\Vithi the returti of ,mail tiictuhers f roim sununiler vaca- i* îu':t. the ne%% officcrs, of h- i i v-cCoun try cdub), ave tei able. poittients for the coming yrar and this week announce that the * .rtsomneI of tiiese connitlees ~iIbe as follows: ]ttertainent-Dick Howell. Chair- mani, .0 W. Clifton, Ô. N%. Turner, \\"arreii Triggs, Herbert Joncs, Frank I.eggitt, Bob Schnering, A. Monroe Thrlieri N. G. Wettling, Stephçn Love, :.dH. H. Sundblom. ji uIior high dances-Mrs. johni G. \îIsoni, chairman, and Mrs. C. 6. Shecaron; High school hops -.Nrs. 'Slepien Love, chairunan, Mrs. Frank -t.eggitt, and Mrs. S. James Har- b%, threc uneui rel)rescnitii1' Mit - sttauîdiuîg hifcago archiitecture-t fif thé fashiot0i 4ow, to 1),(b'1t0- for .îtveùr t.fieit 25, at SkoieShool -mditor41m, li ii lis u of t ' 'Il i i fi é atU -ior'ti:l -irvtuw% tii inru in il In.oifuvdIMy airpr a wqlI 1 k eaxttv salon. and I w*If Burtilain of Pluruuhiau»1'r and~;:t 1lainnnond forecasts thte ftîuurc Mi Mardi Grasu bv Aicicnfalbrics. Thi- previeuv of tue iiiart. wonan a du(c - ade f roint odav NvilI be nodcled 1w Alis M~ad ti Brihain of 1vat)nu: wiîI: clotlun, frointthe, Frenuch (Ire%- nîaking ýaIout of another *eiI known bop siorc antd a coiffutre, fr,tm ti- .Cook deman.. and ndbali and* chiairmat. and G. B. Hial Laniga, Chitcago sflc tont, willl a cc IWleeoitdoit lmeir î'zd.'<Wmnq edd ple' 7rI"U.t inon-th. A.wl I (<1 flic sanie %Iio;u. 1.. Il -ir Guilds 1 Jck