!cI. WILI fa n rCT-IO m& This reers SpeciaE fwe, two layers cf Butter Pecon Ice Creôm....... PACKAGE: Montmnor- ency Che"r Ice* PÇeam...........PT. H.. N. Brailsford and S; K. Ratcliffe.. D)r. W/iett occupied tIhe pulpfit of the '~TE St. Andrews Presbyterian church ini NE London, as onue of the grôupý of ex- phnereachers arrangcd :by theT-rtý- C..hliXMeriçan committee on excîaing. _______Thefinal week of their stay abrgnid was spent, in Paris and Chartres. Dr. W/llett wilI interpret the two flcon ferences from bhis pulpit at the Sun- day services ini the Kenilworth Uni011 church, and. in Wednesday eveing- gatherings, il is anniounied. 44c HIA$ VISITOItS .lierenice Viole-of 114 Tilird street, w/an -rctuvned ni Septeunher 8. front1 a tisit wit1ilber milotier,'.%r*;. A. E. Viole in Lafayette. b:d., last week entertained as guests froin t tat cityl ever>' graduating class for somç years past, la's rneant an outlay of more thian ha/f a million dollars.* And yeté tmism.pcl moreiimportauLt* to thé pupils themfselves thain the mere ex- penditure of nioneyý. hisý this so? .For eight years pr«ýced ing their entrance inio Necw Trier th1e pupils siqpposedly have beeti, trained to ýa reasonable expertîne,»..,iii -the .fund- amental skills they muet use air.tliëir lives, such as reading. slpe/linig, ýwrit- ing, numbers. practices for health, some knowledge of the humnan :world in which they have been 'placed and somieîhing of the priuripIes -of what :iakes the, wheels go round ini their own physical envirotument. If the drillng lias not been, adequate, they will enter higli school on a low level- possibly, too, low to miake normal Aiierican .Coiservat4 Chicago. is titis WC teacbing bot/t thierc a adequatè for e 1e m e n t à flot on the right course. During higli school years there is aàsteady drmp: ping-ôUt of:pup.s to o losomle sort f ok beforc, they, have, ac- q uired. suffiçîient gentera].i.ain.ingt. - assist them 10 oréal life succes;, ,%o- catiolnal/y or-C r cuituraly. Ilhis ljoss . is- -tragic. Even mnope so is, the Jack: of Trasonabe co6peration 6£f, parenit-- with* the school ini guidance ilito. stdis ôst useful 10 *thoçe pupiliS Who May Complete-high school but wjll flot go on to college.- Hutidreds. of New-Trier pupils have exprt!ssr*d their 'intention. ,tà attend collège aîd, have. takenà courses accordingly. when, ut 'poihft fact tbey could. flot g9o furthcr afteÉ high schço/. graduation. These pýupils, in many cases-. shoulgi have had different studies thai: those they did pursue with a wrong 'goal ill view. , jas-t as Juc&aliabe >aid- p4 time *wasted through the insistec:ace on bad Choices on the parents' sidr 1ifi respect.to actilal t.raiinig for col-, lege. entrance. . ... i ;, ..1L- L- their sertes that liis wasle av ini sonie sitmili trlgh intelligent reîts switl i t Idrei's prolvna-ii dliscussýioitsliîa>~ .(Your Lest Chancefer Cannsing) ?UACHES. F MZL. bL 25c bu $.49 61 ) t the standing ht when lie etitered ci r, boîli parents and nind that onily.eigi Witt Be Obserued at Jewish Temple On Sunlday niorning. Septeniber 26~. at Il o'clock, Rabbi Charles E. Shutl- many.- parcr 'drift by 0on *thiat inVes; ne to attacl wliat1 goat. :ed and evel thé assum ptjon îtht& I 'I.