The presentatioli was made. hy 4 George C. Getgood. director of Wiin- netka Commu'îiity Bouse, where- thé showv was Ibeld and with. which the association has atinoutced it will share olne-liaif of« the net proccedse 'l'he, associations share is to' be used in the developilnent of plan s for a stîli larger aud hetter siow next vezar. it Was announccd. Amateurs Plentiful. Tlwrc were exlîilits 4y dahlia groW- ers f roin-every scctionof the nort*h shore, an([ f roum niany other arcas further removcd. This wvas particu- iarty truc ini the amlateur lass. which far exc;ced(ed aIl expectation .'lie e how milanagemnent iound'it aiceary to provide imutch-additionael*space to acconimiodate the amateur- grûwcrs, who were there froin Lake Forest to Villa Park. No - lon a4-he show outbLan4$U*si fromn the large taumber of entries, but also fron i e excellence of the blos- somis displaycd and the arrangement *i . the exhibition. Coninenting on the show. _. j tern Sprii 1 States1 9Seeý_t liner1. ope tev ryaion rf k-nth in. stecond.f CImIlldr*n*î section, open to anyonelt und.-r 15 yèn rs of aeg-Margaret Sehel- mî. , tinnetka.i: Elaitte Smth, T-Tubharil ýV0ds. anti Betty Lou Dean. lghland Pork. tiédti or first place: Helen Ruthi McKeay.Olenceand iliuey Shelton. f .neoe, titýd for secondi. A rrau 're ment 1Set.iua For.gardeai clubs only-Gleneoe Gar- tienevlub. flrrt: Lakce Bluff Garden iclub. sc Nd Keiilworth Garden club. third. 1 lving rooin a rr offémelt. dablias ouly -Mrs. E. F., Wleboldt. Glencoe, first:» M re. Jouai MW .(ary, Oen oe end:; .Mrçe. Join iStuart, Ilubbard Wood, third. Li10ing rftuila rrangemient, vases of daliliaq comibintdwltb other flowrs- Mrs. Il. C. Phiiis Wntetka fist Mr. lligngit , le alce Porest Ft.coindl: MsJoln Stuiart, uba. ~Vil.tiiird. 022 mg M~hgAve", W«Mette, Detsy N., Th NorniWÙu/iBrngs . 'l t~ 1~ dpeetahlias3 -r.Donald4 st, flrst .l Ms econd, Mr-. N Ilgs tîon-Mrsm. Johnt W. GaerY, Glence. firat; aincs Mr. John Stuart, Htabbard Woods, see- gar- ond; Mrs. Donald B. Douglas, Lakce Fore.-t, third. ,er, MIN * an the spe Simpsoni denier), 4ai I