Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Sep 1937, p. 7

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Everyone living il 1 Cook couintv Ilow coinles mur the permtanenîtrgit- tioi aw. ihis ileanis tilat residcnits of ail the suhurhs and rural sections înut rgiserM oîdaV ,Sep1embeýr 27. aboi ~or ]711sdàv, Octob)Ier 5. lTe act, of registration is ,not d iffi- ctit andii( vII .t àke onix-* a few min- utes eaclstoie sîgned initriplicate Çjiviig naine,. a(ldrtess apild statemn'ents. of eiglit scb as age, lengtl1o resîdence in. state, conintv and pre- Must Be "Over2,1"ý N \ o. viir exa ct a<'e vi l ot lbc. re-1 (jieIJlta ebeckînark to, SIlioxv von are -over 21' l" i( l <ter marks to iîîli- cal e vonil 1 e eelal, vour 'presemît address long ciinugli tlu niake von a1 le-gal votg(Tr. 'Fic pollilng places xiii be ope n frfoin <a. Ili. 1(1 p.in-. TleonivdiUulv, said Dan t arex. attorywev f or Cut Clerk MIicharl J. I'lviii, in cfharge of the- r~grtrai(n, enavbe with natiral- iiedcitzen. prsos xho .be-canie cu/isb\ \virttu of tlheir parents' lilesor womnn 'vho became citi-' ,en~Lv arnagebut tbev will have nlo troulble aIt ail if the v know' the 1 . <ates andclother details thex' are ne- Cites Requirements 1 b n. art Ile requir-ients *1ýI'î ý IS<lS aI tI'lize-d 1, v tue i theîî i nI j-Is, ili>îw t flttîî 1511 to the x'egîil'a- t î i '1 dh S, 1tht Il ante. ".thIl u t oui t issu- iig t heu' j.îîwrs, it4w datu îssued and. I e ttt nd ilinLuxhnhthjtý .fqlrt Legai -L(viîîg Ihot'î Charles. W-ayne IIot:e, soni of. 1fr. and Mrs'. Charles E. Hot.ze, 749 day for.,. Tscafoosaý, to begin his-, fréshwan year.at thme tUi'ers ity of .-Illql(lnia. _1r. IJotre, a Illember of the cpdiPt»qdaù ô f YWLv riery 111,I </h school lalst _vcur. zcili take thme course'in busincsss.ç dii iistrcitian);, votiîîg ail those flot legally entitled to the franchise. -The îmiprtalit thig to renenibur are the regi-stration lay-s-Sep)ternbler 27 and October 5 A rvso of regiý.{rations for cor- rections will be m~adie W'ëdiesdý October 13, but therc ,vi11 be no nexv Large Parking Space ini thei Quality MercIwndise at rices -Get FIRýEPLACE* ENSEMBLE 'Do n't, delay *Calilour service de-. partmeût for atÉai-ned tm ech.anic.. 5Pieces for only, $et includeès andfirons, firescreen, shovel, and poker brusth. Atti'active in design, anfi sur- prtsingl 11 xvi-n rîc lInstalling Repairing- Cleaning, rU]RNACES-~PIPES and, DOILS ASBESTOS PIPE & BOILER COVERING AIR CONDITIQNING -HEATING ,VENTILATING Roofing-Gutters -Spouts--Sheet Metai Work a * Try Our Delivery Service! o e IIYM AN'S ~ i tuoi'h te h .gistration llî c stlit- *iia mn'- 4,f1tht' couint issuinig thlt, wuers. 1t. t h, 1 a( 1t4,1t, thlé (dite issut fi the state- apdifi ity \inixviththe' court 1ilt tei th,- i(g,- of ajtjliuaiît at tillut pairent was a tura lîzefi, andifthe l nine it1tw~ uit 1 wîie i 'li, bu(i-alt1)(i'li i raVit.t ti i iarriaIget- t'a îaturiazd citizt-ii îIlu-'t give datu-(tf Inîaiîiague1 hieint 1.1 0htetýnilissu iîg the'hsaîs nît~ (ic lit i t,, a11](1the' city and ti sU inl thti thi. i-(ut ltis>sujcd the h usbanid tl1a)e s. Wîiivî'ho becaîne (itizteii by Viirtue i 4,1 anIa m-mge t a litvu-ht,î' itizenl,j iiii s g x ht'dat tf the' saidini-ae' Infqrmation Av~aiabe. CL 1,Plan School for Judges ju(lgcs for the registration in i Ne\v Tr1ir, esand \Northifield itownýshipS biax- bteu sutiiiiioned 'to the counity lrksoi fice Nfondav iIght, Sepîeml- i>er 13, for a school of inistruction regartlîng the permanent registration lavv. acr(i to M.r. 'arev. * . Shover si s.oo Delu xe Model $6-50 GATES 1ý"prl\ Sumîda .PARKER PENS and PENCILS $1.25 ta $7.50 25o Packet 1S4ze. 13UBBLE BATH ps 10-11 -Ihe BIG Complete STANDARD SERVICE STATION IN NO MAN'S LAND /Or" STREETAT SHERIDAN RD

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