ors. Provoet t h.y mamw.IIy consised ofthe year 1000will be recalled ipro: one baffle. in whkh the losing .r'ny end prîate programs in schools, broadcasts, .011 citlzns thereaiout wee wiped out in and community- gatherings through- a generai sIeughfer. The victors gathoemd out thé state.* .ap the I..,. hirdware on the field,. ed In Chicago,, the bine wilIl be -tm homebd-.f.. part of the clositig festfrities of the W.r. havlng r tdy-own city's charter jubilee celebration. The buairrs and pices. This busness is en- plans cali for broadcasts and a huge lised on the. mii. of the. buers.__ _ community festival at the Naval Armory, sponsored by the Norwegian NationalLeague of CÉhicago, a chari- table and educational alliance of môre than 50 Norwegian-Aiwerican organi- zations. pIfHI1LC cMOr(VE TO WILMETTE No Squatl 348 Washin1gton1 avenue. who calrne -~ ~ here from Chicago the flrst of thie No Sfo pnonth, are expecting their daugb- ter, Anti, and hier grandfatlîer' IDr. J4Fowrs. toairivesointiiuetis. week from Lake Tahoe. Cal. Atm Models e itr ind xary, ers Ofi the1 Nosp -, . 1 t Aiý staff photo M.and Mrs. C. E.. Willit -on ' É66 Ditirdeg, roûd, Gloncoc, celebrated tIr gode wddndi ersary Wedil'sday evnuning of lait'e wt msmiall reception for about tuwepty-fize puests. Mir. aild Mrs. Willison were ina-rried imiiCambridge, MIIsss.,. tf y yetsrs ago iwhen thue bride Wàa.ç 15 yea)-s' old anid Mr. HWilison 22. ha ve1 Sons,1 'hi., ho, 'S. Vil r ten years they were residents of OPÉ!45 CLASSES iette and 'for the past six %-cars iEruau Akely of ()15 Lake vîne lived in ' Glencoe. Thev have tv*o pianist, teacher, and acconipauîust, ;II- Howard 'W. Willison wbo niakes notunces 'the reopening of lier nîisic :me wit h îis parents, and Nrrnîan classes for the iiew fali terni. MIrs. illison of New Vo(.rk City. Akecly heads. the Alçely trio, a. string se'd ofbe W 7 Unmd a Un