~~omn oters is ol)etnlg its fali series of' meetings %vith a* ilCeinI)etsl)iJtea t ' eda the >home of Mrs. Raiph 1-1-,)ter, 925 Oiestnuf avenue at 3:3I0 o'clock- AMonday, October 4. At this time league nietbers wilt have an opportunity to illeet fieir new~ board of directors headed hy Mrs. Frederic- W~. Merrifield as president. Thîs meeting wilI ais.., srvc*t..- ûà- troduoe die league itself to thbà-. who are » nmaers but are interested in its fine work. A special Invitation i issued to newconers in thé village té, attend. They will be unost weieomie, as illi anyonue who lu intercsted, the league ls.t i be lC111 1- is ld r1hr !îa> :î~ to jatincs 1iýarISroiiak. son of Mrs. Jolhn ClarkIkr .347 a l a en e .The %wedding %wili talw plat ai 4. 4)*dock Sattw'day, October 2. ini flic thjcloi the First ,Metboùdis, tt l'diii EF.iatiston, asicdi ilbe follô%e u-f :i ;àrv- elitioù n.iithe church ,pari' ifrs. l'liee r- 8lisiv wil be performed by -the Rv Johnl M. Schneider, former fit ilie WiInette Parnslu Methudist iir. wlid» uîarried Mr. Baker's parciits. Miss Junse Stout iof Wiinnetlea is t-, la i wi servet,~ r bis l>est ilait. 1 be Cia rrt,. Robent Btsr-'i- as Suillivai, --i -Cr is takL ~vernmnd au-,i arsi,, govermniti %V. T. Reece. nul) t il sl: ili thé, tlif)tfp fta tea-dan« '.is tite daitq) i7versitv set tlemen'ît. AI uts fember 10, :with VAi., f/jrl- lfifr. oid .lfrs. (;ilbérr ment ai1 Lil.. Mil Mrs. J. status'.;' m'Jie rag 1 < fI; en parti Mildred ng a tea