<r (' MIRSI CLEANERSI Gabrieleen and Glofon. ' I. PERMANENTS iIndividually styled recond;- * honing 'oil permanents smarf .as the present moment. leavirig your hair in soft ltustrous waves and glorious shining curis. a 7lartha's I openIa.U.LU Ine iDjtiJc~ , atuk ay airer- noon from 2) to 10 o'clock.1 The show on Sunday ýîilI be open, from Io.1 o'clock aý.rn. -to 10 o'clock p.ni. The, advanice sale.,of tickets is iider the îevio of-Mrs. George S. Park-. er, 200 Linden street. Wirnetka. Tick- ,-ts nay he ptirchased, from the office at Community House: frorn Mrs. Par"-er ,)r from any niember -of the, American Gardelers association. t, E. Bird.. 1918 [Lake avenue, WVil- mette. is the as;sociation secretary. ,William Mellenthini is general chaàir- man of- the. show. George Brave is-association president'. REPRFSENTS -GIRL -SCOUTS Betty. Weeks has returned, to her home. in .Wilmette from Hickory camp. the Girl Scout camu) in \Vis-. consin where she' spent a \veek as representative of Troop 8, W ýilnettc scouts. Richard T. Iiosking, 818 Park ave- nue, receiveti word this week of the .death of his sister, Miss Gertrude H-osking of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Hosking left for Detroit on Wednes-i day'-and are attending the funeral there today (Thursday). fPAGILIARUI.O JEWELER Your old silver miade like new. r4 Repaired, replated and pol- ý - fs, & shedat very srnall cost.' r feld day sponsored by the Kecit- wtorth' club iuder' the direction of Arthur~ W. Bergmian, are shouwn above. Top, is Dou glas S. Crooks, 6û9 Cuinnor i-oad: belou-, IcIt, is /lrthur II. Itlben r., 625E1x- moor road, und right, is,.Herbert B. Taylor; 631 Abbottsford road. On Friday tioon, the Lively Lady of Milwaukee, 10 ton sailinig sloop, broke lier steering gear about a mile off Wil- mette harbor. The four. persons aboard hoisted the national ensigni upside down, an international' dis- tress signal. and the craft was towedý into Belmont harbor hby a crew fromf the Wilmet.te stat*oni-. The sloop is owned by Otto Dreher, of Milwaukee. On1 Friday 'afternoon. the snipe Cocký- ade, with Dick Breeden, Chicago,. and' lames.Neal, of the.Sigma Chi fraternity house, Evanston. aboard. capsized a mile -atof the harfbor. The disaster :%%as qighted, by the. lookout. and a crew, fromn the station 'rescued. the men and towed the boat into \Vilnptïe harbor. Off Rogers Park Another silipe. the Flying B3reeze, capsized off Rogers;,Park, in Chicago,. Friday evenTing. and the boat was towed. hv the Coast Guardsîncn to the beach. 7Alertness of Harry Hihhiert. surfmiati at the station wlîo was on lookot .duty last Friday, night. wvas ascrihed 'as thec ranfor the timiely resce of fur pur- rapsized 300 yards off \Vilmette harbor l <uring a sludden shift of winid anîd had weather. The four, Robert Hunt, Chi-> rago, Mr. and Mrs. John .R. H-arder of Evanston, and Norman McClave cif Chi[' r ago, were picked np h y the speed boat fron, the station. and their craft later *was towed i-to the harbor.. Disabled by Séas *On Saturday, when Jaies 1-ackut t, Chicago, attemipted to leave the harbor, his outhoard motor boat wvas disablued 1) heavy seas, andi his' boat had to b ked up by the nien frOtu the station. A boat belonging to. Roy G_ ;n nacker, 585 Arbor V'itae road, Win1- netka, was disabled on %tinday when au atternçt was made to leave the harbor; The boat struck bottomi on the shoal off the harbor, openied sean3s, broke framres, and loosenoti the boat's-xnast. It was towed back to safety by theCoast Guard. Besides Mr. Rennecker, there were two other persons aboard. Equiprnent belouging to julius Keg, -McHenry contractor, whose contract to dredge the harbor and the entrance was calicelled recet tly by the state départ- ment of watervvays, wvas removet f rom the harbor over the week-end.. 1133 Central Aven th Girls. Mr. and Mrs. John W. er, Jr.; and their two daughters tmost of the s ummer on Crabapple i, Fox lake, Ili., where theyhave, suimmer home.>