Piorneer i. Aviation Sîudy O rtave ClîaniItVvaws îreuýiidv,ît 411. Ille .Oicty il 1901 .atid * 011oëiof dt.t taletpiolnccr, i Stustd% of aýviae- tionl. 1le ic wa s ardaiiti ll%, tt! .tiet'li1909 for .-ipa IMr on.j na *Tîî.tuacitte,. givinlg ils Invw 'Occu-T irctilig omir piiIs< 'pies and fflcilalglin'v t.nr ýocKil ami politicail 1fe é ci rdin-- to lDr. Janws S Thomnas rsiet Clark..oii Coliege cof Tcuiî'gpot'- dai. XeNVw VOr'k, wiio si) aks- at the îlinnr Nluda-on -Wh1at ithe Nt.- liîiUC -las IJ)onic tî Na:ki Laud* Matenialiatic Culture ~PhiilO>o1,hcr% ami i(itaii%ýt% llîaý * be vig tht, mchilne fi t, buit tha wc sh4>~44 a1L j~uuube ý.' DI Thiiias *i- that thev rc antwo type. * q> cltuire: aiiidcali>tic cuiltuirc;abouit %ý-lil'ch veylmoyra -t sand a ;t ra. iltic cuiltuire allout whiic'l inob)odv rve Buit the ,niattri;ilistic. cultuire pays ;for ().ur idecalistic culiture. [t diii thi, foi- Socrates, Plaito, .%riîtOt lc 'amiShak- qlîcare. 'l'lie greait 1>trwcle.411 ge ili (',rtec e ui( dtiA.~ fRomtar liturmture. the tailianReais.nc.al ~~er' i:~ eortcd v inustial iviija I liain irnn ,j, 532 a Iêtt \':0 T7ri. r -llti!,11 .ç.heoi. aîd sj'îliît w , 'st Itli,'.0011 W(i> i hiUm.lAfl 0 11w ll411I.l'?arnnIis. ael i,' .oinim.*i' fluEnt'. Young M.ovie PIaj'ers Finish Film Version of "Treasure Island" *I ..,.lt ;d'l)Ifl 11 i otioni DicturL e. I tuitionmrtes m eurnd Ç.oue naau -pomme. FWly aftredfited four-ym Sr oge oefoed.g& a. deope. in Lîberal Arts ammd uie.B. S. de. in Sdence, B. a. A. des lIn Coenuiero. Ais. pre- pneoWI . emdng md - wmcoro Casn.emiet Loop ICuontGI moret ta. 2500 men Mmd - UO»w eNfl. Fall Bemetor SeuleSept. 27 ive. Cmmr.. e w F.vuhg WrIM -er - LIMfrvtm r, SFail -Season s Now On hi dIur at l'y tl ý1art'. Niarian Keeney, L Teacher, Returt trre< froîn Ncw Yo.rk,al orsxweeks of inten'.iVc foremNôt 'danicing tcaci thiere. site gathereti a gi new andi fascinating danc( ~'u 111 ~I' I7lm) fcrt oi film. ani whicb takes A0 illuntite-, to ruli, w~as lziveu to the încnii- besof t lit, Noting thecatrical volnpauy Dan c# ia't,t uudveveniflg ini the raille'Y nls Hlomne t,îeatcr. l in tc litueasenit of flt ut'. ~ e. w'I3;~ll C. offered to the 1public c 'tudI tlk \%iti'~ s aItlliO)tUiCt. îLr~N~ lit: Da'i Bradlcy. who directeti. also reat <faIi> tok tliroles- of BilIy Boîîe'.; and c wïîatt rial a-t' 1 on îju1 iler.Other part%'.wecrt .According to the ainio new gagolilne willgive