Ann J'onthamn9 daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rennlie Font- hanil o f 121 Third street,, and Donald Ilerbert Me rs*o n, nepbew of Mr. and Mrs. Terbert Mershon of Evanston, wvill talce place on Satiirday, September 25, ini the rectory of St. Francis Xavier church. The Rev. Martin D. McNamara wvill perforin the cerernony at 4 o'clock and a re- Ceptiol vifl follow at-the brides. iaid of honior wiII be Miss Anme ret Molyneaux o0'Ke ilwrh in McClure of EvanstotewI wawr present. 'l'lie Rev. John G. 1linierv ,(f the Wilnette Congregationat cImrc ivliperforum the vedifing cereniony $aturda-,, penl 25, %%-ien .Miqss Lois 4 'rjider. daughtcr.of Mr. and. Mrs. I Iarrv Leer ('riderof Wilrnetté, is niar-. ried to ci7rant S. 2Sinitb.Jrsoi) of Mr. and Mrs. Grant S.. Snuiitth 'flic weddlng iltk lcii î, homie of the bride's parents at 11)~K' iii the inorningand wiIl be iJbvei I a break fast a( the Union Leaguv i chiî; 'Miss Betty Lewman of Cleveland is l", be the -bides maid of honor. StaîIi' Sinith of insdale .ill be his bro .iw' liest mani. Futertaining for the bride cniw i witli the kitchen shower Mrs. \V. u; BaylUss saof Wîiiosetoand Mrs. J. i1. Kattfmn n of Cambridge, Mass. ga% t Aï,gust 19. Mrs. F. C. Lewman atif 1 NI i- I.ewmaîî entertained Miss Gri<kra:t tlivu; homie with a 'miscellaneotîs h.wr Thursday, September 9. Saturday. Svp- temiber 18, Mrs. Grant S. Smith,\Ir,. John Priee, and Miss Peggy Siiùh ' t Ilinsdale, at a réception -at the hoil»v (of NMrs. Price, itrttuced the brti Daflols-The Dritk- Alencon lace, lrimmepd the neck anu i<iîe sieeves of the satin wedding9 tires trornby Miss Maèriette Alice MeGi-ezo of, Evn3ton, <oughter of Mns. 1'aughan-AfcGrew, for her marriage Aigtist 21, 1o William George l3udinger, .wui of Air. and Mrs. John P. Budiosjer of [Wilrneite. The bride and beride.- à1roigln i'uvnt'cest on th'ir -widdinq jtrip aOnuarc Pnokinqiif heir hoont, in Ivanfont0 dauglters friends with a buffet ~i per at lier home. M Nr. Smith and his' bridc wil lw liune ini Canton, Ohio. afttr('d lr Exkibif Ion 1 lit.,