r r, The c Brnie studio, 1623 Yheiý111an Venlie, 7wq homnrd by reccivùng certificates of mierit for the abnzv seven picturcs in comiecltun i ~tithe Wl/501h\atioezl Convention of the' Phoiographersç Association of Anierica at thew IbId Stezwes in C/zitago lasi zvcck .A <istiuquis/wid, board of judiCS uMade t/w awzards aiftfer ta nef ily inspecling the thonsands of entiiesfroia ai ztr the counitry, Oniy /hoioqz-phs r'cî'n ln c'iiet i1 ment wore h1w; jin t/e sa/l ,m /id iii connýction quith the convention. LIBRA RIA N'S- D Y BQOK J I "rîtiSh nzvdh ai iw atice.: Thé estoriuz it cntinus to he vovmnilar, apthe lcA in'Fa iof sge Lsar(>tbed iés bale it a lest selle ru i ehng (naut.a hiographical ipi tr, i ' igl 1anld.1 of \ torzi's life. 'riiose interestcd in Colorful Role in Film Hugh \\alpNe Ibas brouglît ont a new. \ zctna and lier tinics niight Fie inter- Akirn Tamninoif is set for the colorfil novel 'th'at dj)ltallizéson theliterarv çýIed in thle fo 10 îzîg rolu of Domniîqn'ueblacksrnlith col ile (J. lcludhWgIînnUl fiheh1- as k oW i'hker, TheFoin u4r mg,' itiDe-iï-~i n ine unL1ie i. angoo(vui. IIuratiaIt rucorne mental work "lý,en 'f Good, Will" with Iast Tutesday. -Mr. TèIoe ta aid of those. who 'review books." "The Depths andi fjeightsý," Ail Paris Iv a teacher at the Hiîisc 'Anmong forthcoming books that wvill is fotind ini these books. I'iigh school, will teach soc command attention nlay be numbered A. -Necv Trier hligh school.1 J. Cronin's *'Ctadel"-the ,Uory of a Thursda.y wil be at 825 Malin street, young doctor bounid by 'Various ahpects of Vaughan Wilkins"zî $-ictôria', ,the winter. school year H OME FROMCANADA ip, former- cTownship Miss Jane Weinland, 706 G;reén- 1 studies at> leaf"aveniue, and Mrs., Carl Huribut ýe Comnforts returned to Wilmiette last Saturday vanston, for after' a three *weeks'. tnp by niotor in Canada.. E