i' ai' in'.1('i s f' uîîînt i1lý lt. INC. 1-S71 S1j,"iiîiuiî A.\"I.il, i'iso. T- 111 'NI ' Ito lis nt. twii batlis ith, an * extîa hav~atlI'Y ..*Afe-aturu of 'UI-O1U WO(>DUemof Caýpe Cod:, rooms, 2 ½ b laths ait lowest price iii smart 1'enil,orth G(ardeps section. 9~t U lr1 m st., Wi mn. 2700O. Bri. i il 1LTN1 8 -t 'Y () uAie TO INSPECT A NEîw HOMEiL open for your inspection on Sunl- day. bautiful 6 room, 1.1/ bath, brick Coloû iili in a: néw section of rising -property values. 1916: Highl.arnl.Ave., Wilmette. WV. G. RUGGLES &Co. 517*Davis Street, Evanston Uni. 68,86 Hol. 68,86 WVi1.1660 tPe very day 1 to 4 p. ni. PI ~ I"îr~odAve., Wilxnettt sKl~NbW4V"H.4AR4D>4iI PRICE $20,000 batls, crenedturrac'e, off living roo(m-sun duuk -- off bedrooxn - lava- try in îîowvd (r roomi on fi'st loor. I~~~ti iieaioicooi ndLavatory ini base-, men it.'2 inatural 'firuplaes-2-cair gar. s ilî 1 ý (1I-J v', iiUi î'. W itr air c - (liinigunit 'gas fired; WVm. Il. \Vright & Co. hcand itown.: 12 spacints roonis, 4 batlisu. iew' of lake over bea u- til'uil awituis lgai'dvns ;riparian *pî'i vi eg s. Tomn -esta te çonveni- * 'ie An' OU.tSta1idiig 'alut-. Mr'. IL.Jolînson. 521 I (avis St. t '.1 815, Ml. 1S55 NEAR THE LAKE VINE 9 ROOMENCILISLI BRICK ini, -) budroîîs, 3 bath.s, sun roornî anîd slepinzi' o'i-ci. :tcr o'nraz' wINNETKA Yo ll pp'eci-ate thi', iiice cdeai, na' lY nleW Eniglish type br'ick home. 4 bed- rooms, 2 bath-s, 2-car garage, l/2 acre t'î' lh andiseaped lot-inany îeren- niis. Only /-,nMile. f ront tr'anspo>itat ion. Ur'gent business necessitates imniiiediate sale. New> gas stove,' 'refijgerator' ve- netian blînds inî'luded. $15,500. Mi's. Wýink, O.îe o-f Wiinnetka's: finest houseson ate of g'oiuid oveî'looking, golf cour'se., a bedrooiii, 3 bath' Colonlial drasticalhy rêdUced to $30,0u0. TÉhis excellent home is also av lahibe foi' meut. at $1,75 monthly., Mir. Taylor.1, See this, ivclà' 6 i'oniîColonial home. lts w'hite witn gr'eenî shutters. 55x18' fooit lot. I-cal' gm-4ige, (Al heat. lii line ineighhoî'hood cuose, to Skokie School. The sweetest buy we know of at $111000. obClaike. SOUTIIEAST 'WI1NNETKA is the location ofut tis, 3 bedi'ooni:white clapholai'd. ine now offered for' oîîiy $14,00. ýFi'estily ciecorateti-eî.u .'t ilove iii.IPar'quet tlouois in Iiiiig routa, glazed poi'cs., exceptmunahy ange ilv- iiig rouai, 8bixl87 fou o tni' lut. Als-o i ums nxvglîstening wvnite brick is z oîcsfron tiue just coiileted under- hiî(55. Larige livinîg rooi aîîd u1ining ioula powdi' îuoîn aîmd teri'ace. '3 goi îî'tî'Oîsanid ha LII, -aipie closets >fl- î'iudîîg c dlost. Exu~el1t (ollstr-ue- iii u 110,i.,îî'Uail' liect. .lully ila- >uLted. Onue bluck noî'th of Partk Dr'ive ut41(j ýttei'liiuig tI. b. Mr'vîe'y O-)N PRLVATE ROAI) nutt ol thlt' oîdiiar'y. Delighitfttl iiodern*i, miî'ik hiie. C, large roonits, tile bath' iatt-t gas ie-at. :ý goitd size î*0oumls anld ii;tli cai cash>' he a(tîded. Bikgar'age. LBta titi ful corner lo t. 1 y 14,0tW, R. B. WHITAKER CO. 140 1 Gi'ieiî Bay 1 ioad, Wîn)netka 'Wîaîîtkt1a 250 o ' Ittge r.l'ai'k 730 2 YE~, HE HUSE 1 NEWANl.INO .xlusive Agents '1""'ll 10011 iiiNi open ilir"le- 44 ine Ae..innetka 12657 ('pns ~'ssaicl i h'iiio on 56 lenwuîA' . IC'n..lih 86îhi' diiing . roîîî, iîtotlien and füîî Ige. tïi-s iii- l LN -1tbaimiî.Bt xVattr helat, 2 betiiooIlius *. tl'Ut'i on. Ie . i'u tfoo __________________________- andibath ulstair . . t 5 x 2 t. P iEAST RENILW 0RT 1H hI i replc222 parqe t o î'sA v. ,ail ei'tl l *..M ust seil m odern. (; room brick hotne 2 in 225(ieîîoo veWi-t'te st,0. Nu\X' B(rICK (J BM; HOME . .built by owner for- himself. Mtge. pay- $22,500. ot.i .rae. Ot, u d îillîîî t $7,50()ý aSble Nb Cmpel * $62 per mo. Re1 .priced. See it. Mi's. Fuller. *& .Wr Pickai' m 111 . lot la ti'ade. Ont' used Comeabe$7.500. abi Offce.74 El S. Wnn.363, ,.744 ~p 'i%, '(.)C:562 Green Bay Rd. ..11TI-t 1LN8ll -(4 e m t. Niii 7-1 4C e l w V h 0 6.1 1 T 1 -tî. N ortlibrook 170 N ancy L einson, W innetka 269.

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