mJ OC1O-ATS $16" SUITS Ybuv've sees»ilthean aagged mo lbr Xw19317 falitmodela In, =et tè plitida suid pinàeheekâo; WeIltallored drue ahil u oblp reasited fstyles lu <xfor an basetsgrêy. 44 Shitt Tu&en Prom 0wi Reglar $1.39 Stock AIN'S SHIRTS ISAT OVSÇQOAT$, Flundredu Mfine ovèrooctstat «would espet o se pvlcod mc ih colorai lu Ulster, bslf and full boIt. and conservathre styles. uenmatlonmlly prlced! Buy nowI *a% M.udpwd. f5 forSO8c hument o1pater».sud cflorh--every pair a.o1es am blgb,)Iteed btives.The quai-- fl- eIçi)iit. etr t h'u.I weat, r~lt Liced and unlineý prf.ed!1 -spcially $ 1 SEPTEBER 23,3I.37 IfI. ily 1- Soya' eeg Flanr